
English 1301
Syllabus and Guidelines
Fall 2013
Instructor: Jennifer Decker
Houston Community College System (HCC) is a comprehensive educational institution
that provides academic transfer, workforce, corporate training/continuing education,
developmental, and adult basic education programs. In all of these programs, HCC shall
maintain high standards and encourage innovative teaching methods that take full
advantage of technological advances. HCC encourages students to develop their skills,
both personal and academic; to take responsibility for their education; to become flexible
in order to meet the constantly shifting demands of a rapidly developing world; to
appreciate their culture and those of other societies; and to cultivate excellence.
Course CRN: 60943
Time: 11:00-12:30 MW
Email: Jennifer.decker@hccs.edu
Office Hours: Before and after class and by appointment
1- The Arlington Reader, 3nd edition
2- The New McGraw Hill Handbook
Other Materials required for class:
Loose leaf paper or spiral notebook
Pens or pencils
College dictionary (optional)
Course Description
3 credit hours
English 1301 meets the HCC core curriculum requirement for basic competencies in
reading, writing, speaking, listening, critical thinking and computer literacy.
1301 Student Learning Outcomes
1. Demonstrate knowledge of writing as process
2. Apply basic principles of critical thinking in analyzing reading selections,
developing expository essays, and writing argumentative essays.
3. Analyze elements such as purpose, audience, tone, style, strategy in essays and/or
literature by professional writers.
4. Write essays in appropriate academic writing style using varied rhetorical
5. Synthesize concepts from and use references to assigned readings in academic
A (90-100)=Exceptionally fine work; superior in mechanics, style and content
B (80-89) = above average work; superior in one or two of the above areas
C (70-79)= average quality work; good.
D (60-69) = below average work; noticeably weak in mechanics, style or content
F (below 59)= failing work.
Grade percentages
60%- 4 essays
20% In class activities (including quizzes)
10%- Midterm
10% FinalExam
Extra credit
Extra credit may be received for attending a theatrical production of some kind within the
semester. You must show me a ticket stub or program as proof that you have attended.
The theatre department will have a production this semester with discount tickets for
students. I will also let you know about other productions going on this semester.
- there will be opportunities mentioned during the semester. I might ask you questions. I
know a lot about theatre, so don’t try to scam me.
Reading Assignments and quizzes:
You will be assigned reading assignments from the textbooks. The readings should be
completed before you arrive in class the day they are due. You should expect a short
reading quiz within the first 10 minutes of class. If you are late, or miss class, you may
not make up the quiz.
In-Class Writing
In class assignments must be completed in class the day they are assigned. No makeups
will be given on missed in-class assignments.
You are responsible for finding out what you missed in class if you miss a day. This is
not my responsibility. Please find a fellow student to trade phone numbers or emails with
in order to find out when you’ve missed a change in the syllabus.
Late Work
No late or makeup work will be permitted on the in-class work or the quizzes. I will drop
one of these grades, but missing classes will affect your overall grade in the class. Essays
may be made up, but I will not accept essays more than 2 weeks late.
Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty
Plagiarism will not be tolerated in this course. Plagiarism is the intentional use of
someone else’s work as your own. This can include copying a friend’s homework,
copying directly from a secondary source without proper documentation, or copy and
pasting from an internet source. This also includes buying pre-written papers on the
internet. If you plagiarize, you will receive an F on the assignment, and might fail the
course. Plagiarism can also result in expulsion from the college. If you are unclear of the
boundaries of plagiarism, or think you might be plagiarizing unintentionally, please see
Other important Information:
My Class policy: I feel that a classroom in which each student feels free to express
himself is a key ingredient in quality learning. I do not force anyone to speak up with
ideas or opinions of the reading, but encourage each student to do so. You will not be
wrong, and your ideas might enlighten the rest of us on something we didn’t notice about
the reading. Completing the assignments given for homework will be key in your success
in the class, whether you are speaking in the open discussions or just listening. My only
requirement is that each person in the class remains respectful of everyone else at all
times. Keep cell phones on silent or vibrate, and leave the room if you must take a call.
