Associated Student Government Senate Meeting Minutes Los Angeles City College | 2nd floor Conference Room | Student Union Building Thursday, October 29th, 2015 |3:30 PM Notice is hereby given that the Associated Student Government (ASG) of Los Angeles City College will convene their Senate Meeting at the place and time listed above. The starting and ending times are approximate. This meeting is to be called under the authority of the California Government Code Section 54956. The Board invites public testimony in conjunction with each item of business after formal discussion. The agenda is as follows: *** PLEASE NOTE*** ASG SENATE BOARD HAS THE DISCRETION TO TAKE AGENDA ITEMS OUT OF ORDER I. II. Call to Order 3:36PM Roll Call: PRESIDENT, Bryant Woodert, present EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, Rose Oscar, present PARLIAMENTARIAN, Kazi Mahmood, present VICE PRESIDENT OF FINANCE, Sheldon Harvey, present VICE PRESIDENT OF CLUBS, Saeed Hossaeini, present EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, Tristan Bantog, present SENATOR, Lavel Berry, present SENATOR, Murat Gabriel, left at 4:45PM III. IV. V. VI. SENATOR, Owen Grissom, absent SENATOR, Jenné Henry, present SENATOR, Scheick Toure, present SENATOR, Arsen Shakhbazyan, present SENATOR, Alyssia Hogue, present SENATOR, Mandie Dixon, present SENATOR, Diego Mendez, present ADVISOR, Alen Andriassian, present Approval of Minutes Harvey motioned to approve the minutes. Berry stated his report needed to state, “First year students who look lost should be given help”. Minutes were approved with the following amendments. Public Forum This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Board on issues not already appearing on the agenda. Each member will be limited to a total of Three (3) minutes. (Limited to 20 minutes) Reports (Each member will be limited to a total of Five (5) minutes) A. President’s Report Spoke with Trustee Anderson to determine the function of Higher One and its’ dispersions of financial aid. Item from LACC was not put in the agenda in regard to the bond money. In the Academic Senate Meeting the Foundation proposed housing for Veterans. LACC may be the first community college to have housing for Veterans. In addition, jobs will be created on the bottom floor of the housing to create jobs for the students. B. Officer Reports/Committee Reports Berry: Students should be wary of suspicious individuals due to recent incidents on campus. VP of Clubs had a good club meeting. Hossaeini: Club Council meeting went well. Lots of clubs are excited to plan their events. November 18 th is the next club council event. A large club list will be created downstairs. Shakhbazyan: Halloween event went very smoothly, more than 150 students attended. Thank you for everyone who helped out. Hogue: Photos of the ASG officers should be in a online public storage space accessible to all officers. Currently working on Newsletter and working to improve the media signage throughout the campus, as well as running a live feed through the monitors. Please send any photos relevant to ASG office life or events. Harvey: Finance meeting agendas additions have a deadline of no later than after Thursday’s Senate meetings. Any action item submissions for ASG must go through Mendez before they reach Bantog to be placed on the Finance and Senate Meeting Agendas. Gabriel: Health Fair date may be postponed until the second semester. A soccer tournament may be planned for those who are interested on campus. Henry: Please make sure if you see people in the Resource Center that they have signed in. Technology Steering meeting was disorganized and shorter than initially planned. No agenda was included in the meeting. Toure: SSCCC packet was sent out and will be forwarded to those who are going to the conference. Was unable to attend the SSSP meeting. Dixon: Survey of different services was created. Currently planning a time-management workshop with hopefully the support of the different services. Oscar: November 5th there is a free workshop for Personal Statements at 12PM in the Transfer Center. If you are petitioning for graduation, petitioning starts on November 5th. BSU is having an annual toy drive to be donated at the Children’s Hospital. Deadline is December 10th. A motion was passed to postpone Discussion Items until next week’s meeting. A vote of 7-3 was passed in order of postponing Discussion Items until next week’s meeting. C. Advisor’s Report