March 28

BAM Online Meeting
March 28, 2007
Team Members Present:
Richard Bornhorst
Kathryn Poole
Deepak Janardhanan
Robert Grillo
Shubh Krishna
Meeting length: 90 minutes
Discussion of model issues
o Need to address the s(t)+e(t) statements in the denominators of the
equations because the non-linearity causes computational concern
 This may be resolved with the new definitions of input parameters
as percentages
 Using percentages raises the problem of finding real input data,
since most prior research uses rates (#/time)
 Percentages may not remove the s(t)+e(t) denominator from the
Q1Q2 and Q1R transitions
 May require splitting Q1 into two states
 Can easily remove s(t)+e(t) from SR, EQ1, and SQ1
 Removing the non-linearity will make it difficult to redefine alpha
and phi
 Using all percentages may make it difficult to evaluate constraints
 Example of possible solution: if the constraint is 10,000 vaccines
per day, then it can be set to 0.01, so phi*s(t) will never break
(since s < %100)
Discussion of final report draft
o Initial work will be composed of bulleted information, converted to
paragraph form by the group, and revised by the editor-in-chief, Rick
o As time gets closer to the final report due date, the team will post project
changes directly to the final report draft, rather than in separate sections
Discussion of analysis plan
o Group will consider using the effective reproductive number, Ro, as a
result parameter for overall comparison of cases
 Ro definition: the average number of secondary cases produced by
a typical infectious individual during its infectious period
Preparations for class on 3/29
o Present copies of equations, final report draft, and other documents to
demonstrate our progress to Dr. Laskey and receive comments
Action items and assignment of responsibilities:
o Rick – Final report draft
o Kathryn – Equation updates
o Shubh – Equation updates
o Deepak – Matlab analysis
o Rob – Reproductive number summary