ME 410 Outline.doc

Course alpha,
number, title
ME 410 Heat Transfer
Required or elective
Course (catalog)
Steady state and transient heat conduction. Natural and forced convection based on boundary
layer theory. Application of Nusselt number correlations. Radiant heat transfer principles
and applications including radiation networks.
(ME 332 or CE 321 or CHE 311) and (ME 391) and completion of Tier I writing
and/or other
required material
Incropera & DeWitt, Intro. to Heat Transfer, John Wiley & Sons, New York. (spring 2004)
Class/Lab schedule:
Total Credits: 3 Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 3 Lecture
Topics covered
a. Basic Concepts of Heat Trans.
b. Heat Conduction
c. 1-D Steady Solutions
d. Thermal Resistance Networks
e. Fins
f. Multi-D, Steady Solutions
g. Unsteady, 1-D Solutions
h. Convection
i. Forced Convection
j. Natural Convection
k. Fundamental of Radiation Heat Transfer
l. Elementary Radiant Exchange
Course learning
Students understand and are able to use the conduction, convection and radiation rate
Students are able to use the conservation of energy to solve problems
Students are able to solve one-dimensional heat conduction problems using the energy
equation and Fourier’s law
3.1 Students are well versed in the use of the thermal resistance network
3.2 Students can solve one-dimensional problems in radial systems,
3.3 Students can solve problem involving some form of energy generation
3.4 Students are able to solve problems involving extended surfaces
Students have an understanding of the analytical and numerical techniques used for
solving two dimensional, steady-state and transient heat conduction
Students are able to solve simple transient heat conduction problems
5.1 Students are able to use the lumped capacitance method
5.2 Students are able to solve problems where spatial effects are important using
approximate methods and the Heisler charts
5.3 Students are able to solve problems with a semi-infinite dimension
Students are able to solve problems where convection heat transfer is important
6.1 Students understand the origin and implications of boundary layers for laminar &
turbulent flows, and their impact on convection heat transfer
6.2 Students are aware of the similarity solutions
6.3 Students understand the origin of relevant dimensionless parameters
6.4 Students understand the implications of Reynolds’ analogy
6.5 Students understand the hydrodynamic and thermal considerations for internal
6.6 Students understand the derivation of the energy balance for constant temperature
& constant heat flux boundary conditions for internal convection problems
6.7 Students are able to use convection correlations to solve forced convection
problems for external and internal flows
6.8 Students understand the important physical aspects of free convection
6.9 Students have knowledge of the governing equation relevant to natural convection
6.10 Students understand the relevant dimensionless numbers for natural convection
6.11 Students are able to use Nusselt number empirical correlations to solve natural
convection problems
Students are able to solve simple radiation problems
7.1 Students understand concepts such as blackbody , surface emission, absorption,
Students are able to find appropriate view factors, and compute simple radiation
exchanges for gray surfaces
Relationship of
course to ME
The following measurement standard is used to evaluate the relationship between the course
outcomes and the educational-program outcomes:
3 = Strong Emphasis, 2 = Some Emphasis, 1 = Little or No Emphasis.
(a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering—3
(b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data—1
(c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs—2
(d) an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams—1
(e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems—3
(f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility—1
(g) an ability to communicate effectively—1
(h) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
global/societal context—1
(i) a recognition of the need for and the ability to engage in life-long learning—2
(j) a knowledge of contemporary issues—1
(k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice—3
(l) design, build, and test in mechanical systems area—1
(m) design, build, and test in thermal/fluids area—1
(n) application of advanced mathematics—3
(o) capstone design experience—1
Contribution to
100% Engineering Science 0% Engineering Design
Person(s) who
prepared this
André Bénard and Neil Wright
Date of
April 2004