PROGRAM: Digital Communication Department COURSE NUMBER/NAME: ARTC 2311 – History of Communication Graphics CLASS NUMBER & SEMESTER: 60818 - Fall 2010 CREDIT: 3 (3 hour lecture course) / 16 weeks/ 48 hours per semester WEB ENHANCED COMPONENT: 32 hours WHERE: West Loop Campus - Room 135 WHEN: T/Th, 9:30 - 11:00 am Instructor: Margo Reece Telephone: 713-718-7903 Email: Office hours: T/Th – 8:00-9:30 am and 11:00-11:30 am Office location: West Loop Campus, room 139B Concerning office hours: Making an appointment to meet with me is always preferred. You may drop in during office hours but be aware that another student may have an appointment scheduled during the time you choose to drop in and you may have to wait, or come back at another time. Please be sure you keep the appointment you make and if you cannot, let me know via email 24-hours in advance so I can schedule another student during that time (this is simple professional courtesy and I will act in kind). If your question does not require discussion you may contact me via email with any course specific question or concern that you may have. Remember that the syllabus, the schedule and the assignment handouts are your friend—read carefully. Those documents are very detailed and contain the information you need to meet course requirements. Course Description Survey of the evolution of graphic arts as it relates to the history of art. Topics include formal, stylistic, social, political, economic, and historical aspects. Emphasis is on the art movement, schools of thought, individuals, and technology as they interrelate with graphic arts. Prerequisites No departmental prerequisites. Course Goal To engage students in learning the foundation and development of visual communication. To broaden and deepen student understanding and appreciation of graphic design as a professional discipline with a rich history of notable styles, practioners and technologies. EDUC 1301 – page 2 Student Learning Outcomes The student will be able to: 1. Recognize, identify, and date significant examples of visual communication and related technologies as covered in the text. 2. Name important artists, graphic designers, type designers, illustrators, photographers and printers and associate them with their work and the place, period and style in which they worked. 3. Examine, study and analyze the form characteristics of a visual style, and be able to place acknowledged examples of that style into the appropriate period/style it is identified with. 4. Discuss something visually important or unique about specific works of visual communication. 5. Gain a broader understanding of how graphic design is influenced by culture, and how it in turn influences culture. Learning objectives Students will: 1. Learn the historical development of visual communication and graphic art. 2. Consider and appreciate the principles of successful works of visual communication. 3. Foster the development of educated professional aesthetic judgments rather than opinions. 4. Note the methods and practices of distinguished visual communicators. 6. Develop critical listening, observation, reading, thinking, and writing skills. 7. Be introduced to multi-cultural graphics and methods in visual communication. 8. Utilize web enhanced content. SCANS or Core Curriculum Statement and Other Standards Credit: 3 lecture “Personal Qualities”(F14, 15, 16,17) Note the following definition – The student will display a high standard of optimism in approaching and completing tasks. Throughout the course, the student will exert a substantial, sustained level of effort and persevere toward goal attainment, work to become proficient at doing tasks by setting high standards, paying attention to details, working cheerfully, even when assigned a challenging task, and REMAIN FOCUSED ON THE CLASS AND COURSE CONTENT. F1 Reading, F2 Writing, F5 Listening, F6 Speaking, F7 Creative, F12 Reasoning. 16-WEEK CALENDAR FALL 2010 CALENDAR - TRADITIONAL 16-WEEK SEMESTER August 21 Saturday Saturday Registration ( 9am - 1pm ) August 27 Friday Last Day for 100% Refund EDUC 1301 – page 3 August 28 Saturday Saturday Registration ( 9am - 1pm ) August 28 Saturday Classes Begin - Drop/Add/Swap Fee ($15.00) Begins August 28 - September 14 70% Refund August 31 Tuesday Registration Ends Last Day to Add/Swap Classes September 2 Thursday Last Day to Drop Classes Online (After this date students can only drop in person or by letter, see class schedule.) September 6 Monday Offices Closed - Labor Day Holiday September 10 Friday Official Date of Record September 15 - 20 25% Refund October 15 Friday Priority Deadline for Spring 2011 Financial Aid Award October 15 Friday Priority Deadline for Fall Completion of Degrees or Certificates November 18 Thursday Last Day for Administrative/Student Withdrawals - 4:30 pm November 24 Wednesday No Night Classes before Thanksgiving November 25 - 28 Offices Closed - Thanksgiving Holiday December 1 Wednesday Veteran’s Advanced-Pay Application Deadline for Spring Session December 12 Sunday Instruction Ends December 13 - 19 Final Examinations December 19 Sunday Semester Ends December 20 Monday Grades Due by - 12:00 Noon December 24 Friday Grades Available to Students December 20 - December 31 Offices Closed - Christmas Break SEMESTER SCHEDULE/ Fall 2010 Instructor: Margo Reece A schedule guideline only—which may be altered at the instructor’s discretion! (WK1) Course Introduction: syllabi/textbook/schedule. Discussion: Why Study Graphic Design? Understanding dates: c., BC, AD, BCE, CE. Web Enhanced Segment: Visit Lascaux & Egyptology websites: (explore the cave) (Hieroglyphics) TO DO: PURCHASE YOUR TEXT IMMEDIATELY! Have text in class by week two. Reading Assignment (before Thursday): Chapter 1 The Invention of Writing. Part I (chapters 1,2,3,4) Discussion Chap.1: The dawning of visual communication. Reading Assignment: Chapter 2 & 3 Alphabets and the Asian Contribution. EDUC 1301 – page 4 (WK2) Discussion Chap.2 & 3: The development of alphabets and the Asian contribution. Reading Assignment: Chapter 4 Illuminated Manuscripts (WK3) Discussion Chap. 4: Illuminated manuscripts/ Reminder: 1st exam next week! Video: The Illuminated Manuscript (24 minutes) or BBC’s The Illuminated Bible. Web Enhanced Segment: Visit The Illuminated Bible at (click on “See the Bible”, then “Process” and “Production”) Learn more about the Book of Kells : A humorous timeline of the indignities visited upon the Book of Kells by man: Reading Assignment: Chapter 5 & 6 Printing Comes to Europe and German Illustrated Books. (WK4) (Tuesday) EXAM #1 covering chapters 1-4, from 9:30-10:50 am (Thursday) TBA / Intro to the library: library cards, databases, periodicals, books. Reminder: Mood Board Project subject due week 5/ presentation in week 8. Reading Assignment: Chapter 5, & 6 Printing Comes to Europe and German Illustrated Books. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (WK5) Part II (chapters 5, 6, 7, 8) Discussion Chap. 5 & 6: Printing comes to Europe & German illustrated books. Mood Board Project subject due today! Web Enhanced Segment: A Gutenberg Bible is at the Harry Ransom Center in Austin. Visit the pages below and read/study them for more information not in your text. then…papermaking/ printshop/ buying/ familiar/ illuminations/ marginalia/oops/ Animation “What Is a Print?”. Printmaking Types (definitions) Reading Assignment: Chapter 7 & 8 Renaissance Graphic Design & Epoch of Typographic Genius. Video: Albrecht Durer Image of a Master (21 minutes). (WK6) Discussion Chap. 7 & 8 : German Illustrated Books, Renaissance Graphic Design, etc. Reminder: 2nd exam next week! Reading Assignment: Chapter 9 &10 Graphic Design in the Industrial Age & The Arts and Crafts Movement. (WK7) (Tuesday) EXAM #2 covering chapters 5-8, from 9:30-10:50 am EDUC 1301 – page 5 (Thursday) TBA Work on Mood Board Project due next week! Return late assignments. Reading Assignment: Chapter 9 &10 Graphic Design and the Industrial Revolution and The Arts and Crafts Movement and its Heritage. (WK8) (Tuesday) MIDTERM MOODBOARD PROJECT due for class critique! Part III The Bridge to the 20th Century (chapters 9, 10, 11, 12) (Thursday) Discussion Chap. 9: Graphic design & photography in the industrial age. *Presentations Weeks 15 & 16: Sign-up for a graphic designer, type designer, or illustrator to talk about! Reading Assignment: Chapter10 &11, The Arts and Crafts Movement and its Heritage and Art Nouveau. Web Enhanced Segment: Video “Making Wood Type for Letterpress Printing”. (WK9) Discussion Chap. 10 &11: The Arts and Crafts movement, the influence of Japan (Ukiyoe), and the Art Nouveau movement. Reminder: 3rd exam Thursday of next week! Web Enhanced Segment: (Chicago) Art Institute Exhibitions: Apostles of Beauty Part 1 & 2 by curator Judith Barter Video: “Topsy” William Morris (57 minutes) or The Great Wave (50 minutes). Reading Assignment: Chapter 12 The Genesis of Twentieth Century Design (WK10) Discussion Chap.12: The beginnings of twentieth-century design. (Thursday) EXAM #3 covering chapters 9 –12, from 9:30-10:50 am Return Mood Board Project and discuss briefly in class. Reading Assignment: Chapter 14 &15 (skip Chapter13!) Pictorial Modernism and A New Language of Form ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part IV The Modernist Era (chapters 13, 14, 15, 16, 17) (WK11)Discussion Chap.14 &15: Pictorial Modernism in Europe & the movement toward pure form in Dutch graphics. Video: Art Deco (29 minutes) Reading Assignment: Chapter 16 &17 The Bauhaus & New Typography, The Modern Movement in America. (WK12)Discussion Chap.16 &17: The Bauhaus, new typography, and the modern movement in America. Video: Bauhaus The Face of the 20th Century (50 minutes). Reminder: Presentations are due week 15/16—sign up for a 10-minute time slot! EDUC 1301 – page 6 Reading Assignment: Chapter 18 & 19 The International Typographic Style & The New York School. Part V The Age of Information (chapters 18, 19…20 – 24) (WK13)Discussion Chap.18 &19: The International Typographic Style & The New York School. (WK14)(Tuesday) TBA/ EXAM #4 covering chapters 14 – 19, from 9:30-10:50 am (Thursday) Work on class presentations! (WK15)Class Presentations! Attendance is mandatory. Failure to be in attendance for all class presentations will result in a deduction of 20 points off your earned grade. (WK16)Class Presentations may continue! Attendance is mandatory as in week 15. TBA/ Final comprehensive exam. