Filtering, Fusion and Dynamic Information Presentation: Towards a General Information Firewall Gregory Conti College of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology United States Military Academy Denial of Information Attacks: Intentional Attacks that overwhelm the human or otherwise alter their decision making The Problem of Information Growth • The surface WWW contains ~170TB (17xLOC) • IM generates five billion messages a day (750GB), or 274 terabytes a year. • Email generates about 400,000 TB/year. • P2P file exchange on the Internet is growing rapidly. The largest files exchanged are video files larger than 100 MB, but the most frequently exchanged files contain music (MP3 files). Defense Taxonomy (Big Picture) Legal Federal Can Spam Legislation (Jan 04) Lawsuits New Laws Regulatory Government Regulation Moral PR Campaign Microsoft, AOL, Earthlink and Yahoo file 6 antispam lawsuits (Mar 04) California Business and Professions Code, prohibits the sending of unsolicited commercial email (September 98) Code of Ethics First Spam Conference (Jan 03) Cultural Communities Organizational Topical counter-DoI groups Financial Increasing cost of DoI operations Violence Violence against DoI perpetrators Technology (see next slide) Defense Taxonomy (Big Picture) Legal Federal Can Spam Legislation (Jan 04) Lawsuits New Laws Regulatory Government Regulation Moral PR Campaign Microsoft, AOL, Earthlink and Yahoo file 6 antispam lawsuits (Mar 04) California Business and Professions Code, prohibits the sending of unsolicited commercial email (September 98) Code of Ethics First Spam Conference (Jan 03) Cultural Communities Organizational Topical counter-DoI groups Financial Increasing cost of DoI operations Violence Violence against DoI perpetrators Technology (see next slide) System Model Consumer Vision STM Cognition CPU Hearing RAM Speech LTM Consumer Node Motor Hard Drive Human Consumer Communication Channel Vision CPU Producer Node RAM Hearing STM Cognition Speech Hard Drive Motor Human Producer LTM Producer Consumer very small text Vision STM CPU Hearing Cognition RAM Speech LTM Consumer Node Motor Hard Drive Human Consumer misleading advertisements spoof browser Communication Channel exploit round off algorithm trigger many alerts Vision Example DoI Attacks CPU Producer Node RAM Hearing STM Cognition Speech Hard Drive Motor Human Producer LTM Producer Consumer Vision STM CPU Hearing Cognition RAM Example DoI Defenses Speech LTM Consumer Node Motor Hard Drive Human Consumer Usable Security Communication Channel TCP Damping Eliza Spam Responder Computational Puzzle Solving Vision CPU Producer Node RAM Hearing STM Cognition Speech Hard Drive Motor Human Producer LTM Producer Decompression Bombs DoI Countermeasures in the Web Domain Information Firewall search for desired transform request transformed content receive transformed content submit suggested transform Content Producer Transform Processing Engine publish content store and retrieve transforms Content Consumer submit new or modified transform Transform Database submit feedback on transform request original content receive original content view original document Organizational Web Server analyst views filter all but headlines information firewall transform processing engine parser filtering rules engine filter all but today’s weather fusion transform database data sources Demo For more information… G. Conti, M. Ahamad and R. Norback; "Filtering, Fusion and Dynamic Information Presentation: Towards a General Information Firewall;" IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (IEEEISI); May 2005. for extended version email me… G. Conti and M. Ahamad; "A Taxonomy and Framework for Countering Denial of Information Attacks;" IEEE Security and Privacy. (to be published)email me… G. Conti, M. Ahamad and J. Stasko; "Attacking Information Visualization System Usability: Overloading and Deceiving the Human;" Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS); July 2005. (accepted, to be published) For more information… Rennison, Earl. Galaxy of News: An Approach to Visualizing and Understanding Expansive News Landscapes. Proceedings of the 7th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 1994, pp. 3 - 12. M. Ahamad, W. Lee, L. Liu, L. Mark, E. Omicienski, C. Pu and A. Dos Santos; “Guarding the Next Internet Frontier: Countering Denial of Information Attacks;” Proceedings of the New Security Paradigms Workshop; pp 136143; September 2002. Questions? Greg Conti Image: Backup Slides GreaseMonkey • 05/05/16/0052245&tid=95&tid=154&tid=1 56&tid=1 Total Overhead= (Number of Spam x (Time to Delete + Time to Observe))+(Number of Email X (Time to Decide + Time to Scan)) Overhead Number of Spam Orient Scan Subject Line x Time to Observe Confirm Deletion Successful Overhead Number of Email x Time to Scan No Observation Observe Decide Not Spam No Action Overhead Number of Spam x Time to Delete Delete Spam Act Overhead Number of Email x Time to Decide