for Plumbing, Gasfitting and Drainlaying - Roofing
(version 1)
Warren Smith
Quality Assurance Manager
The Skills Organisation
Freepost 5164
PO Box 24-469
Royal Oak
Auckland 1345
0508 SKILLS (0508 754 557)
09 525 2591
Planning and Construction > Plumbing, Gasfitting and Drainlaying
Standard IDs
1685-1692, 1694, 1698,
10808-10816, 21408, 21410,
21411, 21413, 25270-25300
The purpose of the Accreditation Information (AI) is to set out the nature of the
accreditation process and involvement of the standard setting body (SSB) in the
process, and to set out the SSB’s industry or sector-specific requirements for a
tertiary education organisation (TEO)1 or school’s quality systems in relation to the
criteria for accreditation.
Standard Setting Body involvement in accreditation process
Levels 1 and 2
Evaluation of documentation by NZQA.
Level 3 and above
Evaluation of documentation and visit by NZQA and
Visit waiver conditions
The Skills Organisation will consider waiving its involvement in an accreditation visit:
 where the TEO is seeking to extend an existing accreditation and has a
successful record of delivery and assessment; or
Tertiary education organisation (TEO) includes public and private tertiary education providers,
industry training organisations, government training organisations, and other providers.
Ref: 0227
when The Skills Organisation has been consulted during the development of the
accreditation application and is satisfied that industry-specific accreditation
requirements will be met.
Areas of shared responsibility
Fees schedule for SSB involvement in accreditation process
The fees schedule is applicable to all applications for accreditation received by NZQA
from 1 November 2004. However, the SSB may choose to charge lower fees for
their involvement in accreditation. Contact the SSB for further information.
Additional fees can be charged by NZQA, the Institutes of Technology and
Polytechnics Quality (ITP Quality), and the Committee for University Academic
Programmes (CUAP) for involvement in accreditation. Contact the relevant quality
assurance body (QAB) for information.
No fees are charged by The Skills Organisation for initial advice regarding industry
standards to assist industry prepare accreditation applications. However, The Skills
Organisation reserves the right to charge for services over and above initial advice
provided. These additional services and rates can be negotiated with the Quality
General requirements for accreditation
These are the general requirements for accreditation of providers gazetted in 1993.
Applicants should consult their QAB (NZQA, ITP Quality, or CUAP) for details of the
Criterion 1
Development and evaluation of teaching programmes
There is a system for developing coherent teaching programmes and for their
evaluation, which should include evaluation by learners/consumers.
Criterion 2
Financial, administrative and physical resources
Adequate and appropriate financial and administrative resources will be maintained
to enable all necessary activities to be carried out.
Adequate, appropriate and accessible physical resources will be available for
supporting students to meet the required standards.
Criterion 3
Staff selection, appraisal and development
A teaching staff with the necessary knowledge and skills will be maintained through
staff selection, appraisal, and development.
Ref: 0227
Criterion 4
Student entry
There is a system for establishing and clearly publicising student entry requirements
that include no unreasonable barriers.
Criterion 5
Student guidance and support systems
Students have adequate access to appropriate guidance and support systems.
Criterion 6
Off-site practical or work-based components
There are arrangements for ensuring that any off-site practical or work-based
components are fully integrated into the relevant programmes.
Criterion 7
There is a system for ensuring that assessment is fair, valid, and consistent.
Criterion 8
There is a system for providing students with fair and regular feedback on progress
and fair reporting on final achievements, with an associated appeals procedure.
There is a reliable system for archiving information on final student achievements.
Industry or sector-specific requirements for accreditation
Criterion 1
Development and evaluation of teaching programmes
Applicant organisation must have policies and procedures to ensure that:
 all programmes state specific expected outcomes.
 The Skills Organisation have input into the development and review of
 programmes are regularly evaluated.
 the safety of students and tutors in programmes is managed.
 programmes specify on-job and/or practical components.
The applicant organisation must have policies and procedures to ensure ongoing
industry consultation in the development and evaluation of programmes. An example
of such evidence would be a membership list of an industry advisory group and
minutes of provider industry advisory group meetings.
Criterion 2
Financial, administrative and physical resources
The applicant organisation must have policies and procedures to ensure:
 adequate financial and administrative resources to enable all stated and planned
activities to take place.
 sufficient physical resources, including equipment, to provide teaching and
assessment coverage relative to numbers of learners and the unit standards
being assessed against.
Ref: 0227
Criterion 3
Staff selection, appraisal and development
The applicant organisation must have policies and procedures to ensure that:
Staff selection
 All teaching and assessing staff have completed a qualification relevant to the unit
standards they are teaching and assessing against.
 All teaching and assessing staff hold, or are completing, unit standard 4098 Use
standards to assess candidate performance, or have demonstrated equivalent
knowledge and skill.
 A job description and person specification for each teaching and/or assessment
position is available.
Staff development
 Staff training and staff professional development plans are linked to staff
appraisal, programme evaluation, and industry changes.
 Tutors have ongoing professional development and liaison with industry
(experienced providers and industry leaders have suggested that maintenance of
knowledge and technical skills requires a minimum of 80 hours per annum in a
roofing work environment spread throughout the year).
Criterion 4
Student entry
The applicant organisation must have policies and procedures regarding student
entry that ensure the inclusion of clear criteria for entry to programmes in the scope
of the accreditation sought, and must ensure that student minimum entry criteria are
clearly publicised.
Criterion 6
Off-site practical or work-based components
The applicant organisation must have policies and procedures to ensure that:
 off-site practical or work-based components have documented contractual
arrangements in place that identify the responsibility for safety, training and
 a procedure for gathering information from the off-site provider/workplace that
allows for the applicant organisation to monitor student progress, and ensures that
assessment complies with moderation requirements.
Criterion 7
The applicant organisation must have policies and procedures in place to ensure
there is a system for the Recognition of Current Competence (RCC).
Non-compliance with accreditation requirements
Where there is evidence of non-compliance with the requirements for accreditation
the QAB (NZQA, ITP Quality, or CUAP) will seek remedial action. In cases where
this action is ineffective and non-compliance continues, or in cases of repeated non-
Ref: 0227
compliance, the QAB will take action that can ultimately lead to the withdrawal of
The Skills Organisation is able to provide sufficient trained participants to service the
requirements of accreditation processes.
A centrally established and directed external national moderation system has been
set up by The Skills Organisation.
The purpose of the Moderation Information (MI) is to provide details on the national
external moderation system, developed by The Skills Organisation, to ensure that
assessment decisions of accredited TEOs and schools are consistent with the
national standard. All accredited TEOs and schools assessing against the standards
in this Accreditation and Moderation Action Plan (AMAP) must meet the requirements
for moderation outlined in this MI.
The Quality Manager for The Skills Organisation is responsible for ensuring that the
principles of best practice moderation and the principles of best practice assessment
are applied and maintained. The National Moderator, in conjunction with the Industry
Moderation Group, is responsible for ensuring that assessment is fair, valid and
consistent with the national standard.
Moderation System
National external moderation occurs for on-job and off-job assessment.
An Industry Moderation Group, made up of the National Moderator and moderators
with appropriate qualifications and technical background, carry out the national
external moderation for The Skills Organisation.
Moderators conduct preassessment moderation of assessment resources, undertake moderation visits,
conduct post-assessment moderation of assessment decisions, write moderation visit
reports, and contribute to the overall national external moderation procedure for The
Skills Organisation.
The Skills Organisation Quality Manager will consider nominations for moderators.
The National Moderator will fulfil a liaison and advisory role between The Skills
Organisation Quality Manager and the Industry Moderation Group.
At the start of each calendar year, an Industry Moderation Group meeting will be held
with The Skills Organisation Quality Manager at which moderation activities and
credit reports from the previous year will be reviewed and the information used to
determine the current year’s moderation activity and the standards to be moderated.
From this, the Industry Moderation Group and The Skills Organisation Quality
Manager will develop an annual moderation plan with key moderation dates.
Ref: 0227
The Skills Organisation will select a minimum of 20% of unit standards for
moderation based on the following considerations. Unit standards that:
 have not been moderated before,
 have high credit reporting frequency,
 have high health and safety risks,
 have been the subject of moderation concerns in the previous year,
 are being used for the first time,
 have been reviewed in the last 12 months.