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instructional Methods Class time will be spent in an image-lecture presentation & discussion format primarily within a classroom. Other formats may be used such as student (verbal) presentations, assessments, project presentations, guest lecturers, videotapes, films, Internet research or field trips. Student Assignments Assignments have been developed that will enhance your learning and contribute to your understanding of visual communication. Students are required to successfully complete the following: Bi-Weekly Vocabulary Exercises Students will define graphic related vocabulary terms as assigned from the text. These definitions will function as a study guide for the vocabulary portion of the tests. Web Enhanced Course Content Each of the four units contains additional supplementary content to be read, studied, watched and included as part of the course that you may be tested upon. Significant individual Web (and library) research is required for both the mid-term project and the final presentation. Submitting Assignments *See below “Class Project, Presentation, Exam Days” for related information. 1. Do not attempt to turn in work to the instructor prior to the due date. Assignments will not be accepted in advance of the class due date. 2. Written assignments must be typed (unless otherwise instructed). Be sure you follow any formatting guidelines given. 3. Multiple pages submitted on paper (unless otherwise instructed) must be stapled together in the upper left corner of the pages (no paper clips). Unstapled multiple-page assignments will be returned to you and docked –10 points off your earned grade for EDUC 1301 – page 7 being late 4. Any assignment turned in for grading without a name will receive a “0”(zero). On written assignments your name should be in the upper right corner, on visual projects the lower right. 5. All written work will be due on paper and/ or electronic form. Note: Failure to turn in printed files on paper and/or electronic files as assigned (color or B&W) will result in a grade of “0” (zero). 6. Late assignment requirements… a. Late work will only be accepted in class exactly one week from the due date. Work must be turned in to the instructor at the beginning of class, the following week (when your name is called as the roll is taken). NO EXCEPTIONS! b. Late work meeting that deadline will be penalized by a reduction of 10 points for assignments and 20 points for Projects and Presentations depending upon any applicable criteria as defined below in “Project, Presentation, Test Days”. Late work not meeting the deadline as defined above will earn a “0” (zero) grade. Assessments 1. There will be a test approximately every four chapters. 2. Ten to twenty image examples from the chapters will be shown with a fill-in-the-blank table requiring you to enter specific data about each image. 3. Ten to fifteen visual-communication related vocabulary terms and definitions (matching). 4. A portion of each test may include (but is not limited to) multiple-choice questions, short answer, matching, true/false, lists, analysis and or synthesis questions and short essays. Midterm Project Mood Board What is a mood board? A collection of items, both reproduced (printed) and actual physical objects representing the design characteristics and aesthetic feel of a style or period. A collection of images (research the web & library) and objects for example: type faces from the period, examples of popular colors during the period, fabric and wall paper patterns, popular motifs, actual natural materials used during the period, things indicative of the style, and then composed (arranged) and attached on a surface (mat board, foam core, etc.). In-Class Verbal Presentation An In-class, verbal presentation on a graphics related subject (TBA) is required toward the end of the semester. The use of one of the following: Power Point (PC or Mac), Keynote (Mac only) or Acrobat to organize and display images is required. Use Photoshop for scanning and image preparation. Concerning Class Project Due Days, Presentation and Test days… Class project due, presentation and test days are all to be treated as “exam” days. Attendance is mandatory! Do not schedule doctor’s appointments, trips out of town, etc., on those days! If you are present but your project/presentation work is not complete and ready for presentation—deduct 20 points from your earned grade. You will have one week (the EDUC 1301 – page 8 following class meeting to present your work). If you do not meet that deadline you will have earned a”0” (zero) for that project/presentation. You are required to present your own work in class—If your work project/presentation is complete but you are not present in class to present it—deduct 20 points from your grade. You have one week (the following class meeting to present your work). If you do not meet that deadline you will have earned a”0” (zero) for that project/presentation. Students will be asked to make observations about other’s work during presentations. Verbal or written participation may be required. Polite but honest objectivity is essential to productive feedback. No makeup of tests, or exams will be permitted without a dated, documented in writing and verifiable medical or personal emergency for the day(s) missed. In that event, the makeup will be taken on the student’s own time during lab under supervision, not during class. Instructional Materials (COME TO CLASS PREPARED!) 