Was busy yesterday at Trade Tech. The board this year is doing well. Surveys for Student Learning Outcome must be completed during and turned in as soon as possible. Discussion Items (Each Discussion Item is limited to a total of Ten (10) minutes) NOTICE: In compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code 54950-54963) this meeting shall be open to all members of the public, press, and media. In compliance with the California Public Records Act aka CPRA (California Government Code 6250-6270), this agenda and all meeting materials distributed during this public meeting shall be made available and in alternate formats upon request. Please contact the Associated Student Government (ASG) office located in the 2nd floor, Student Union Building in person or by phone at (323) 953-4000, Ext. # 2475. You may also address any comments, concerns, or requests to Bryant Woodert, ASG President, in person at his office in the Student Union Building, by calling (323) 953-4000, Ext. # 2478, or via email: A. B. C. VII. Student Concerns Intramural Sports ASG Newsletter Action Items (Each Action Item is limited to a total of Ten (10) minutes) 4:00pm A. $500.00 for ASG Banners. Hossaeini motioned to draw $500 from Advocacy account #6004. Banners would be used to make the ASG known at certain events. Banners have been found in the storage room. Quality products should be priority. Oscar voted yes, Harvey absent from vote, Hossaeini absent from vote, Berry voted yes, Gabriel voted yes, Henry voted yes, Toure voted yes, Shakhbazyan voted yes, Hogue voted yes, Dixon voted yes, Mendez voted yes. Motion passed unanimously. B. $200.00 for Photo Frames Hossaeini motioned to draw $200 from Advocacy account #6004. The board should look into wholesale items or donated photo frames. Photo frames should be purchased as soon as possible in order to increase public awareness. Oscar voted yes, Harvey voted yes, Hossaeini voted yes, Berry voted yes, Gabriel voted yes, Henry voted yes, Toure voted yes, Shakhbazyan voted yes, Hogue voted yes, Dixon voted yes, Mendez voted yes. Motion passed unanimously. C. $300.00 for ASG T-Shirts Hossaeini motioned to draw $300 for Advocacy account #6004. The extra T-Shirts would be used to provide uniforms for new ASG members and new Support Staff members. Oscar voted yes, Harvey voted yes, Hossaeini voted yes, Berry voted yes, Gabriel voted yes, Henry voted yes, Toure voted no, Shakhbazyan voted yes, Hogue voted yes, Dixon voted yes, Mendez voted yes. Motion passed unanimously. D. $1,500.00 for Mac computer and Tablet to be used by ASG Did not pass in the Finance Committee. Will appear in the next meeting agenda. E. $8,000.00 for SSCCC conference from Advocacy Hossaeini motioned to approve $8,000 for SSCCC conference from Advocacy account #6004. Multiple options of transportation are available. Six board members are definitely going to attend. Oscar voted yes, Harvey voted yes, Hossaeini voted yes, Berry voted yes, Henry voted yes, Toure voted yes, Shakhbazyan voted yes, Hogue voted yes, Dixon voted yes, Mendez voted yes. Motion passed unanimously. F. $100.00 for food for the Black Student Union Motivational Speaker Event Did not pass in the Finance Committee. G. $50.00 for refreshments Black Student Union Introduction Workshop Did not pass in the Finance Committee. H. $80.00 for Transferring Empowered Youth (TEY) Event Did not pass in the Finance Committee. VIII. NEW BUSINESS Voting on SSCCC Resolutions Packet next week under Action Items IX. PROGRESS REPORT X. ANNOUNCEMENTS Houge: Not everyone emailed in his or her statements for the ASG Newsletter. Please do it as soon as possible. XI. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 5:03PM NOTICE: In compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code 54950-54963) this meeting shall be open to all members of the public, press, and media. In compliance with the California Public Records Act aka CPRA (California Government Code 6250-6270), this agenda and all meeting materials distributed during this public meeting shall be made available and in alternate formats upon request. Please contact the Associated Student Government (ASG) office located in the 2nd floor, Student Union Building in person or by phone at (323) 953-4000, Ext. # 2475. You may also address any comments, concerns, or requests to Bryant Woodert, ASG President, in person at his office in the Student Union Building, by calling (323) 953-4000, Ext. # 2478, or via email: