UH HILO FACULTY CONGRESS Meeting Minutes September 23, 2005 Members Present: Tausilia Amoa, Justin Avery, Philippe Binder, Marilyn Brown, Kelly Burke, Jerry Calton, Rick Castberg, Keola Donaghy, Jonathan Groelz, April Komenaka, Jim Mellon, Jene Michaud, Dylan Nonaka, Helen Rogers Ex-Officio Members Present: Randy Hirokawa, Steve Hora, Corinne Tamashiro Others Present: Beau Butts, Audrey Furukawa, Gail Makuakane-Lundin Meeting called to order by Chair Jene Michaud at 3:02 pm. ROUTINE BUSINESS 1. Announcements a. RCUH: Letter from Congress regarding the UH administration’s proposed policy on RCUH employment was sent on September 7, 2005, to the Board of Regents. b. All-Campus Council of Faculty Senate Chairs (ACCFSC): At its recent meeting, prerequisites in Banner as well as “grading harmony” within the UH system (different grading systems within the UH system make transferring an issue) were discussed. c. Budget: 5% of new revenue will be spent on campus safety. d. Faculty governance: The appropriate division of responsibilities between Congress and the colleges (e.g., with regard to admissions, graduation requirements) needs to be worked on constructively throughout the year. Steve Hora will be bringing in a consultant to look at this. e. CCECS: Discussions are taking place regarding the scope of the college. f. There are two ways to get congress to consider an issue. First, faculty members of congress representatives can bring issues to the attention of members of the Congress Executive Committee (CEC). The CEC will decide whether an issue will go to congress or be referred to a committee or be tabled. When possible, it is best to bring issues to the CEC at least a week before a scheduled congress meeting. The second option involves having a voting member of congress make a motion from the floor following a waiver of the 48-hour rule. g. The CEC is referring the following matters to the Academic Policy Committee: transfer policy (the administration is requesting formal approval of existing transfer policy) duties and qualifications of tenure-track teaching faculty (the VCAA is requesting that we consider making certain changes) grading policy for repeated courses (the policy approved last May by Congress will create problems when students fail a course they previously got a passing grade in, thereby erasing credits earned in previous semesters) 2. Approval of the minutes of the August 26, 2005 meeting. Approved by acclamation. 3. Committee reports a. Assessement Support Committee: Chair April Komenaka provided the following progress report: Membership: In second year: Ruth Robison (OSA), Barbara Meguro (CAS) Nominated for 2005-2007: Todd Belt (CAS), Richard Crowe (CAS), Bill Sakai (CAFNRM), Errol Yudko (CAS) The committee will be joined in an ad hoc capacity by faculty representing programs which have completed program reviews recently and who can explain how program review benefited their programs. Tasks for 2005-2006: Assisting programs undergoing self study 2005-2006 (Economics, History, Political Science); first meeting with programs will focus the programs’ aspirations and challenges and discuss how the program review process can assist Encouraging programs that are still working on their reports Tracking the progress of program reviews through the pipeline and following up on MOUs Helping the VCAA administer assessment funds (about $50,000; two major things they will fund: 1) programs using Major Field Achievement Test and other standardized outcomes testing, and 2); funding for programs developing/implementing student learning outcomes assessment) Revising the list of suggestions appended to the program review guidelines Updating the campus Assessment Plan (last looked at in 2002) b. Budget Committee: Chair Jerry Calton reported that the members of the committee will be Bill Heacox (CAS), Jonathan Dresner (CAS), Kelly Burke (COBE), Helen Rogers (Library) and Gail Makuakane-Lundin (OSA). Membes from CAFNRM and KHUOK are sill needed. Dylan Nonaka asked if a student representative is needed on the committee; the Chair said he will work with Dylan on student representation. Steve Hora reported that the budget came out on August 15. Copies of the Academic Affairs Allocation 2005-06 by Unit and the UH Hilo FY 2006 Initial Allocation were distributed. There are not enough funds to go around. Dr. Hora allocated about $200,000 more than given by the Vice Chancellor for Administration; any new funds will need to make up that deficit. A 2% increase in enrollment would yield about $180,000 additional funds, of which the VCAA should be able to get about $100,000; a 3% increase in enrollment would possibly enable the VCAA to obtain about $180,000. He also reported that there is some progress on the Hawaii Community College issue discussed at the last Congress meeting. They hope to have a resolution on the matter by October 1. c. General Education Committee: Chair Marilyn Brown distributed a handout that listed the members of the committee. A member from the CAS Humanities Division and students will be added