1. TEXT: Megg’s History of Graphic Design, Fourth Edition by Philip B. Meggs and Alston W. Purvis, ©2006, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. / ISBN 0-471-69902-0. The textbook is required—not optional! You must have the textbook by the Thursday of the 2nd week of class or I will deduct points from your grade for every day you don’t have the text with you in class. You must have the textbook in class with you every class meeting. 2. Notepaper in class everyday for taking notes. 3. Pens/pencils and a highlighter in class everyday for taking notes. 4. Three-ring binder to keep handouts, completed exercises and your notes in. 5. One ream of LASER PAPER, 24 lb. (NOT multipurpose, NOT copy paper). 6. A word processing application (like Microsoft WORD) to type vocabulary and as assigned. 7. A HCC library card is required to access library databases from your home computer and borrow books. For projects/presentations: you will use the HCC LIBRARY and the Internet to research topics relating to the history of graphic design. An HCC Student Photo I.D is helpful in attaining a library card. 8. The Mood Board Project will require a collection of reproduced images and physical objects representative of a specific style/period of visual communication. Some art supplies like foam core, glue, scissors, etc. are required. 9. In-class verbal presentations will require the use of one of the following: Power Point (PC or Mac), Keynote (Mac only) or Acrobat to organize and display images. Use Photoshop for scanning and image preparation. HCC Policy Statement - ADA Services to Students with Disabilities Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability Services Office at the respective college at the beginning of each semester. Faculty is authorized to provide only the accommodations requested by the Disability Support Services Office. For questions, please contact District ADA Coordinator Donna Price at 713.718.5165 or the Disability Counselor at your college. To visit the ADA Web site, please visit: EDUC 1301 – page 9 Then click Future students, scroll down the page and click on the words Disability Information. Southwest ADA Counselor - Dr. Becky Hauri - 713.718.7910 HCC Policy Statement: Academic Honesty A student who is academically dishonest is, by definition, not showing that the coursework has been learned, and that student is claiming an advantage not available to other students. Instructors are responsible for measuring each student's achievements and also for ensuring that all students compete on a level playing field. Thus, in our system, the instructor has teaching, grading and enforcement roles. You are expected to be familiar with the College’s policy on Academic Honesty, found in the catalog. What that means is: If you are charged with an offense, pleading ignorance of the rules will not help you. Students are responsible for conducting themselves with honor and integrity in fulfilling course requirements. Penalties, and/or disciplinary proceedings may be initiated by College System officials against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty. “Scholastic dishonesty”: includes, but is not limited to, cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion. Cheating on a test includes: Copying from another students’ test paper; Using materials not authorized by the person giving the test; Collaborating with another student during a test without authorization; Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or soliciting in whole or part the contents of a test that has not been administered; Bribing another person to obtain a test that is to be administered. Plagiarism means the appropriation of another’s work and the unacknowledged incorporation of that work in one’s own written or visual work offered for credit. Collusion mean the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written or visual work offered for credit. Repercussions for academic dishonesty may include a grade of 0 or F in the particular assignment, failure in the course, and/or recommendation for probation or dismissal from the College System. (See the Student Handbook!) HCC Policy Statements Class Attendance - It is important that you come to class! Attending class regularly is the best way to succeed in this class. Research has shown that the single most important factor in student success is attendance. Simply put, going to class greatly increases your ability to succeed. You are expected to attend all lecture and labs regularly. You are responsible for materials covered during your absences. Class attendance is checked daily. Although it is your responsibility to drop a course for nonattendance, the instructor has the authority to drop you for excessive absences. EDUC 1301 – page 10 If you are not attending class, you are not learning the information. The information that is covered in class is vital for your success. Students may be dropped from a course after accumulating absences in excess of 12.5% hours of instruction. The six hours of class time would include any total classes missed or for excessive tardiness or leaving class early. You may decide NOT to come to class for whatever reason. As an adult