Advanced Laser Diagnostics for High Pressure Combustion Student Intern: David Ruddock SPARTAN ENGINEERING Faculty Advisor: Dr. Tonghun Lee Laser Diagnostics Laboratory for Energy & Environment Research Department of Mechanical Engineering, Michigan State University Laser Diagnostics Laboratory for Energy & Environment Research Combustion · Advanced Energy Systems · Propulsion · Biofuels · Environment Nitric Oxide, Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Laser Induced Fluorescence Imaging Laser Diagnostics Laboratory Research Focus The goal is to develop advanced laser diagnostics for high pressure combustion (1-60 bar). Lasers can provide selective and quantitative probing of chemical and physical parameters (i.e., temperature, species concentration, etc.) Research: Develop sensitive and robust laser imaging strategies for fundamental and practical detection of chemical species and thermodynamic parameters Upper Elec. State A Rotational Manifold QVET J’+2 J’+1 J’ J’-1 J’-2 v’=2 v’=1 v’=0 Q12 X QRET W12 W12 Laser Diagnostics Research Energy Research Development of 2D laser imaging strategies for novel combustion concepts and thermodynamic parameters Investigation of alternative energy systems including hydrogen, novel biofuels and energetic nanoparticle additives Propulsion Systems Research Environment Research Laser imaging of advanced propulsion systems (automobile, aero and astronautic propulsion systems) Emission diagnostics. Real time diagnostics of toxic chemicals and multiphase particulate matter V”=2 v”=1 v”=0 Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) results Ground Elec. State Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) Imaging Molecules are excited to higher energy states using narrow bandwidth laser energy. LIF is the subsequent de-excitation to lower energy states resulting in emission of fluorescence photons. LIF can be used to image molecule concentrations and temperature fields with 2D resolution. 2D Temperature Imaging Simultaneous Multiple Species Imaging 2x104ppm High Pressure Burner 1bar =0.9 Pressure range (1-60 bar) 10bar =0.9 20bar =0.9 300K 40bar =0.9 60bar =0.9 2100K Two-line and new multi-line thermometry in collaboration with Stanford University, CA O2 40bar =0.9 40bar =1.1 1x105ppm Nitric Oxide (NO) Concentration Imaging CO2 Issues with Elevated Pressure… 40bar =0.9 Collisional Broadening Severe Attenuation of Laser and LIF LIF of Multiple Species Excitation lines of molecules are collisionally broadened. Even with narrow bandwidth lasers, multiples lines can be excited. Overall signal is also reduced. Both the probe laser beam and the LIF fluorescence signal can suffer from severe attenuation by molecular absorption. In case of UV light, hot CO2 is a strong absorber. Spectrally resolved detection of the resulting emission indicates that multiple species emit LIF in the same spectral region. Therefore, detection of single species can be altered by interference from alternative signals. NO 2000 1000 8 80 6 4 2 0 40 200 0 225.86 225.88 225.90 225.92 225.94 225 250 275 10bar =0.9 20bar =0.9 40bar =0.9 60bar =0.9 1bar =1.1 10bar =1.1 20bar=1.1 40bar =1.1 60bar =1.1 80 235.87 nm ex 60 Data NO O 40 2 Rayleigh CO 20 2 Total 0 Emission Wavelength [nm] Spectrally resolved emission using UV excitation 40bar =1.1 Practical Applications 20bar =0.9 40bar =0.9 60bar =0.9 10bar =0.9 20bar=0.9 40bar =0.9 60bar =0.9 0ppm Application in practical high pressure combustion systems • Design Optimization • Combustion Study • Pollution Control 10bar =0.9 9104ppm Novel CO2 sensor using UV excitation/detection 20bar=1.1 0ppm Simultaneous Imaging of O2 and CO2 using multi-spectral LIF New multi-spectral Imaging for isolation of NO signal 300 Absorption cross sections of CO2 500ppm UV Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Concentration Imaging 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 Wavelength [nm] Excitation lines of NO 1bar =0.9 0ppm B=242.14nm A=239.23nm LIF Intensity [a.u.] 120 3000 Emission Signal [a.u.] CO2 4000 1bar 30bar 0ppm 20bar =0.9