Comp II DE 80808 Spring 14.2.doc

Dr. Gavin Schulz
English 1302, HCC--Southwest
Spring 2014
Distance Education Composition II Syllabus
Welcome to this DE Composition II course. Though we will not be meeting in a classroom, we will be “meeting” regularly online, using the
Eagle Online system.
Instructor: Dr. Gavin Schulz
Section: CRN# 80808
Eagle Online:
The purpose of this course is to prepare you for the short writing assignment one encounters in college. Developing conscientious
writing habits and mastering the various forms will provide a foundation for future writing tasks, even when they demand alternative, or more
sophisticated, forms. There will be an emphasis on organization, pre-writing, and revision skills in order to teach you the connected and
interactive process of writing. This approach is intended to foster in the student the recognition that all writing, not merely poetry or fiction, is
E-mail: Please use the email function in Eagle Online. I will check email at least every morning. For emergencies only, use my HCC
email address: Treat all communication as if it were being conducted in the professional world.
None. All readings will be taken from online sources.
1] 2 semester essays (roughly 1000 words each)
2] Research Paper (roughly 2000 words)
3] Online Exercises
4] Peer Evaluation Exercises
5] Take-Home Final Essay
Technical Compliance: Things will go smoothly if you (1) install the free Firefox browser (not the beta version), (2) run the latest
Java script, and (3) allow pop-ups. You must use the Firefox browser for full compatibility with Eagle Online. Other web browsers are not fully
supported. Be sure to use Firefox for critical, timed tasks such as quizzes and assignment submissions. You will also need Adobe Acrobat
Eagle Online User ID and Login: Your login user ID is your HCC User ID (sometimes referred to as the “W” number). The default
password used to be the word “distance”; however, you should have a personal password for this number now. Use that. If you have any
problems, contact the Eagle Online Help Desk (713-718-2000) for help with your password.
Computer Access: It is the student’s responsibility to have dependable Internet access. Plan ahead—if your computer is down, keep
in mind that HCC provides computer labs for your use. Public libraries also offer computer access.
Technical Help: Many technical questions can be answered when you click on “Technical Requirements,” a link in your Online
Orientation, which is required for the course. I am glad to help you, of course, with course content, but Tech Support is there to help you with
your technical questions. Technical Support can be found at, or by calling 1-855-836-3519. In addition to
your name, they will need your CRN number, your student ID, and my name.
Online Participation: You should log into Eagle Online daily to check for announcements and do the required assignments for the
week. Unless you have informed me of an emergency, failing to log in the first week, failing to log in regularly throughout the semester, and
failing to complete all the assignments will be regarded as not attending, and absences will be recorded.
Eagle Technical Problems: If technical problems occur, say, Eagle Online or the HCC network goes down, we will obviously have
trouble accessing the online platform and meeting deadlines. I will, then, adjust deadlines accordingly.
January 13 First Day of Classes
January 20 Offices closed—MLK Day
February 17
Offices Closed—President’s Day
March 10-16
Offices Closed—Spring Break
March 31 Last Day to Withdraw, 4:30 p.m.
April 18
Offices closed—Spring Holiday
May 4
Instruction Ends
May 5-11 Final Exam Week (No Classes; Only Final Exams)
May 16
Grades Available Online: or
Evaluation Rubric: Grades will be assigned in accordance with the “Evaluation Rubric,” to which you will be given access. Grades will
be assigned on a +/- scale (point equivalents are 88/85/82 for a B+/B/B-, for example).
Grading Scale: Final grades are on an A/B/C scale. A final average of 90-100 will earn an A for the course; 80-89 will earn a B; 7079 will earn a C; 60-69 will earn a D, and 59 or below will earn F’s.
Submitting Your Papers: Save your files with a clear Word file name that includes your name and the assignment.
Rough Drafts: I am willing to read complete or partial drafts of essays at any time up to and including the day one week before each
essay is due.
Due Dates for Essays 1-2: Papers are due by 11:55 p.m. on the days they are due. Failure to submit your paper by this time will
result in a 5 point penalty, with a further 10 points deducted for each 24 hours it is late.
Research Paper and the Take-Home Final Essay: These must be completed on the date assigned—no exceptions except for
documented emergencies. Failure to submit the Research Paper on the due date or submit the Take-Home Final Essay on the final exam day will
result in a 0 for the assignments.
Returning Graded Papers: It will take about two weeks to grade a stack of essays.
Grading Late Papers: All essays turned in after class on the due dates, for whatever reason, will be placed in a separate pile and will
be graded only after all of the on-time essays have been completed.
Lost Papers: It is the student’s responsibility to back up files regularly. Do not get caught by a technical glitch. Keep a copy of your
papers for your own file; should a paper be lost, it is your responsibility to give me another.
Peer Evaluation Exercises: You must have all of the paragraphs requested to participate. No partial participation will be allowed.
Broken computers, printers out of ink, car running out of gas, etc. These may be reasons why you cannot turn in your paper on time,
but they are not excuses. If you wait until the last minute to turn something in and fate conspires against you, then you have only yourself to
blame. Always keep a backup copy of your essay.
There is none. Your grade in this class will be determined by how well you do on the assignments themselves.
Essays that have failed to fulfill the assignment’s requirements will be penalized 5 points for each requirement that you have failed to
fulfill, or 10 points for ignoring a requirement.
Absences: Attendance is required. Students who have no record of attendance (including logging in and submitting work) before the
Census Date (the Official Day of Record—January 27) ) will be automatically dropped from the course by the Registrar’s department. Students
who are dropped for nonattendance will not be reinstated.
In addition, attendance (including submitting online work) is required by the State of Texas and HCCS at all class meetings.
Instructors are expected to drop students who have missed more than 6 hours of class or its online equivalent. Note that students who fail to
submit at least one of Essays 1 and 2 will be dropped.
FX Grades: In addition, should you fail because you have stopped attending/participating, the State of Texas now requires that you be
given an “FX”—a failure for reasons of attendance. For this class, if you fail to submit Essay #3 and the Final Take-Home Essay, you will be
assigned an FX for your final grade.
Withdrawal: It is the student’s responsibility to withdraw; so, should you decide to drop the class, do not merely stop logging in to class.
Note that we no longer have the option to assign "W"'s at the end of the semester, so all students still on my roll at the end of the semester will
receive grades.
Students who repeat a course three or more times, or who accumulate 6 or more “W”’s during their college career, face significant
tuition/fee increases at HCC and other Texas public colleges and universities. If you are considering course withdrawal, confer with your
instructor/counselor as early as possible about your study habits, reading and writing homework, attendance, course participation, and
opportunities for tutoring that might be available. HCC has instituted an Early Alert process by which your professor may “alert” you and DE
counselors that you might fail a class because of absences and/or poor academic performance.
Receiving a “W” or an “FX” in a course may affect the status of your student visa. Once a “W” or an “FX” is given for the course, it
will not be changed to an “F” because of the visa consideration. Please contact the International Student Office at 713-718-8520 if you have any
questions about your visa status and any other transfer issues.
The Southwest College Writing Centers provide a student-centered environment where professional tutors support student success for
all HCC students. The primary goal of the Writing Centers is to offer free, convenient, and personalized assistance to help students improve their
writing at any stage of the writing process required in any courses at HCC. Tutors will also assist students with their job application letters,
resumes, and scholarship/transfer essays. In one-on-one consultations tutors collaborate with students in understanding a writing assignment,
developing ideas, shaping content, writing a thesis, drafting, revising, self-editing, and learning to proofread. Tutors will also assist students with
learning about research and using sources. Furthermore, the Writing Centers offer access to computers and interactive websites for improving
grammar skills. At the Southwest College Writing Centers, each tutoring session becomes a learning experience.
The Southwest College Writing Centers are located in Room N-110 (Scarcella Center) at the Stafford Campus and Room C-218 at the
West Loop Campus. Tutoring is available during each semester Monday through Thursday 10:00 – 5:00. Additional hours, including Friday
hours, will be posted each semester.
Askonline online tutoring strives to foster educational autonomy through asynchronous guidance in the writing process. It provides
one-on-one feedback from faculty tutors on student writing in grammar, structure, content, organization, and critical thinking in all subject areas,
not just English. Students can submit papers and questions 24/7/365 and can reasonably expect responses within 18 - 24 hours. All current HCC
students can register at We strongly suggest that all students view the 8-minute video on the log-in page before sending their
first submission.
Please note that the bookstore is not run by HCC. It is a Barnes and Noble facility. We, therefore, have no say in how it is run, what
books they stock, how many copies of each book they stock, or what they claim you will need for any specific class.
