Associated Student Government Senate Meeting Minutes Los Angeles City College | 2nd floor Conference Room | Student Union Building Thursday, December 3rd, 2015 |3:30 PM Notice is hereby given that the Associated Student Government (ASG) of Los Angeles City College will convene their Senate Meeting at the place and time listed above. The starting and ending times are approximate. This meeting is to be called under the authority of the California Government Code Section 54956. The Board invites public testimony in conjunction with each item of business after formal discussion. The agenda is as follows: *** PLEASE NOTE*** ASG SENATE BOARD HAS THE DISCRETION TO TAKE AGENDA ITEMS OUT OF ORDER I. II. Call to Order- 3:37PM Roll Call: PRESIDENT, Bryant Woodert, present EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, Rose Oscar, present PARLIAMENTARIAN, VACANT VICE PRESIDENT OF FINANCE, Sheldon Harvey, absent VICE PRESIDENT OF CLUBS, Saeed Hossaeini, present EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, Tristan Bantog, present SENATOR, Lavel Berry, left at 5:16PM SENATOR, Murat Gabriel, absent SENATOR, Owen Grissom, present SENATOR, Jenné Henry, absent SENATOR, Scheick Toure, present SENATOR, Arsen Shakhbazyan, left at 3:55PM SENATOR, Alyssia Hogue, present SENATOR, Mandie Dixon, present SENATOR, Diego Mendez, present ADVISOR, Alen Andriassian, present III. Approval of Minutes Advisor’s report needed to state that there were problems in the previous year. Berry’s report stated that there was a new cadet, not a sheriff. Not the current year. The President’s Report was missing a comma between Business Office and despite. Hogue motioned to approve IV. Public Forum This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Board on issues not already appearing on the agenda. Each member will be limited to a total of Three (3) minutes. (Limited to 20 minutes) Professor Nishimura reported that there would be 2.2 million dollars in the 2015-2016 Student Equity Budget. The budget would be spent improving access, course completion, basic skills completion, degree/ certification completion, and transfer. The recent funding has been spent on the First-Year Experience Program and STEM Academy. Targeted groups of the equity funds are African American men and women. If the college doesn’t grow by 3% in the spring semester then funding for the college will be decreased. One of the reasons for the recent decline in attendance is students leaving to other colleges. Adrian Osuna expressed his concern that there had been no current intramural sports in effect this fall semester. V. Reports (Each member will be limited to a total of Five (5) minutes) A. President’s Report Discussed with Dr. Smith that the ID printer is still unavailable. In addition, one of the workers in the Cub room is excessively rude. B. Officer Reports/Committee Reports Berry: New Support staff members will be accepted during the spring semester. There has been no dissemination of knowledge to students in what to do in the event of an active shooter. Prices for the Mark Hamill Q&A may be reduced from their current price to $10 or may be free in order to increase attendance. C. Advisor’s Report Please submit your Student Evaluations if you have not already. There have been recent safety issues on campus. 888777 is the emergency hotline to the Sherriff’s department if there is a danger on any of the LACCD campuses. VI. Discussion Items (Each Discussion Item is limited to a total of Ten (10) minutes) A. Student Concerns Will be moved to the next meeting. B. Student Forum Will be moved to the next meeting. C. Cancellation of ASG Eligibility for Impeached Officers Will be moved to the next meeting. VII. Action Items (Each Action Item is limited to a total of Ten (10) minutes) 4:00pm A. Sheldon Harvey Impeachment Hearing Harvey has submitted his letter of resignation. NOTICE: In compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code 54950-54963) this meeting shall be open to all members of the public, press, and media. In compliance with the California Public Records Act aka CPRA (California Government Code 6250-6270), this agenda and all meeting materials distributed during this public meeting shall be made available and in alternate formats upon request. Please contact the Associated Student Government (ASG) office located in the 2nd floor, Student Union Building in person or by phone at (323) 953-4000, Ext. # 2475. You may also address any comments, concerns, or requests to Bryant Woodert, ASG President, in person at his office in the Student Union Building, by calling (323) 953-4000, Ext. # 2478, or via email: B. C. $100 for Black Student Union Event Did not appear in the Finance agenda. $63.50 for French Club Event Was not discussed in the Finance committee because French Club would take the funds from their own account. D. $350.00 for Black Student Union Event Did not appear in the Finance agenda. E. $500.00 or less for ASG Spring Semester Giveaways Hogue suggests it would be a good idea to approve the funds prior to the winter session in order to have all the purchase items bought while holiday deals are still around. Mendez motioned to approve $500.00 or less for ASG Spring Semester Giveaways. Oscar voted yes, Hossaeini voted yes, Berry voted yes, Grissom voted yes, Toure voted yes, Hogue voted yes, Dixon voted yes, Mendez voted yes. Motion passed unanimously. F. $1000.00 for Food Sales at Student Forum Oscar motioned to approve $1,000.00 for Food Sales at Student Forum from Campus Activities account #. Food would be pre-packaged as opposed to food trucks to avoid additional costs. Discounts for ASG members will be in discussion. Transactions can be paid through credit cards. The forum would be held in the quad. Oscar voted yes, Hossaeini voted yes, Berry voted yes, Grissom voted yes, Toure voted yes, Hogue voted yes, Dixon voted yes, Mendez voted yes. Motion passed unanimously. G. Addition of Transcript Notation for Service in ASG Hossaeini motioned to approve additional transcript notation for service in ASG. Notations would be made on the transcript for the position held and the duration of his or her participation. Hossaeini motioned to postpone this indefinitely. Oscar voted yes, Hossaeini voted yes, Berry voted yes, Grissom voted yes, Toure voted yes, Hogue voted yes, Dixon voted yes, Mendez voted yes. Motion passed unanimously. H. $5000.00 for ASG Spring Retreat Hossaeini motioned to approve $5,000.00 for ASG Spring Retreat. The retreat would be a weekend long retreat with multiple speakers. Oscar expressed concern that the suggested cost is too high and the training would not be able to adequately help us in our individual positions. Dixon agreed that the retreat is necessary to get all the officers to perform their duties properly. Woodert stated that the workshop should not need to address positions due to one particular instance, but the workshop is still vital to our improvement as student leaders. Tolefree suggested that before a person is sworn into office they should be given more prior experience in his or her role. Andriassian noted that one of the reasons for lack of experience is because until recently there had been no Senator positions. Hogue stated that the retreat itself is still a beneficial experience. Berry motioned to move to the question. Oscar voted yes, Hossaeini voted yes, Berry voted yes, Grissom voted yes, Toure voted yes, Hogue voted yes, Dixon voted yes, Mendez voted yes. Motion passed unanimously. Voting to approve $5,000 for the ASG Spring Retreat: Oscar voted no, Hossaeini voted yes, Berry voted yes, Grissom voted yes, Toure abstained, Hogue voted yes, Dixon abstained, Mendez voted yes. Motion passed to approve $5000 for ASG Spring Retreat. Oscar motioned to postpone discussion items and reports until the next meeting. Berry motioned to amend Oscar’s motion to not postpone reports until the next meeting. Voting on Berry’s amendment: Oscar voted no, Hossaeini voted no, Berry voted yes, Grissom voted yes, Toure voted yes, Hogue voted yes, Dixon voted yes, Mendez voted yes. Motion passed. A motion was passed unanimously to postpone discussions. VIII. NEW BUSINESS IX. PROGRESS REPORT X. ANNOUNCEMENTS The UC deadline has been extended until January 7th. The discount cards still need to be sold. The ASG Newsletter is going to be sent out soon. XI. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 5:24PM. NOTICE: In compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code 54950-54963) this meeting shall be open to all members of the public, press, and media. In compliance with the California Public Records Act aka CPRA (California Government Code 6250-6270), this agenda and all meeting materials distributed during this public meeting shall be made available and in alternate formats upon request. Please contact the Associated Student Government (ASG) office located in the 2nd floor, Student Union Building in person or by phone at (323) 953-4000, Ext. # 2475. You may also address any comments, concerns, or requests to Bryant Woodert, ASG President, in person at his office in the Student Union Building, by calling (323) 953-4000, Ext. # 2478, or via email: