Partners in Campus Business Operations
Business and Financial Services
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Meeting Highlights!
Welcome – Mary Hinchman
 New members to the PCBO meeting were introduced.
 The state budget has been distributed to the campuses. The budget was approved with
 The budget does not recognize the governor’s compact.
 A permanent reduction of $ 1.5 million is CSUSM’s part of the $63.3M CSU reduction.
 The 08/09 fiscal reduction of $748K will be restored in the FY 09/10 budget.
 Total FY 08/09 reduction was $97.6 million to the CSU. CSUSM share was $2.3 million.
 There is a proposed 10% student fee increase which will be voted on by the Board of
Trustees in May.
 There could be an additional $50M reduction for CSU subject to restoration which is
contingent on federal stimulus funds – our share of this is $1.2 million.
o This will be rescinded on or before April 1, 2009 if the State Treasurer and the
Director of the Department of Finance determine that California will receive at
least $10 billion of Federal stimulus funds by June 30, 2010.
 Lottery revenue; replaced with general fund revenue; will be voted on in May.
Contact The Budget Office x4461 if you have any questions.
IITS New Online Refresh Scheduler – Randy Hall
 The IITS Online Refresh Scheduler was developed to make completing the computer
refresh paper work paperless and more user friendly for campus community users.
It allows the campus community to schedule their own refresh appointments.
 IITS will send out an email to specific users that are up for the current refresh. The user
will have the ability to click on the link provided in the email, which will go to the online
refresh scheduler.
 IITS will send out an email to specific users that are up for the current refresh. The user
will have the ability to click on the link provided in the email, which will go to the online
refresh scheduler.
 The user will login with their campus username and password.
 After logging into the site, the user will have the ability to do a few options:
o Clicking on the “Make Request” button will allow the user to fill out the computer
refresh paperwork electronically. Once the ‘Submit Request’ button is clicked, a
confirmation email will be sent to the logged in user, and the name of computer
user if they don’t match the logged in user.
o Clicking on the “View Request” button will allow the user to see what computer
refresh paperwork has been electronically filled out by themselves, or by others on
their behalf.
o Clicking on the “Make Appt” button will allow the user to schedule an appointment
from the computer refresh request they made earlier. This can be done
immediately after the computer refresh request was made or at a later time. The
user will need to know the confirmation code to make an appointment that came
in the confirmation email after the request was made. Once the user clicks on the
‘Submit’ button, a confirmation email will be sent to the user. Clicking on the
“View Appts” button will allow the user to view all the appointments they have
made, or those made on their behalf.
Please refer to the instructions Randy Hall provided on the PCBO webpage.
Contact Randy Hall x8668 if you have any questions.
UARSC Presentation – Deborah Davis
 UARSC has a new Travel Request form, Travel Expenses claim, Check Request form and
Petty Cash request.
 Travel Request is used to authorize travel and all related expenses and should be
completed at least 10 business days prior to travel.
o Approval by “One-up” approval is needed if Project Director is the traveler. Dean,
VP, or President Signature is required for all “Out-of-Country” travel.
o Once trip is completed, submit all original receipts and approved “Travel Expense
Claim” within 15 business days.
 Receipts need to show payments were made. Hotel statement showing balance due is
not acceptable - they must show itemized charges. Per diem is excluded for meals
provided by the conference.
 Check Request is used for purchases not initiated through Purchase Orders.
o Requires Payee Information, Check Distribution, and Project & Account number
o Advance payment must be cleared within 30 days of advance.
 Petty Cash Request is used for reimbursement that are $50.00 and under. Once
approved by UARSC, the Petty Cash Request is returned to the payee. Cashier’s office
will disburse the cash.
 Please make sure that a Direct Pay form is submitted before turning in the Hospitality
 All Forms can be found on the UARSC website: http://www.csusm.edu/uarsc/
 Questions regarding these forms please contact, Patti Kastner, x4703 or call Tama
Harper, x4723.
Contact UARSC x4703 or x4723 if you have any questions.
Finance 9.0 Go-Live Update – Chris Lambert
 Finance 9.0 has officially gone LIVE!!
 Be sure and clear all internet files before logging on to the new 9.0 version.
 Nvision drilldown/need to set-up/ follow directions Requisition Budget Check Processing.
 Online requisition users will see process that sets up pre-encumbrance - please do not be
FOCUS groups will be called after April 1st to discuss, evaluate and solicit feedback on
how 9.0 is working
Contact Chris Lambert x4451 if you have any questions.
Independent Contractors – Tina Griffith & Pamela Ohrazda
 Pamela Ohrazda explained the difference between Independent Contractors and Federal
ID #’s
o Independent Contractors use their Social Security #. The department sends vendor
a packet to complete (which can be obtained from Pamela), pays via Direct Pay and
uses the 613001- Contractual Services account.
o With Federal ID #’s the department submits a requisition to Procurement and
Support Services. The department can send vendor “Insurance Requirements” to
speed up the process, or Procurement can send (PO will not be released until
insurance proof is received). Category code 91800-Consulting Services is used
which feeds to the 613001 Contractual Services account on the DFA.
 Tina Griffith explained that Special Consultants are handled through Human Resources,
paid through our State Payroll system, and uses 601302- Salaries Special Consultants
 Please refer to the PowerPoint presentation on our PCBO webpage if you have further
Contact Procurement & Support Services x4555 or Payroll x4422 if you have any
ProCard – David Taylor
 ProCards with AMEX have arrived!
 New sleeves for the new cards are available from Accounts Payable. ProCard training
starts tomorrow.
 Sign-up for trainings if you have not done so through the HR portal. New cards will not
be issued without training.
 Bring your old card, your new agreement and your February reconciliation to the training
 Please use the new Procurement & Support Services email for any questions.
Contact Procurement & Support Services x4555 if you have any questions.
Travel Desk New Email – Kris Roberts
 The Travel Desk has a new email!
Contact Kris Roberts x4466 if you have any questions.
New University Catering Menus – Melanie Niedens
 New catering menus were distributed and are available from University Catering.
 University Catering has a new extension x3131.
New website! www.csusmcatering.com
Online ordering available.
Delivery charges apply.
Only authorized users are allowed to order.
Contact Melanie Niedens x3131 if you have any questions.
Year End Dates – Tina Griffith
 Tina went over the upcoming Year End dates for March and April.
Contact Tina Griffith x4485 if you have any questions.
April 22nd PCBO meeting moved to April 29th
 The April 22nd PCBO meeting has been rescheduled to April 29th!
Questions and Concerns – All
 Becky Henwood announced that sales tax will increase by 1% to 8.75% effective April 1st.
Please visit the provided link if you have any questions regarding the tax increase:
 Bart Westbrook announced that Office Max will be closed March 26th and 27th. No
deliveries will be made on Friday, March 27th.
Next PCBO Meeting will be on Wednesday, April 29th in Markstein 125!