A P I self quiz ch11.doc

Anatomy & Physiology I
Self Quiz ch11
Pro: Manhal Chbat, MD
1. Intramuscular injections are usually given
A) when medications must be absorbed more slowly than possible through oral
B) in the gluteus maximus of an adult.
C) in the vastus lateralis of a child.
D) in the biceps brachii of an adolescent.
E) when medications must be absorbed more quickly than possible through I.V.
2. A prime mover (agonist)
A) is the muscle most responsible for a particular action.
B) is opposed by contraction of a synergist.
C) is destabilized by contraction of a fixator.
D) is assisted by contraction of an antagonist.
E) All of the above are correct.
3. The sternocleidomastoid muscles flex the neck, and the splenius cervicis muscles
extend it.
What is the relationship between these muscles when bowing your head?
A) The sternocleidomastoid is the prime mover, and the splenius cervicis is the
B) The sternocleidomastoid is the prime mover, and the splenius cervicis is the
C) The sternocleidomastoid is the prime mover, and the splenius cervicis is the
D) The sternocleidomastoid is the fixator, and the splenius cervicis is the prime
E) The sternocleidomastoid is the synergist, and the splenius cervicis is the
4. Which of the following may be the basis for the name of a muscle?
A) the direction of the muscle's fasicles
B) the size of the muscle
C) the action of the muscle
D) the location of the muscle
E) All of the above may be used to name a muscle.
5. Which muscle of facial expression is the prime mover for smiling?
A) risorius
B) orbicularis oris
C) mentalis
D) zygomaticus major
E) levator labii superioris
6. An instructor raises his eyebrows because he is very surprised by a student's
comment in class. Which of the following muscles is involved in his surprised
A) orbicularis oculi
B) occipitofrontalis
C) depressor labii inferioris
D) buccinator
E) corrugator supercilii
7. Which of the following is NOT an extrinsic muscle of the eye?
A) superior rectus
B) inferior rectus
C) ciliary
D) superior oblique
E) inferior oblique
8. The muscle that serves as a landmark for dividing the neck into anterior and posterior
triangles is the
A) splenius capitus
B) anterior scalene
C) posterior scalene
D) sternocleidomastoid
E) semispinalis capitis
9. Each of the following lies in the anterior triangle of the neck EXCEPT
A) the submandibular gland.
B) the internal jugular vein.
C) the external jugular vein.
D) the common carotid arteries.
E) the cranial nerves IX, X, XI and XII.
10. Which of the following is NOT a muscle of the abdominal wall?
A) intercostal muscle
B) internal oblique
C) external oblique
D) rectus abdominis
E) quadratus lumborum
11. Which of the following muscles is used in breathing?
A) diaphragm
B) external intercostals
C) internal intercostals
D) A and B are correct.
E) A, B and C are correct.
12. Which of the following penetrates the diaphragm?
A) esophagus
B) inferior vena cava
C) superior vena cava
D) A and B are correct.
E) A, B and C are correct.
13. Which of the following contributes to the pelvic floor?
A) iliococcygeus
B) pubococcygeus
C) coccygeus
D) A and B are correct.
E) A, B and C are correct.
14. All of the following contribute to the rotator cuff EXCEPT the
A) subscapularis
B) supraspinatus
C) teres major
D) infraspinatus
E) teres minor
15. Which muscle is the primary abductor of the arm?
A) deltoid
B) teres major
C) subscapularis
D) supraspinatus
E) corachobrachialis
16. Which of the following flex the forearm at the elbow?
A) brachialis
B) brachioradialis
C) triceps brachii
D) A and B are correct.
E) A, B and C are correct.
17. Four year old Parker has been going to the health club with his dad. Today he is
showing the trainers his big muscle. Parker flexes his forearm at the elbow and a
bulge appears. That bulge is, in part, due to the contraction of Parker's
A) triceps brachii
B) anconeus
C) biceps brachii
D) pronator teres
E) supinator
18. Which of the following flex the wrist?
A) flexor carpi ulnaris
B) flexor carpi radialis
C) flexor digitorum superficialis
D) A and B are correct.
E) A, B and C are correct.
19. Which of the following muscles is NOT part of the quadriceps femoris?
A) rectus femoris
B) biceps femoris
C) vastus medialis
D) vastus lateralis
E) vastus intermedius
20. The calcaneal (Achilles) tendon is formed by the fusion of the tendons of the
A) gastrocnemius
B) soleus
C) plantaris
D) A and B are correct.
E) A, B and C are correct.