Art History I Final Review Sheeet13.doc

Arts 1303
Final Review Sheet
Chapter 15, Early Medieval Art
Migration Period
Mass movemements of tribal peoples (“Barbarians”) after the fall of Rome
Small objects
Tribal groups convert to christanity one by one
New styles synthesized from pre Christian tribal art and Roman art
Feudalism and the Church two institutions that preserve societal order
Jewelry of Queen Arneunde
Merovingian Queen’s jewelry from her burial c. 580-590
Gold, silver, garnets, glass beads
Cast, cut and carved and inlayed
Gummersmark Broach
“safety pin” to hold clothing, 6th century Denmark
human, animal, and geometric forms, spirals, whorls
“horror vacuii” fills every space
molds crafted to produce glittering surface
Hinged Clasp from theSutton Hoo Burial Ship, 7th century, Suffolk, England
inlays of thin garnet, serpetine interlacements patterns, granulation of gold
Page with Man, Gospel Book of Durrow, Gospel of Matthew, 7th century
Interlace ornament, illumination, hand painted
Page with Beginning Text of Matthew’s Gospel, Lindsfrarne Gospel Book
c. 715-720, ink and tempera on vellum (calf skin)
whorls, interlace, derived from barbarian forms
South Cross, Ahenny, County Tipperary, Ireland. 8th century. Stone
Celtic cross (circle), spirals, interlace, bosses (“bumps”)
Buirial ship, from Osberg, Norway. Ship 815-20: burial 834. Wood.
Vikings, longboat, ship burial, skeletal keel and rib construction
Stave Church, Brgund, Norway, c. 1125-1150
wooden “skeletal” construction
Palace Chapel of Charlemagne, 792-805
Polygon, influence from Ravenna, stone architecture in Northern Europe
Page with Matthew the Evangelist. Book of Matthew, Ebbo Gospels. c. 816-35.
Ink, gold and colors on velum.
Northern artist’s interpretation of Greco-Roman tradition , wild energy,
Horror vaccuii
Chapter 16, Romanesque Art
Religious pigrimage and pilgimage churches shortly after year 1000
Veneration of holy relics (remains of saints)
“Roman-like”, large constructions using primitive geometric shapes, octagons,
cylinders, boxes, use of arches and arcades of arches, barrel vaults
Reliquary Statue of Saint Foy (St. Faith), later 9th or early 10th century
Reliquary holds remains of child saint
Cathedral of St. James, Santiago de Compostela
Use of barrel vaults, strip buttressing, polygons, towers, cylinders
Pilgroimage church
Abbey Church of Notre-Dame. Fontenay, 1139-1147
Pointed arch, barrel vault, mathematical harmony, unadorned
Cathedral Complex, Pisa, 13th century
Italian preference for basilica, large geomrtric shapes, arcades of arches
Primitive geometric shapes (cylinders, polygons), arch arcades
Durham Cathedral, England, 1087-1133
New system of ribbed groin vaults over nave, looks forward to Gothic
Norman influence
South portal and porch, Priory Church of Saint-Pierre, Moissac, Toulose,
France. C. 1115-30
Tympanum, archivolts, jambs, tremeau, medeival proportions for the
human figure, linear, signs of the evangelists
West portal, Cathedral of Saint-Lazzare, Autun, Bergundy, France
Last Judgement, mandorla, Christ in Majesty
Bayeux Tapestry, Norman-Anglo-Saxon embroidery from Cantebury, Kent,
England, or Bayeaux,
Battle of Hatings 1066, embroidery, narrative
Chapter 17, Gothic Art
Ambulatory and Apse Chapels of the Abbey Church of Saint-Denis, France,
Pointed arches, ribbed vaults, stained glass
Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Paris. Begun 1163,
nave, transept, apse, aisles, ribbed vaults, pointed arches, speyer, flying
buttresses, finials, clerestory
West facade, Chartres Cathedral, the Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Chartres,
Royal Portal, France. C. 1134-1220
west works towers, rose window, flying buttresses, Royal Portal, scuplture
“imprisoned” by wall, stained glass, skeletal constructrion
Royal Portal, West Façade, Chartres Cathedral, c . 1145-1155
Kings and queens “imprisoned” in wall, blank stares, lineage of Christ
Annunciation (left pair: Mary [right] c. 1245, angel [left] c. 1255) and Visitation
(right pair: Mary [left] and Elizabeth [right] c. 1230), right side central portal, west
façade, Reims Cathedral
Classical models? Perhaps Flavian Roman portrait sculpture
Contraposto, humanizing
Interior, upper chapel, the Sainte-Chapelle, Paris. 1243-48
stained glass, Rayonnant, reliquery for piece of true cross
“jewel box”