The British Empire-Chpt.6.doc

Chapter 6
The British Empire and the Colonial Crisis, 1754-1775
1. Seven Year’s War
2. Albany Plan of Union
3. William Pitt
4. Treaty of Paris 1763
5. Pontiac’s Rebellion
6. Proclamation of 1763
7. The Sugar Act of 1764
8. The Stamp Act
9. Virtual Representation
10. Patrick Henry
11. Samuel Adams
12. Sons of Liberty
13. Thomas Hutchinson
14. Stamp Act Congress
15. Declaratory Act
16. The Townshend duties
17. Nonconsumption agreements
18. Boston Massacre
19. Gaspee
20. Committees of Correspondence
21. Tea Act of 1773
22. The Coercive Acts
23. Quebec Act
24. First Continental Congress
25. Lexington and Concord
26. Phyllis Wheatley
Essay Questions
1. In the mid-eighteenth century, how did Native Americans influence relations
between European nations? Between Britain and the colonies? (Textbook, pg 171
“Making Connections #1)
2. What other grievances, besides taxation, led colonists by 1775 to openly rebel
against Britain? (Textbook, pg 171 “Making Connections #1)