At the beginning of each calendar year, The Skills Organisation Quality Manager will
advise accredited organisations in writing, of the unit standards selected for
moderation and request an assessment timetable for the unit standards selected, in
Once the timetables are received, The Skills Organisation will determine moderation
activities including moderation visits required, and request samples of assessment
outcomes from accredited organisations that have reported credit for the selected
unit standards to ensure that assessment decisions meet the national standard.
Moderation activities consist of the following:
Pre-assessment moderation
Accredited organisations are required to use pre-assessment moderated assessment
materials. Where The Skills Organisation developed assessment materials are not
available, or where accredited organisations wish to use their own assessment
material, The Skills Organisation requires that all assessment materials undergo preassessment moderation and approval prior to use. Please refer to the funding
section of this AMAP for details of fees for pre-assessment moderation.
The Skills Organisation offers assistance to accredited organisations with preassessment moderation or development of assessment resources to meet
requirements at any stage throughout the year.
Post-assessment moderation
Accredited organisations are required to submit three samples of assessed work
including the assessor schedules and assessment decisions for the unit standards
selected for moderation that year within the timeframe specified.
A moderator will either agree with the assessment decisions made or require the
accredited organisation to make changes to subsequent assessment practice. A
post-assessment moderation report will be sent to the accredited organisation within
three months of receiving the materials.
Moderation Meetings
Accredited organisations that have reported credit in the previous year for unit
standards selected for post-assessment moderation will be required to send an
Ref: 0227
assessor to attend an annual Skills Organisation assessment moderation meeting.
The purpose of this meeting is to cover principles of best practice assessment and to
review existing assessment materials or develop assessment materials as required.
At the end of the year, a report will be sent to the accredited organisation to record
moderation compliance and any moderation issues including assessor attendance at
moderation meeting.
Moderation visits
For ongoing monitoring of assessment against unit standards or where concerns with
assessment practice have been raised, The Skills Organisation representative along
with an industry moderator may undertake site visits of an accredited organisation to
view assessments taking place in order to verify assessor decisions.
The unit standards involved, whether a visit is required, and the timing of each visit
will be determined annually by the Industry Moderation Group and accredited
organisations will be advised in writing of a pending site visit. A visit may also occur
if a major concern is identified by industry or students and received in writing by The
Skills Organisation.
For more details on the Moderation visit procedure please see the Moderation
Handbook, which is available by contacting The Skills Organisation Quality Manager.
Following a visit to an accredited organisation The Skills Organisation Quality
Manager will provide a written report from the Industry Moderation Group on the
moderation outcomes to the organisation concerned. The Skills Organisation meets
the cost of site visits.
The Skills Organisation is responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of its national
external moderation system, and for providing an annual report to NZQA. The Skills
Organisation Quality Manager is responsible for providing the annual report to NZQA
Accredited organisations will receive a report covering pre- and post- assessment
moderation outcomes, moderation visit outcomes, and moderation meeting
attendance at the end of each year, to record moderation compliance and any
moderation issues. Any issues must be addressed in the timeframe specified.
The moderation system is funded through the portion of the $1 per credit fee rebated
to The Skills Organisation, industry contributions, and through pre-assessment
moderation charges.
The Skills Organisation reserve the right to charge for moderation as follows.
Pre-assessment moderation of assessment material
Ref: 0227
$75 plus GST for initial checking of the assessment material.
$50 plus GST per hour for checking of assessment material re-submitted for
compliance where substantial changes are required.
There are no fees charged to the accredited organisation for Moderation visits.
However, accredited organisations will be responsible for funding their participation in
moderation activities, such as travel costs to attend moderation meetings. The Skills
Organisation aim to run a cost efficient and effective moderation system.
Non-compliance with moderation requirements
Non-compliance in meeting the requirements of this moderation system will result in
further action by The Skills Organisation. Ongoing unresolved non-compliance will
be referred to the appropriate QAB (NZQA, ITP Quality, or CUAP). Ultimately, the
QAB may withdraw accreditation.
Additional moderation visits will be arranged with accredited organisations following
initial non-compliance to provide support and for on-going monitoring of assessment.
An accredited organisation wishing to appeal a moderation outcome may write to The
Skills Organisation Quality Manager outlining their appeal basis and stating their
case. The Skills Organisation Quality Manager will forward the appeal to The Skills
Organisation Board who will hear both sides, seek clarification where required, and
reach a decision. This decision will be final.
NQF Registration Information
27 October 2006
Ref: 0227