making the decision not to attend, you do not have to notify the instructor prior to missing a class. However, if this happens too many times, you may suddenly find that you are no longer in the class. If you miss any class, including the first week, you are responsible for all material missed. INFORMATION COVERED IN CLASS WILL NOT BE REPEATED FOR TARDY OR ABSENT STUDENTS! If you must miss class it is the your responsibility to make arrangements with another student to take notes for you over what you missed. Class attendance frequently equals class success. Punctuality Keep in mind that being late or leaving class early are missed hours of instruction. Class begins at the time indicated in the schedule. You will be counted late if you are not in the classroom to answer the roll when your name is called. Being late to class is rude, disruptive to your fellow students and the instructor, and reduces your class participation time. There will be no repetition of information for tardy students. Being late or leaving before class is dismissed four (4) times will equate to one absence. If you come in late to class do not disrupt the class—come in quietly! Being late 30 minutes or more to class will equal and be counted as one absence. You may not leave class until you are dismissed. HCC Course Withdrawal Policy If you feel that you cannot complete this course, you will need to withdraw from the course prior to the final date of withdrawal. Before, you withdraw from your course; please take the time to meet with the instructor to discuss why you feel it is necessary to do so. The instructor may be able to provide you with suggestions that would enable you to complete the course. Your success is very important. Beginning in fall 2007, the Texas Legislature passed a law limiting first time entering freshmen to no more than SIX total course withdrawals throughout their educational career in obtaining a certificate and/or degree. To help students avoid having to drop/withdraw from any class, HCC has instituted an Early Alert process by which your professor may “alert” you and HCC counselors that you might fail a class because of excessive absences and/or poor academic performance. It is your responsibility to visit with a counselor to learn about what, if any, HCC interventions might be available to assist you – online tutoring, child care, financial aid, job placement, etc. – to stay in class and improve your academic performance. EDUC 1301 – page 11 If you plan on withdrawing from your class, you MUST contact a HCC counselor or your professor prior to withdrawing (dropping) the class for approval and this must be done PRIOR to the withdrawal deadline to receive a “W” on your transcript. **Final withdrawal deadlines vary each semester and/or depending on class length, please visit the online registration calendars, HCC schedule of classes and catalog, any HCC Registration Office, or any HCC counselor to determine class withdrawal deadlines. Remember to allow a 24-hour response time when communicating via email and/or telephone with a professor and/or counselor. Do not submit a request to discuss withdrawal options less than a day before the deadline. If you do not withdraw before the deadline, you will receive the grade that you are making in the class as your final grade. Repeat Course Fee The State of Texas encourages students to complete college without having to repeat failed classes. To increase student success, students who repeat the same course more than twice, are required to pay extra tuition. The purpose of this extra tuition fee is to encourage students to pass their courses and to graduate. Effective fall 2006, HCC will charge a higher tuition rate to students registering the third or subsequent time for a course. If you are considering course withdrawal because you are not earning passing grades, confer with your instructor/counselor as early as possible about your study habits, reading and writing homework, test taking skills, attendance, course participation, and opportunities for tutoring or other assistance that might be available. Classroom Behavior As your instructor and as a student in this class, it is our shared responsibility to develop and maintain a positive learning environment for everyone. Your instructor takes this responsibility very seriously and will inform members of the class if their behavior makes it difficult for him/her to carry out this task. As a fellow learner, you are asked to respect the learning needs of your classmates and assist your instructor in achieving this critical goal. Use of Camera and/or Recording Devices As a student active in the learning community of this course, it is your responsibility to be respectful of the learning atmosphere in your classroom. To show respect of your fellow students and instructor, you will turn off your phone and other electronic devices, and will not use these devices in the classroom unless you receive permission from the instructor. Use of recording devices, including camera phones and tape recorders, is prohibited in classrooms, laboratories, faculty offices, and other locations where instruction, tutoring, or testing occurs. Students with disabilities who need to use a recording device as a reasonable accommodation should contact the Office for