13th International Conference on Integrated Diffuse Pollution Management (IWA DIPCON 2009). Lotte Hotel World, Seoul, Republic of Korea : 12-15 October 2009 Effects of drying and rewetting on dissolved organic carbon (DOC) of two alfisols in the north of Iran 1* 1 Amir Lakzian , Akram hallajnia and Hadiseh Rahmani 1 1 Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad 91779, Iran * Corresponding author. Tel: +98-511-8795612-7 (Ext. 294); fax: +98-511-8787430. Email addresses lakzian@ferdowsi.um.ac.ir & alakzian@ yahoo.com Abstracts Drying and rewetting cycles affect many different soil characteristics. Dissolved organic carbon is a very important soil property, which can be affected by drying and rewetting cycles. In the present study, the effect of one to five drying and rewetting cycles was investigated on two different soil samples collected from north of Iran. The results showed that different soil samples had different DOC concentration and it was decreased by drying and rewetting cycles in both soils. Keywords: Alfisols, Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC), Drying and Rewetting. Introduction Drying and rewetting (DRW) are physical events that occur commonly in the most agricultural land especially in mediterranean-type climates (Buttery et al 2008). The short and long-term effects of soil DRW cycles on soil properties have not been well known. Understanding the effects of DRW cycles on soil chemical, physical and biological properties are important because DRW affect aggregation processes (Six et al 2000), humus decomposition (Birch 1958), soil respiration (Franzluebbers et al 2000), changes in microbial communities (Buttery et al 2008) and soil nutrient cycling. Gordon et al (2007) showed that DRW cycles leads to greater nutrient leaching from improved than unimproved grassland soils, which have a greater microbial biomass and abundance of fungi relative to bacteria, in north Lancashire, UK. Lundquist et al. (1999) suggested that increasing DOC concentrations in two agricultural soils subjected to drying and wetting may be partly ascribed to the release of organic substrates from plant roots. Fierer and Schimel (2001) reported that DRW cycles induced significant changes in soil N dynamics. Increasing N mineralization has been referred to the exposure of easily decomposable compounds originated from the death of microbial organisms and fine roots and desorption of particle surfaces (Bottner 1985; Denef et al. 2001; Van Gestel et al. 1993). Alternatively, DRW cycles may cause soil aggregates to break apart, exposing physically protected organic matter (Lundquist et al 1999). The aim of the present work was to investigate the effects of multiple cycles of drying and rewetting (slow-drying and fast rewetting) events on dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and different forms of soil nitrogen and phosphorus in two soils taken from adjacent agricultural land in the north of Iran. Materials and Methods Soil sampling and experimental design A microcosm pot experiment was set up in a completely randomized design with three replications. Soil samples were taken from 0-25 cm of soil surface of two adjacent agricultural lands located at Lahyijan 37°11′N, 50°1’ ′W ( Soil 1) and 37°25′N, 49°25′W (soil 2) in the north of Iran. Air-dried soil samples sieved (< 2 mm), homogenized and stored at room temperature for next use. Sub samples (60 g) of both soils prepared for seven treatments (continuously dry and wet, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 cycles of drying and rewetting). Each cycle include three days drying (airdried) and two days wetting (at field capacity moisture content). Figure 1 shows a schematic of the experimental design. FC level 23 days dry (1 cycle) Air dry level 18 days dry (2 cycles) 13 days dry (3 cycles) Sampling Point 8 days dry (4 cycles) 3 day dry (5 cycles) Continuously wet Continuously dry Incubation Time (25 days) Fig. 1. Sequence of treatments, water content during DRW cycles and sampling time. Each dry/wet cycle started by drying. Three days incubation dry and two days incubation wet. Two soil samples considered as control (continuously dry and wet) Soil Extraction and analysis Soil suspension (1:2.5 w/w) prepared and shacked for 240 minutes at 200 rpm. Soil suspensions were passed through a filter paper (Whattman 42) and 0.45-µm filter respectively. Dissolve organic C was determined after filtration, acidification and purging (NPOC), using a Shimadzu 5000A TOC-V CPH analyzer. both examined soil. DOC strongly affected by the amount of organic matter in soil samples. b 200 180 Table 1 shows some chemical and physical characteristics of two alfisols located in the north of Iran, Lahyijan city. DOC(mg/kg) 160 Results and Discussion 140 120 100 a 80 60 40 Table 1: Chemical and physical properties of two examined soils Conclusions Drying and rewetting had a significant effect on the concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in a 250 b b d e e e 5 cycles a 4 cycles a 3 cycles 200 150 c c c 4 cycles b 100 3 cycles c 50 1 cycle 2 cycles Always wet Always dry 0 5 cycles The results of soil analysis showed that the amount of organic carbon in soil 2 was 1.7 times higher than soil 1. In view of the fact that organic carbon is a very important factor, it affects the dissolved organic carbon of soils. Therefore, the amount of DOC between two examined soils was remarkably different. DOC content in soil 2 was 205mg/kg while it was 87 mg /kg in soil 1 (Figure 1). It seems that the difference between DOC in two tested soils was due to the difference between the amount of organic matter in soil samples. The results also revealed that drying and rewetting cycles treatments had a significant effect on DOC of both soil samples. DOC concentration decreased by increasing drying and rewetting cycles. Those samples that permently were kept wet had the highest amount of DOC. Then permanently dry treatments had the highest amount of DOC compared to the drying and rewetting treatments. The least amount of DOC was observed when soil samples were treated by 5 cycles of drying and rewetting (Figure 2). The trend of reduction in both soils was more or less similar. DOC was reduced to 40 mg /kg in soil 1 while it reached to 170 mg /kg in soil 2 after five cycles of drying and rewetting treatments. soil2 300 1 cycle SL 24 5.1 0.63 31 0.64 5.23 8680 56 51.3 1.31 soil1 Figure1: The comparison of DOC in soil 1 and soil 2 2 cycles % dS.m-1 Cmol/kg % % ppm ppm % cm3/ g Soil12 Always wet Texture Clay pH EC CEC CaCO3 OC Total N Inorganic N SP Bd Soil1 1 CL 42 6 0.42 50 1.51 3.12 2520 168 50.8 1.28 Always dry Unit 0 DOC (mg/kg) Characteristics 20 Treatments Figure2: Effects of drying and rewetting cycles on DOC of soil 1 and soil 2 (Dark columns shows soil1 and white columns shows soil 2) Acknowledgments This research was financially supported by Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Reference Birch HF (1958) The effect of soil drying on humus decomposition and nitrogen availability. Plant and Soil 10, 9-31. Bottner P (1985) Response of microbial biomass to alternate moist and dry conditions in a soil incubated with 14Cand 15N-labelled plant material. 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