Dog poems

Teacher: Bramble
Grade and School: Richland Title 1 Grades 1-3
Discipline Area(s): math science social science language arts arts
Project Title: Dog poems
Project Goal(s): Develop reading speed, develop vocabulary, increase language skills
Process and Steps:
We read 3 poems about dogs. Brainstormed words (vocab) on how dogs move i.e.
playful, frisky, slowing crawling, etc. We also had several pictures of dogs that we
thought of different ways of describing their movement. We illustrated poems, made
cover for book by using a big dog and wrote movement describing words around the cutout dog.
Materials Needed: Copies of poems (any dog poems for your reading level), dogs copies
on construction paper, pictures of dogs
Essential Questions:
1 What skills, elements, vocabulary were taught?
Vocabulary from poems, visually identifying movement with vocabulary, reading speed
2. How did you assess the children’s understanding?
Discussion, written finished product
3. Where could you go from here?
We thought about acting out different forms of movement and having other children
4. Other comments:
This was fun and great for Title 1 students - you could really expand this unit.