At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is necessary to improve teaching and learning.
During a designated time, you will be asked to answer a short online survey of research-based questions related to instruction. The anonymous
results of the survey will be made available to your professors and division chairs for continual improvement of instruction. Look for the survey
as part of the Houston Community College Student System online near the end of the term.
Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychological, vision, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable
accommodations must contact the Disability Services Office (713-718-7909) at the beginning of each semester.
Texas Senate Bill 1107 passed in May 2011, requires that new HCC students and former HCC students returning after an absence of at least one
fall or spring semester who are under the age of 30 are required to present a physician-signed certificate showing they have been vaccinated
against bacterial meningitis. Beginning with Spring registration, November 7, students will have to satisfy this requirement prior to enrollment.
For more information and a list of exemptions please go to
As with on-campus classes, all students who log into Eagle Online courses are required to follow all HCC Policies & Procedures, the Student
Code of Conduct, the Student Handbook ( ), and relevant sections of the Texas
Education Code when interacting and communicating in a virtual classroom with your professor and fellow students. Students who violate these
policies and guidelines will be subject to disciplinary action that could include denial of access to course-related email, discussion groups, and
chat rooms, or even removal from the class.
Scholastic Dishonesty includes, but is not limited to:
1] “Plagiarism”—using another person’s paper, words, or ideas without quotation marks (if exact words are used) or appropriate citation.
2] “Collusion”--the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work for credit.
A student guilty of a first offense will earn a grade of 0 on the assignment involved. For a second offense, the student will earn an F for
the course.
The purpose of the English Department is to provide courses that transfer to four-year colleges; introduce students to literature from diverse
traditions; prepare students to write clear, communicative, well-organized, and detaioled prose; and develop students’ reading, writing, and
analytical skills.
English 1301 is a course devoted to improving the student’s writing and critical reading. The course involves writing essays for a variety of
purposes from personal to academic, including the introduction to argumentation, critical analysis, and the use of sources. English 1301 is a core
curriculum course.
English 1301 is designed to help students write multi-paragraph expository, analytical, and argumentative essays that have the following
clarity in purpose and expression,
appropriate and sensible organization,
sound content, including applications of concepts from and references to assigned readings,
completeness in development,
unity and coherence,
appropriate strategies of development,
sensitivity to audience,
effective choice of words and sentence patterns,
grammatical and mechanical correctness, and
appropriate MLA citations format.
By the time the students have completed English 1301, they will:
understand writing as a connected and interactive process which includes planning, shaping drafting, revising, editing, and proofreading;
apply writing process to out-of-class writing;
apply writing process as appropriate to in-class; impromptu writing situations, thus showing an ability to communicate effectively in a
variety of writing situations (such as essay exams and standardized writing tests like the TASP);
apply suggestions from evaluated compositions to other writing projects;
understand and apply basic principles of critical thinking in analyzing reading selections, in developing expository essays, and writing
argumentative essays;
apply concepts from and use references to assigned readings in developing essays;
analyze elements of purpose, audience, tone style, and writing strategy in essays by professionals writers
complete short writing assignments, journal entries, readings quizzes, and other activities to strengthen basic thinking an writing skills
understand and appropriately apply various methods of development in writing assignments;
avoid faulty reasoning in all writing assignments;
fulfill the writing requirements of the course, writing at least 6,000 words during the semester.
READING: Reading material at the college level means having the ability to analyze and interpret a variety of materials -- books, articles,
and documents.
WRITING: Writing at the college level means having the ability to produce clear, correct, and coherent prose adapted to purpose,
occasion, and audience. In addition to knowing correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation, students should also become familiar with the
writing process, including how to discover a topic, how to develop and organize it, and how to phrase it effectively for their audience. These
abilities are acquired through practice and reflection.
SPEAKING: Effective speaking is the ability to communicate orally in clear, coherent, and persuasive language appropriate to purpose,
occasion, and audience.
LISTENING: Listening at the college level means the ability to analyze and interpret various forms of spoken communication.
CRITICAL THINKING: Critical thinking embraces methods of applying both qualitative and quantitative skills analytically and
creatively to subject matter in order to evaluate arguments and to construct alternative strategies. Problem solving is one of the applications
of critical thinking used to address an identified task.
COMPUTER LITERACY: Computer literacy at the college level means having the ability to use computer-based technology in
communicating, solving problems, and acquiring information. Core-educated students should have an understanding of the limits, problems,
and possibilities associated with the use of technology and should have the tools necessary to evaluate and learn new technologies as they
become available.
To understand and demonstrate writing and speaking processes through invention, organization, drafting, revision, editing, and presentation.
To understand the importance of specifying audience and purpose and to select appropriate communication choices.
To understand and appropriately apply modes of expression (descriptive, expository, narrative, scientific, and self-expressive) in written,
visual, and oral communication.
To participate effectively in groups with emphasis on listening, critical and reflective thinking, and responding.
To understand and apply basic principles of critical thinking, problem solving, and technical proficiency in the development of exposition
and argument.
To develop the ability to research and write a documented paper and/or give an oral presentation.
1. Demonstrate knowledge of writing as process.
2. Apply basic principles of critical thinking in analyzing reading
selections, developing expository essays, and writing argumentative essays.
3. Analyze elements such as purpose, audience, tone, style, strategy in essays and/or literature by professional writers.
4. Write essays in appropriate academic writing style using varied rhetorical strategies.
5. Synthesize concepts from and use references to assigned readings in their own academic writing.
Dr. Gavin Schulz
English 1302, HCCS--Southwest
Spring 2014
DE Course Calendar
Class Exercises & Submissions Schedule
(* Assignments are to be complete4d by 11:55 p.m. on the days they are due *)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------** First Week Exercises **
Week 1:
Diagnostic Essay—Sun., Jan. 19
Syllabus Quiz—Due Sun., Jan. 19
** Beginning of Essay Assignment #1 Module **
Week 2:
20] Offices Closed—Martin Luther King Jr. Observance
--No online exercises are due this week; just read the lectures posted in our class--
Week 3:
Week 4:
Week 5:
Brainstorming Exercise— Due Mon., Jan. 27
Plagiarism Exercise— Due Wed., Jan. 28
APA Citation Exercise— Due Mon., Feb. 3
Logic Chain Exercise— Due Wed., Feb. 5
Rough Draft Submission— Due Mon., Feb. 10
Peer Evaluation Exercise—Due Wed., Feb. 12
Essay Assignment #1 Final Draft Submission— Due Sun., Feb. 16
** End of Essay Assignment #1 Module **
** Beginning of Essay Assignment #2 Module **
Week 6:
17] Offices Closed—President’s Day Holiday
Week 7:
Week 8:
Read stories listed for Essay Assignment #2—Due Sun., Mar. 23
Brainstorming Exercise—Due Sun., Feb. 23
Extended Definition Exercise—Due Thu., Feb. 27
Transition Exercise—Due Sun., Mar. 2
Cause/Effect Chain Exercise—Due Wed., Mar. 5
Conclusion Exercise—Due Fri. Mar. 7
Chicago Citation Exercise—Due Fri., Mar. 7
Week 9:
10-16] Offices closed—
Spring Break Holiday
Week 10:
Rough Draft Submission—Due Tue., Mar. 18
Peer Evaluation Exercise—Due Thu., Mar. 20
Essay Assignment #2 Final Draft Submission—Due Sun., Mar. 23
** End of Essay Assignment #2 Module **
** Beginning of Essay Assignment #3 Module **
Week 11:
--No online exercises are due this week; just read the lectures posted in our class--
Week 12:
31] ** Mon. Mar. 31: Last day to drop with a "W" @ 4:30 p.m. **
Week 13:
Brainstorming Exercise—Due Mon., Mar. 31
Opposition Response Exercise—Due Thu., Apr. 3
Library Orientation—Due Sun., Apr. 6
Legitimate Sources Exercise—Due Mon., Apr. 7
Incorporating Sources Exercise—Due., Wed. Apr. 9
Week 14:
Week 15:
In-Text Citation Exercise—Due Mon., Apr. 14
Works Cited Page Exercise—Due Wed. Apr. 16
18] Offices Closed—Spring Holiday
Title Exercise—Due Wed., Apr. 23
Essay Assignment #3 Final Draft Submission—Due Mon., Apr. 28
Week 16:
** End of Essay Assignment #3 Module **
** Final Exam Week **
Final Take-Home Essay—Due Wed., May 7
(** Note: changes can and may be made at the Instructor’s discretion **)