Spring 11 Level 1 Writing.doc

Intensive English Program
Northeast College
ESOL 0343 – Basic Composition for Foreign Speakers
CRN 76003 Spring 2011
Northline Campus – Room 222 / 9:00-11:10AM Tues/Thurs
3 Lec / 2 Lab / 80 hrs per semester / 16 weeks
Office Hours:
Fernando Cardenas, M.Ed.
Required Text:
Write on Target 3rd ed. by Joe Starr.
By appointment
Course Description: A course devoted to developing basic writing skills such as simple
sentence structure and developing paragraphs.
Attendance Policy: The HCCS policy is that if a student is absent for 12.5% of the time (10
class hours), he or she may be dropped from the course. If you are more than 30 minutes late,
you will be marked absent.
In addition, after the 3rd absence, one point will be deducted from the final grade for each
absence. For example, if you are absent 5 times, 2 points will be deducted from your final
grade average.
Make-up Policy: It is very important that you be in class. Part of your grade comes
from class participation. If you are not in class, you cannot participate. Please call the
office and notify me if you have an emergency. Only in the case of an emergency can
you make up a test.
Scholastic Dishonesty: Plagiarism, cheating, and other form of academic dishonesty are
prohibited by college system policy and the rules of the class. Plagiarism involves using
the ideas or words of another person (either in whole or in part) without crediting the
source. For more detailed explanation of plagiarism as well as punishments for
plagiarism please refer to the HCCS Student Handbook.
Disability Support: Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning,
psychiatric, developmental, vision, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable
accommodation must contact the Disability Support Services (DSS) Counselor at the
beginning of each semester. Faculty members are authorized to provide only the
accommodations requested by the DSS Office. Ms. Kim Ingram is the Northeast
College’s DSS counselor. Her telephone number is 713-718-8420.
Effective Fall 2006, HCC charges a higher tuition rate to students
registering for the third or subsequent time for certain courses. Students who enroll for
most credit and CEU classes for a third or more time will be charged an additional $50
per semester credit hour and $3.00 per contact hour, except for courses exempted by The
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
***Students are limited to a total of 6 W’s during the course of their academic careers.
DROPPING COURSES: It is the responsibility of the student to officially drop or
withdraw from a course. Failure to officially withdraw may result in the student
receiving a graded of “F” in the course.
Recording Devices: “Use of recording devices, including camera phones and tape
recorders, is prohibited in classrooms, laboratories, faculty offices, and other locations
where instruction, tutoring, or testing occurs. Students with disabilities who need to use a
recording device as a reasonable accommodation should contact the Office for Students
with Disabilities for information regarding reasonable accommodations.
Grading Scale:
A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
IP = 0-69
IP = progressing but not passing.
Grading Criteria:
5 Compositions
Please read attendance policy, as it affects final grade
Course Calendar
ESOL 0343 Beginning Writing
Week 1:
First day testing
Chapter 1: Hello! p. 1-9
Chapter 1: Hello! p. 1-9
Week 2:
Chapter 2: Our World p. 10-19
Week 3:
Chapter 3: My Favorite Restaurant p. 20-30
Week 4:
Chapter 4: Are you Ready for the Test? p. 31-39
In-Class Paragraph #1
Week 5:
Chapter 8: Earth Day p. 71-80
Week 6:
Chapter 9: A Travel Agent p. 81-90
Week 7:
Chapter 5: Independence Day p. 40-50
In-Class Paragraph #2
Week 8:
Chapter 6: Shopping p. 51-60
Week 9:
Chapter 7: A Busy Life p. 61-70
Week 10:
Chapter 10: p. 91-100
In-Class Paragraph #3
Week 11:
Chapter 11: International Travel p. 101-113
Week 12:
Chapter 12: The Lazy Donkey p. 114-127
April 14 last day for administrative/student withdrawals
Week 13:
Chapter 13: the San Francisco Earthquake
p. 132-135
Chapter: 14: Life in the Future p. 138-149
In-Class Paragraph #4
Week 14:
Chapter 15: Texas p. 157-161
Chapter 16: The Penguin p. 163-170
Chapter 17: The Life Cycle of the Butterfly
p. 172-180
Chapter 18: Alexander Graham Bell p. 181-188
Week 16:
In-Class Paragraph #5