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We Need Better Masks: Research on Mask Specifications

Dhillon, R., Beier, D., Karan, A., & Srikrishna, D. (2020, June). We need better masks.
Retrieved from http://ra.ocls.ca/ra/login.aspx?inst=centennial&url=https://searchebscohost com.ezcentennial.ocls.ca/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=145425373&
site= ehost-live&scope=site
The research article “We need better masks” was prepared by the Dhillon, R., Beier, D., Karan
A., & Srikrishna, D. in June 2020, and pertains to the author’s investigation of masks,
materials of masks provide suitable masks to U.S. citizens. The issues that are tended to in
this article concerns awful quality just as not mindful about which masks is best to wear by
U.S. people. The authors discuss the features and different types of masks that will helpful to
people to protection against contamination of Covid-19. The authors contend that Scientists
accept that N-95 and non-medica masks can use to lessen the spread of disease held by
Covid-19 notwithstanding protections of every masks matter how they defends aerosols and
each mask has different protections against infections. The authors provide five
specifications of masks such as protection, scalability, comfort, reusability and style
accommodating to recognize and manufacture better masks protect against any harmful
infections. This article is related to my research paper because I intend to find out different
types of masks and solutions of hot, humid and uncomfortable masks that people wore it
replace by new designing masks with appropriate parameters.
Gay, J. (2020, July 17). Please Wear a Face Mask So I Can Shut Up About Wearing Face
Masks. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from https://www-proquestcom. ezcentennial.
The research article “Please Wear a Face Mask So I Can Shut Up About Wearing Face Masks”
was prepared by Gay, J. on 17th July 2020, and pertains to the author’s appeals to the U.S.A.
audience that wears masks everyone so there will be less chance of spreading infections. The
issues that are tended to in this article concern numerous individuals do not aware of the side
effects of not wearing masks in any place. The author discusses the importance of masks in
one’s daily routine and different types of masks that will help people to protect against
contamination of Covid-19. The author claims that Bojan and Jason author’s journal proves
that N-95 masks are the most ideal approach to shield from Covid-19 because of it is filter
feature and medical experts suggest that cheap surgical masks can block the droplets emitted
by speaking, coughing, and sneezing making it harder for the infected wearer to spread the
disease. The author provides journal information as well as medical expert’s research
information about masks and do appeal to the audience that masks are essential in our life
nowadays. This article is related to my research paper because I intend to find out solutions
regarding the confusion of medical as well as non-medical masks and author appeal to an
audience that each of us has to wear masks in daily routine to protect our body against covid
19 or any other hazardous infections.