Students with Disabilities for information regarding reasonable accommodations. Concerning Cell Phones and Beepers Cell phones and beepers must be turned OFF before entering the class. Cell phones or beepers may not be utilized in the classroom at any time. It is extremely rude to talk on the phone in a EDUC 1301 – page 12 classroom—never answer or talk on the phone in the classroom. You may check your messages during the allocated break times outside of the classroom. If your phone rings during class I will deduct 5 points from your exam grade for that unit each time it rings. If you answer or talk on a cell phone in the classroom I will deduct 10 points from your exam grade for that unit each time you do so. Note: If you have a real emergency and feel you must take the call, quietly leave the room before answering. Concerning MP3 Players MP3 players (ipods, etc.), or earphones of any sort are not permitted during class time. Instructor Requirements As your Instructor, it is my responsibility to: Provide a course syllabus and schedule Provide the grading scale/formula as to how student grades are determined Facilitate an effective learning environment through lectures, discussion, class activities assessments, and outside assignments Provide a description of projects, presentations and assignments Inform students of policies such as attendance, withdrawal, tardiness, late work, test make-up (if permitted) Arrange to meet with individual students as needed. Student Requirements To be successful in this class, it is the student’s responsibility to: Attend class regularly and participate in class by active listening, discussion, asking questions and taking notes Read and comprehend the assigned reading in the textbook before it is covered in class. Highlight your text as you read, make notes in the margins. WARNING: DO NOT FALL BEHIND IN YOUR READING! Use the text as an ongoing resource throughout the semester. It can serve as an initial reference to get subject ideas for projects, presentations or research papers Study for the tests. Prepare flash card/ study aids to review for exams—slide identification/ vocabulary, etc. Complete all assignments, exercises, projects, presentations and tests Keep copies of all course handouts, completed work and your class notes. Grading Your instructor will conduct assessments that you can use to determine how successful you are at achieving the course learning outcomes (mastery of course content and skills) outlined in the syllabus. If you find you are not mastering the material and skills, you are encouraged to reflect on how you study and prepare for each class. Your instructor welcomes a dialogue on what you discover and may be able to assist you in finding resources on campus that will improve your performance. EDUC 1301 – page 13 Grading Scale 90 - 100 = A 80 - 89 = B 70 - 79 = C 60 - 69 = D Below 60 = F Grading Percentages Projects/ Papers/ Presentations (two) @15% each 30% Assessments (tests) 50% Exercises (vocabulary), web components, quizzes 20% *TBA - Final Comprehensive Exam (averaged in with tests) Note: If you score a 75 or above on each test you will not be required to take a comprehensive final. This is an incentive! From your instructor: One reason I teach this course and why I think design matters. I had the opportunity to visit Berlin, Germany shortly after the Berlin Wall fell (it was torn down by the people of Berlin). I visited what was Check-Point-Charlie (now a museum), and walked from West to East Berlin through the Brandenburg Gates. In doing so I was deeply affected by the dramatic contrast between the two cultures of West and East Berlin, existing right next to each other, yet so vastly different. Growing-up I had read about West and East Berlin, and seen photographs and news reports of desperate people trying to escape from East Berlin to the West. Being there, I could see why. West Berlin was a beautiful city; sophisticated, alive, active, energetic, exciting, literally in motion—East Berlin was desolate, silent, depressed, even mournful. Almost nothing moved. Everything was constructed of gray, unadorned concrete. Weeds sprung up everywhere in the cracked, unkempt ground under my feet. Everything surrounding me was in a state of disrepair. East Berlin was an endless series of shoddy, gray walled, non-descript structures. There was no sense of “design” in any of the buildings (every building was a ”state” building), no beautiful landscaping (not even plants), no signage, no advertising graphics, no magazine or newspaper stands, no color, no vibrancy, almost no activity, no stores, no products. This environment contained little or no visual stimulation—no beauty or whimsy. Nothing for the eye to contemplate, appreciate or be amused by. No surprise that there were few windows. There was nothing to look at. Because there was no sense of design—the interjection of aesthetics, human creativity, inventiveness and imagination into the state-made environment there was no feeling of life. I am a visual person and in that place the feeling I experienced was one of numbing deprivation of mind and spirit. Ultimately design is important because design is humane—it is humanizing. “Breathe a soul into the dead product of the machine.” —Walter Gropius EDUC 1301 – page 14