
Teacher: Janine Burton
Grade and School: Richland 4th
Discipline Area(s): math science social science language arts arts
Project Title: Pictospells
Project Goal(s): To help students visually represent spelling of vocabulary words,
showing meaning in picture - to heighten understanding of word meanings..
Process and Steps:
* List of current vocabulary words provided to students
* Modeling of sample pictospellings
* Students explored various words of their choices to create visual picture of meaning
* Make students aware of spelling word correctly to create picture/object
* Students shared with others in groups
Materials Needed:
List of vocabulary words, paper, pencil or pen
Essential Questions:
1 What skills, elements, vocabulary were taught?
To visually represent vocabulary word, students had to truly understand what word
2. How did you assess the children’s understanding?
Teacher observation, talking with students during process, finished products
3. Where could you go from here?
Possibly to include color or perspective - perhaps a montage with more than one word in
4. Other comments: