Senate Minutes 10.22.15

Associated Student Government
Senate Meeting Minutes
Los Angeles City College | 2nd floor Conference Room | Student Union Building
Thursday, October 22, 2015 |3:30 PM
Notice is hereby given that the Associated Student Government (ASG) of Los Angeles City College will convene their Senate Meeting at the place and time listed
above. The starting and ending times are approximate. This meeting is to be called under the authority of the California Government Code Section 54956. The
Board invites public testimony in conjunction with each item of business after formal discussion. The agenda is as follows:
Call to Order: 3:36PM
Roll Call:
PRESIDENT, Bryant Woodert, absent
SENATOR, Owen Grissom, present
PARLIAMENTARIAN, Kazi Mahmood, absent
SENATOR, Jenné Henry, left at 5:29PM
VICE PRESIDENT OF FINANCE, Sheldon Harvey, present
SENATOR, Scheick Toure, present
VICE PRESIDENT OF CLUBS, Saeed Hossaeini, arrived at
SENATOR, Arsen Shakhbazyan, present
SENATOR, Alyssia Hogue, present
EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, Tristan Bantog, present
SENATOR, Mandie Dixon, left at 4:00PM
SENATOR, Lavel Berry, left at 4:48PM
SENATOR, Diego Mendez, present
SENATOR, Murat Gabriel, absent
ADVISOR, Alen Andriassian, present
Approval of Minutes Building Fund Forum needed to be read, “Copy Center would be able to gain support from administration in order to gain
revenue. Provide employment, and address student needs while being a lower cost than the cafeteria”. Charity Tolefree, Mandie Dixon, and Diego
Mendez’s name needed to be corrected. No motion was put forth to approve the minutes with the following corrections.
Public Forum
This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Board on issues not already appearing on the agenda. Each member will be limited to
a total of Three (3) minutes. (Limited to 20 minutes)
Milo Anderson: New Student Trustee who will be sworn in on November 4th. Will support the ASG government of LACC to the best of his ability.
Thomas Williams: Social and political networking is very important for the students. Black Student Union should be allowed to network with BSU
clubs on other campuses.
Reports (Each member will be limited to a total of Five (5) minutes)
A. President’s Report Not present.
B. Officer Reports/Committee Reports Grissom: LGBT Mixer was a success, thank you to everyone who helped organize the event. Harvey:
Attended the LACC Budget Committee. Voting has not occurred thus far. Dr. al-Amin would like the VP of Finance to disseminate
information. Student enrollment was down since last year, affecting the budget by $2 million dollars. Shakhbazyan: Decorations have been
purchased. Food must still be purchased. If you are available to help, please sign up. Hogue: Newsletters will start being sent out through
student email accounts. Officer pictures and short statements will be included in the email. Publication request deadlines will be made aware of
when determined. Henry: Sip-N-See presents “Cupcakes and Cocktails” SSCCC conference will be November 13-15th. Six people are planning
to attend as of now. Bottles of apple cider have gone missing. Berry: Large number of people would like to join Support Staff. First Year
Experience students have been lost. Cleanliness could be improved if tables and chairs were pushed away from the walls to help the custodians.
Noise levels have been declining as of late. Study rooms are now available. Copy Center is running smoother. Oscar: Would like to plan
weekly Friday meetings with Support Staff. LGBT Mixer was a great event. Midterms are approaching rapidly, so ask for help if you need it.
New Senators must submit office hours as well as determine a Shared Council meeting. Bantog: Finance Committee agendas are due on
Fridays by 12PM and Senate Meeting agendas are due Saturdays by 12PM.
C. Advisor’s Report LGBT mixer made a group of underrepresented people feel very welcome. Eligibility checks will be conducted for new
Senators. Next week will be very busy, if you need to contact Dean Andriassian Tuesday and Thursday will be the best days.
Discussion Items (Each Discussion Item is limited to a total of Ten (10) minutes)
A. Student Concerns There should be bi-weekly student forums to receive student opinions and concerns to get connected to the student body.
Mendez: Students have addressed that there have been a lack of feminine hygiene supplies around the campus. Grissom: Forums should have a
suggestion box for shy students to have the opportunity to express their concerns. Andriassian: Discount cards are now available in the
Business Office.
NOTICE: In compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code 54950-54963) this meeting shall be open to all members of the public, press, and media. In compliance with the California Public Records Act aka
CPRA (California Government Code 6250-6270), this agenda and all meeting materials distributed during this public meeting shall be made available and in alternate formats upon request. Please contact the Associated Student
Government (ASG) office located in the 2nd floor, Student Union Building in person or by phone at (323) 953-4000, Ext. # 2475. You may also address any comments, concerns, or requests to Bryant Woodert, ASG President, in
person at his office in the Student Union Building, by calling (323) 953-4000, Ext. # 2478, or via email:
Building Fund Forum An account may be created for any students who wish to donate the creation of a cafeteria. ASG fees are voluntary
fees, whereas the building fee would be mandatory. Annual fees must be limited at $10 with no current benefits. There is an option of bringing
more food trucks on campus. An immediate answer to the food problems would be beneficial to the student body. Hogue motioned to create a
building fund committee who would submit a proposal to be chaired by Woodert, seconded by Harvey. Oscar abstained, Harvey votes yes,
Hossaeini votes no, Grissom votes yes, Henry votes yes, Toure votes no, Shakhbazyan votes no, Hogue votes yes, Mendez votes yes. Motion
C. Intramural Sports No discussion.
Action Items (Each Action Item is limited to a total of Ten (10) minutes) 4:00pm
A. $500 for ASG Banners Did not appear in the Finance Committee Agenda.
B. $200 for Photo Frames Did not appear in the Finance Committee Agenda.
C. $500 for Health Fair Did not pass in the Finance Committee. Finance Committee did not feel that the event was not detailed enough. Grissom
motioned to postpone Action Item A and B for October 29th, seconded by Toure. Oscar votes yes, Harvey votes yes, Hossaeini votes yes,
Grissom votes yes, Henry votes yes, Toure votes yes, Shakhbazyan votes yes, Hogue votes yes, Mendez votes yes. Motion passed
X. ANNOUNCEMENTS UC Representative will be at the Transfer Center tomorrow from 10AM-12PM. On November 5th there will be a personal statement workshop in the
Transfer Center. East Los Angeles College will have an open mic at 6:30PM for suicide prevention.
ADJOURNMENT Hossaeini motioned to adjourn the meeting at 5:36PM, seconded by Grissom. No objections. Motion passed.
NOTICE: In compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code 54950-54963) this meeting shall be open to all members of the public, press, and media. In compliance with the California Public Records Act aka
CPRA (California Government Code 6250-6270), this agenda and all meeting materials distributed during this public meeting shall be made available and in alternate formats upon request. Please contact the Associated Student
Government (ASG) office located in the 2nd floor, Student Union Building in person or by phone at (323) 953-4000, Ext. # 2475. You may also address any comments, concerns, or requests to Bryant Woodert, ASG President, in
person at his office in the Student Union Building, by calling (323) 953-4000, Ext. # 2478, or via email: