HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM NORTHWEST COLLEGE UNIVERSITY PHYSICS II –PHYS 1402 COURSE SYLLABUS Fall 2012 Instructor: Telephone: Email: Location: Time: Class Number: Dr. Cyril Anoka 832-660-8142 cyril.anoka@hccs.edu; canoka1@yahoo.com Spring Branch Campus Room 610 6 – 9 PM MW 24021 Course : A continuation of a Non-calculus Based Physics Course for medical related majors, architecture majors, technology majors and other non-engineering and non-science majors. Topics include wave motion, electricity, magnetism, electromagnetic waves, optics, and topics in modern physics. Laboratory exercises include selected topics on these topics. It is also a core curriculum course. Course Intent This course is a second semester course intended for those student who plan to pursue a pre-professional program in Medical related fields, (Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Optometry, Ophthalmology, Physical Therapy, Chiropractic, Veterinary Medicine, etc.), Physics, and other science majors, Architecture and technology. It can also be taken to satisfy a Lab-based science core- curriculum course. Course Prerequisites College Physics I (PHYS 1401). Any students without the required prerequisite should consider withdrawing from the course, otherwise such student will have serious problems in the course all semester and may not pass the course. Course Text: Physics, 4th Edition, James S. Walker HCCS – NW College Physics I COURSE SYLLABUS Laboratory Text: None – Students will print lab exercise from Northwest college website or exercises will be distributed before each lab. Scientific calculator, slide rule or abacus – highly recommended Optional items - 3.5” floppy disk or 100 meg zip disk (used to store graphs & data). Not necessarily needed. Data can be sent by “email” to a home printer if desired. Exams All exams will be closed book and closed notes. Exams will include problems similar to both homework, and examples/concepts as discussed in class. A formula sheet will be issued for each exam. Make-up exams are not administered. If you do not appear for an exam, for any reason, it will be graded as a zero. The final exam is mandatory. No exams are “dropped”. Academic Responsibility Please refer to the Student Handbook concerning grievances, complaints, discipline (including student conduct), scholastic dishonesty and student rights. Please contact me if you require any reasonable accommodation to achieve your academic responsibilities. Lab Reports are due at the start of class, 2 classdays following completion of the lab. Make-up labs are not administered. Laboratory concepts will be discussed prior to the beginning of the lab. Handouts will be provided prior to the lab exercise or students will be asked to print lab procedures from “The Learning Web” in advance of class. Do not submit either Homework problems or Lab reports in a binder. Submit as loose, stapled or paper-clipped sheets. You may wish to purchase a 3-ring binder for your own records. Course Content Chapters 17 thru 30. Some sections of the chapters may be dropped. Examinations Three regular exams and a compulsory comprehensive final will be administered during the semester. Exams will consist of Multiple Choice, principles/ explanations, and word problems, Calculations. Make-up Examination No make-up exam will be given. If a student misses one of the exams, the grade for next exam will count twice. Final Course Grade and Grading Scale 2 HCCS – NW College Physics I The final Course grade will be computed as follows: Scale COURSE SYLLABUS Grading Exam I---------------------------------20 % A = 90-100 % Exam II--------------------------------20 % B = 80-89 % Exam III-------------------------------20 % Homework/assignment--------------10 % C = 70- 79 % D = 60-69 % Lab. & Lab. Reports----------------10% F = < 60 % Final Exam---------------------------20% Total 100% Grading Scale – 100-90 =A, 89-80 = B, 79-70 = C, 69-60 = D, <60 = F At the discretion of the instructor, either the grading scale may be adjusted or the exam scores may be “curved” to reflect the degree of difficulty. Attendance – Students are expected to attend all classes. Texas state guidelines and HCCS policies require that student with more than 12% absences be withdrawn from the class. Effectively, students are subject to withdrawal when 3 classes are missed in the summer sessions and 4 classes in the regular semester. Attending class and paying attention is the key to a good grade. Stay current in your studies – be prepared for lectures. Class participation will be monitored and often adds to the course. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are struggling with the class. Syllabus subject to change. Note: The state of Texas has begun to limit the money it will contribute to a student’s education. The state contributes only to the first 2 times a student registers for a course. Students are charged additional fees for subsequent registrations. Last Day For Administrative & Student Withdrawal November 18, 2010 is the last day for student to withdraw from the course and receive a grade of “W” in the course. It is the responsibility of any student contemplating on dropping the course to do so by or before that day. I recommend that any student planning to drop the course should discuss his/her performance in the course with me first before dropping. Sometimes it may not be as bad as it looks. "NOTICE: Students who repeat a course three or more times may soon face significant tuition/fee increases at HCC and other Texas public colleges and universities. If you are considering course withdrawal because you are not earning passing grades, confer with your 3 HCCS – NW College Physics I COURSE SYLLABUS instructor/counselor as early as possible about your study habits, reading and writing homework, test-taking skills, attendance, course participation, and opportunities for tutoring or other assistance that might be available." A STUDENT CAN NO LONGER ASK THE INSTRUCTOR TO WITHDRAW HIM/HER FROM A CLASS AFTER THE LAST DAY FOR ADMINISITRATIVE & STUDENT WITHDRWAL. ANY STUDENT WISHING TO WITHDRAW FROM A CLASS MUST DO SO BEFORE OR BY THE LAST DAY FOR WITHDRWAL. THIS IS A NEW RULE FROM THE COLLEGE AND THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE. A student who fails to withdraw by due date will automatically receive the grade of F since the instructor cannot with him/her after that date. Please take note of this new requirement. Besides, there is a new law in Texas which stipulates that beginning fall 2007, an undergraduate student attending any Public College/universities in Texas is allowed to have a maximum of six (6) withdrawals in his/her records prior to getting his/her first degree. Important Dates November 2 (4:30pm) November 22-25 December 9 December 12 Last Day to Drop with a grade of W Thanksgiving Holiday Instructions Ends Final Examinations Disability Support Services (DSS): Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision,hearing, etc.) Who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability Services Office at the respective college at the beginning of each semester. Faculties are authorized to provide only the accommodations requested by the Disability Support Services Office. If you have any questions, please contact the Disability counselor at your college or Donna Price at 713-718-5165 At the discretion of the instructor, either the grading scale may be adjusted or the exam scores may be “curved” to reflect the degree of difficulty. Schedule of Chapters – Subject to change. Sections marked by an asterisk * are may not be covered or de-emphasized as time permits. Chapter 19 Electric Charges, Forces, and Fields – Week 1 Chapter 20 Electric Potential and Electric Potential Energy – Week 2 Chapter 21 Electric Current and Direct-Current Circuits – Week 4 Chapter 22 Magnetism– Week 5 Chapter 23 Magnetic Flux and Faraday’s Law of Induction – Week 6 4 HCCS – NW College Physics I COURSE SYLLABUS Chapter 24 Alternating Current - Circuits– Week 8 Chapter 25 Electromagnetic Waves– Week 9 Chapter 26 Geometric Optics – Week 10 Chapter 27 Optical Instruments – Week 12 Chapter 28 Optical Optics: Interference and Diffraction – Week 13 Chapter 29 Relativity – Week 14 Chapter 30 Quantum Physics – Week 15 Lab Schedule There will 2 or 3 labs during each “quarter” of the semester (total 8 to 12) depending on the progress of the class. Lab investigations or class demonstrations will be selected by the instructor. 5