to the committee in the future. The plans of the committee will be to make an assessment of each college’s versions of General Education proposals (a request that was made in February 2005 by the General Education Committee), and to see how the committee can support colleges in completing the proposals. OLD BUSINESS (none) NEW BUSINESS 1. Motion (by the CEC) to appoint representatives to 2-year terms on the Congress standing committees. Academic Policy Committee: Patrick Hart (CAS-NS), Dawna Coutant (CAS-SS), Jerry Calton (COBE), Barbara Heintz (OSA) Assessement Support Committee: Todd Belt (CAS), Richard Crowe (CAS), Bill Sakai (CAFNRM), Errol Yudko (CAS) Budget Committee: Bill Heacox (CAS), Jonathan Dresner (CAS), Kelly Burke (COBE), Helen Rogers (Library) General Education Committee: Michael Shintaku (CAFNRM), Todd Belt (CAS-SS), Philippe Binder (CAS-NS), Beau Butts (Student-CAS), Paul Ferraro (Student-COBE), Pila Wilson (KHUOK), Thora Abarca (Library), Kainoa Ariola (OSA) Vote: 10 in favor, 0 opposed. Motion passed. 2. Motion (by the CEC) to convene a Student Success Committee (SSC). The purview of the SSC will be retention, advising and remediation, and the committee will subsume the previous Student Success and Retention Committee (a congress committee) and the previous Advising Committee (a VCAA committee). The charge of the SSC will be to work with colleges, academic affairs, and student affairs to prioritize initiatives (past recommendations of the precursor committees) for implementation. Vote: 10 in favor, 0 opposed. Motion passed. 3. Motion (by CEC) to form an ad hoc Congress Admissions Committee. The purview of the committee will be undergraduate admissions, graduate admissions and re-admittance. The charge of the committee shall be to summarize relevant information about admissions and make recommendations regarding which faculty government bodies should set admissions criteria. These recommendations should address the relationship between the senates and the congress with respect to admissions criteria. Before the motion above was voted on, the following motions were made and voted on: Motion: Add that the committee will examine existing admissions criteria and recommend any changes it deems necessary. Vote: 10 in favor, 0 opposed. Motion passed. Motion: For the Congress Chair make it clear that the issue of who makes admissions policy be resolved first, and the policy issues be resolved second. Vote: 10 in favor, 0 opposed. Motion passed. Motion: Add that the committee also be charged with examining the issue of “differential” admissions (e.g., proportion of non-resident vs. resident students, WUE students), and recommend any changes. Vote: 10 in favor, 0 opposed. Motion passed. Motion: To form an admissions committee and give it a charge. Vote: 10 in favor, 0 opposed. Motion passed. 4. Motion (by CEC) to appoint representatives to one-year terms on the Student Success and Admissions Committees. Student Success Committee: Kainoa Ariola (OSA), Chad Cabral (OSA), Karla Hayashi (CAS), Raina Ivanova (CAS), Sonia Juvik (CAS—fall appointment only), Gail Makuakane-Lundin (OSA), Eric Sanchez (Athletics), Craig Severance (CAS), Kenny Simmons (VCAA Office, when she returns from sabbatical), Michael Wery (student) Admissions Committee: Jim Cromwell (OSA), Gail Makuakane-Lundin (OSA), Bill Mautz (CAS), Bill Sakai (CAFNRM) Vote: 10 in favor, 0 opposed. Motion passed. 5. Motion (by CEC) to send a letter to the UH President about the UH Hilo Budget. See attached letter to Interim President David McClain regarding the UH Hilo budget. Vote: 10 in favor, 0 opposed. Motion passed. 6. Motion (by CEC) to make the following appointments: Congress representative to the UH Hilo Graduate Council: Rick Castberg (1-yr term) Vote: 9 in favor, 0 opposed. Motion passed. Congress Representative to the system budget committee: Jerry Calton (1-yr term) Vote: 9 in favor, 0 opposed. Motion passed. 7. Motion (by CEC) to endorse the 2005-06 Graduate Council nominees. Carry-over from 2004-05 Graduate Council: Nina Buchanan (CAS), Jerry Calton (COBE), James Juvik (CAS), Donald Price (CAS/EPSCoR), Michael Shintaku (CAFNRM), Enbao Wang (CAS) New appointments: Harold Hall (CAS), Pila Wilson (KHUOK). Vote: 10 in favor, 0 opposed. Motion passed. 8. Motion: Waive the 48-hour rule to permit Justin Avery to speak regarding military recruitment on campus. Motion seconded. Justin Avery said that he believes UH Hilo is in violation of the University’s policy on nondiscrimination. He suggested that Congress consider making a statement that would acknowledge that allowing military recruiters on campus violates University policy. Discussion followed regarding the current legal status of this situation nationally (Yale School of Law’s case is going to the Supreme Court) and whether the military is indeed discriminating against certain individuals. Motion: That this matter be referred to the CEC. Vote: 10 in favor, 0 opposed. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 4:10 pm. Respectfully submitted, Jim Mellon Congress Secretary