Paper Guidelines Psych 2314 Developmental Psychology with Dr. Morecook MY DRAFT POLICY: The draft is graded on a COMPLETION basis and is worth up to 10 points. If you turn it in on the day that it is due and I am persuaded you have done a creditable job on it, you will get 10 of 10 points. For each class day late the maximum points available is reduced by 2. If you do not turn in a draft your final paper will lose all 10 points. INSTRUCTIONS – THESE MAY ALSO BE CLARIFIED OR EXPANDED UPON IN CLASS Provide a cover page with your name and the title of the paper on it. There must be five or more pages of narrative [that means text, words] An abstract is optional. [An abstract is a short summary at the beginning of the paper] All main ideas based on research should be referenced with end notes done in the APA style. Examples of endnotes are available throughout your text.* More info about APA style should be available at the library, if needed. Quotations must appear within quotes and the page number[s] given for the source. You must have at least five references. You may cite your textbook, but this should not be a major source for your paper. Most sources should be journal articles, books, or book chapters on your topic. You may cite internet sources no more than twice. EXCEPTION: A journal article that you find on the internet counts as a journal article, even if you find in and cite it as on the internet. That is, it will not count against the limit of two maximum cites to the internet. Every cite in your paper must appear in the references at the end of your paper, and every reference at the end of your paper must appear as a cite in the body of your paper. Good luck! *Endnotes Here are examples: In the text you read: [S]he knew from personal experience that “adolescents are hyperaware of other’s evaluations and feel they are under constant scrutiny by an imaginary audience” (Somerville, 2013, p. 124) At the end of the paper there is an endnote that reads: Somerville, Leah H. (2013). The teenage brain: Sensitivity to social evaluation. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 22(2), 121-127. In the text you read on page 194: Ainsworth (1973) developed a now classic laboratory procedure… At the end of the paper there is an endnote that reads: Ainsworth, Mary D. Salter (1973). The development of infant-mother attachment. In Bettye M. Caldwell and Henry N. Ricciuti (Eds), Child development and social policy (pp. 1-94). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. REFERENCE LIST Put them in alphabetical order