No racial slurs, sexist remarks or personal comments are appropriate in our learning
environment. If you come in late, come in quietly and please do not interrupt me if I am
lecturing when you walk in. I am very respectful of my students, and I expect the same in
return. With these policies adhered to, we will have a fun and enriching experience.
According to state law, students are only allowed to miss 6 class hours in order to receive
credit. This equals 4 absences. Absences beyond this may result in your withdrawal from
the course. I have the ability to drop you, and may do so if I see fit, However YOU are
responsible for dropping yourself if you decide not to continue the course. If you decide
to stop coming to class, you may receive an F for the course
Students with disabilities
Any student with a documented disability (physical or otherwise) needs to arrange
reasonable accommodation must contact the Disability Support Services (DSS)
Counselor at the beginning of the semester. 713-718-8420.
Other Student Information -English tutoring is available free of charge in the Learning
Center. If you need additional help with assignments, please take advantage of this.
Course Calendar (subject to change by instructor)
Week 1
Aug 26- Intro to the course/syllabus
Aug 28- Active Reading/ The Writing Process/ diagnostic writing
Week 2
Sept 2- Labor Day Holiday
Homework- get books
Sept 4 - Salvation Essay 1 assigned (Narrative) Brainstorming
Homework: The Joy of Reading and Writing, pg 45Always Living in Spanish, Pg 44
Week 3
Sept 9- quiz, discuss readings, rough draft, discuss peer review, “Interview” pg 65
Homework: finish Rough draft of essay 1.
Sept 11- Discuss giving feedback. Rough Draft due- peer review –you must bring your
rough draft Homework: Being Country pg 105 , Ain’t I a Woman pg 146
Homework: The Human Cost of an Illiterate Society page 253
Week 4
Sept 16 Quiz, discussion, Rough Drafts Returned, talk about revision
Homework: Read Fighting Words pg 48 ; The Closest to Love we Ever Get pg 131
Sept 18- quiz, discuss readings, In class reading and discussion “What is Poverty” and “I
want a Wife”
Week 5
Sept 23- ESSAY 1 FINAL DRAFT DUE - in class activities, Definition essay
Sept 25- Compare/Contrast. Neat People Vs Sloppy People , Outlines /Assign Essay 2.
Homework: Being Country pg 105 , Ain’t I a Woman pg 146
Week 6
Sept 30 - Quiz, discussion. Grammar exercises
Homework: Finish rough draft of essay 2
Oct 2- rough drafts due. Peer Review, Midterm review
Week 7
Oct 7- film
Oct 9- film
Homework: finish Essay 2
Week 8
Oct 14- Essay 2 due. Film discussion (for a grade), discuss midterm
Oct 16- Midterm exam
Homework: Academic Cross Dressing: How Intelligent Design Gets its Arguments from
the Left. Pg 460
Week 9
Oct 21- quiz, discussion. Talk about Persuasion. Assign essay 3
Homework: Letter from Birmingham Jail pg 494
Oct 23- quiz, discussion, talk about Thesis
Week 10
Oct 28 - Quiz, discussion, Thesis exercise
HOMEWORK: Finish Rough draft of essay 3
Oct 30 – Peer reviews/ talk about MLA
Homework: finish essay 3
Week 11
Nov 4- essay 3 due. Talk about argument
Homework: : find an article to discuss
Nov 6- article discussion, Talk more about MLA, Assign essay 4
Homework: Shooting an Elephant pg 516
Week 12
Nov 11: article discussion. Works Cited pages
Homework: The Clan of the One Breasted Women pg 576
Nov 13: Quiz, discussion, MLA, article discussion
Homework: Finish rough draft of Argument paper
Week 13
Nov 18- rough draft due. Peer reviews. Article discussion
Nov 20- Library Orientation
Homework: finish essay 4
Week 14
Nov 25- Essay 4 due. Discuss final
Nov 27- TBA
Week 15
Dec 2- Film –LAST DAY FOR LATE PAPERS (Essays 1-4)
Dec 4 finish film and discussion
Week 16
Dec 9 – Final exams due by end of class time