1. What are the benefits of immigration? 2. The process of adopting the language, values, beliefs, roles, or other characteristics of a host culture, but which does not include intermarriage, is called a. acculturation. b. pluralism. c. immigration. d. assimilation. 3. Which of the following statements is true concerning undocumented immigrants in the United States? a. The majority of the men work and most pay payroll taxes. b. Undocumented immigrants receive welfare and food stamps while unemployed. c. Most undocumented immigrants will benefit from social security when they reach age 65. d. Undocumented immigrants are not required to pay sales taxes. 4. A(n) __________ group is a set of people who identify with a particular national origin or cultural heritage. a. racial-ethnic b. racial c. minority d. ethnic 5. Behavior that treats people unequally or unfairly is called a. sexism. b. discrimination. c. prejudice. d. racism. 6. American Indian children are taught that old age is a. a sign of obsolescence. b. something to be avoided. c. a badge of honor. d. something sad that cannot be avoided. 7. A common element between Latino and Asian American families is an emphasis on a. machismo. b. the individual. c. the importance of the family. d. outside relationships. 8. The text observes that lumping all Asians together and treating them as a "model minority" a. is an accurate scenario. b. is a racist practice. c. helps them become accepted as newcomers. d. ignores many subgroups that are not doing well. 9. Marriage in Middle Eastern families is a. usually based on romantic love. b. often arranged or semi-arranged. c. initiated by young adults without parental approval. d. arranged by parents without input from their children. 10. Laws against marriage or sexual relations between a man and a woman of different races were called a. endogamy laws. b. antimiscegenation laws. c. homogamy laws. d. racial purity laws. 11. What is the difference between friendship and love? 12. Which of the following statements is true? a. More than half of all American adults believe in love at first sight. b. Women are more likely than men to initiate romantic e-mail exchanges. c. In 1900, most Americans felt that love makes life "richer and fuller." d. Few American adults believe in "one true love." 13. ___________ refers to communication in which one person reveals his or her honest thoughts and feelings to another person with the expectation that truly open communication will follow. a. Intimacy b. Self-disclosure c. Romantic talk d. Venting 14. According to the biological perspective, as infatuation wanes and attachment grows, a. another group of chemicals called endorphins take over, calming the mind, and reducing anxiety. b. the natural amphetamines in our brains increase, causing us to feel comfortable and secure. c. brain chemicals are replaced by other body systems to keep love going. d. stress hormones increase. 15. According to Reiss's wheel theory of love, couples in the _________ stage of their relationship confide in each other, make mutual decisions, support each other's ambitions, and bolster each other's selfconfidence. a. self-revelation b. rapport c. personality need fulfillment d. mutual dependency 16. According to Lee, which type of love is based on practical considerations, such as compatibility? a. storge b. agape c. pragma d. ludus 17. The point that Cancian makes about the feminization of love is that a. men are incapable of expressing affection verbally. b. women cannot show love, so they have to talk about it. c. men do not get credit for the kinds of loving actions that are more typical of them. d. words are more important than actions in showing love for one's partner. 18. How have mass society's booming technologies like answering machines, texting, electronic mail, and online shopping hindered people in finding love? a. People don't know how to use the technology so they cannot meet other people. b. They have decreased opportunities for face-to-face contact. c. They cause people to focus on themselves first. d. Women are judged more harshly when it comes to using technology. 19. Which of the following is true about stalking? a. Few states have laws against it. b. Stalking laws rarely discourage suitors. c. Most stalkers are strangers to their victims. d. Most stalking incidents involve celebrities. 20. A number of studies suggest that romance is least important in societies where __________ relationships take precedence over __________ relationships. a. kin ties; individual b. conjugal; kin c. individual; family d. platonic; romantic 21. What can we conclude about the nature-nurture debate? 22. Americans generally see men as a. emotional. b. affectionate. c. sensitive. d. aggressive. 23. Learned attitudes and behaviors that characterize people of one sex or the other is referred to as a. sex. b. gender. c. gender roles. d. race. 24. Which of the following is true about gender roles? a. We learn to become male or female through interactions with family members and the larger society. b. Our gender roles are determined by our genes. c. Gender roles tend to be fixed and unchangeable. d. In most societies, women and men are expected to act more similarly than differently. 25. Margaret Mead's investigations revealed that a. among the Arapesh, only women were nurturing with their children. b. among the Mundugumor, both men and women were competitive and aggressive. c. among the Tchumbuli, the men were the economic providers. d. groups in New Guinea tended to exhibit similar gender roles to those found in the West. 26. Which theory maintains that people learn new attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors through social interaction as a result of reinforcement, imitation, and modeling? a. gender-schema theory b. social learning theory c. cognitive development theory d. gender-role stereotyping 27. Who or what is the most influential teacher of gender roles? a. school teachers b. parents c. peers d. the media 28. According to the traditional view of gender, a. men should be instrumental and women should be expressive. b. women should be instrumental and men should be expressive. c. men and women should share instrumental and expressive roles. d. men and women should be instrumental rather than expressive. 29. The household work and child care tasks that many mothers face after coming home from work is referred to as a. sporadic work. b. secondary work. c. the second shift. d. daily burdens. 30. Any unwelcome sexual advance, request for sexual favors, or other conduct of a sexual nature that makes a person uncomfortable and interferes with her or his work is called a. gender-role stereotyping. b. prejudicial behavior. c. gender discrimination. d. sexual harassment. Test Name: Quick Quiz 4-6 1. Immigrants work for low wages in low level service jobs that native-born workers don't want to do. Many small towns would disappear without the influx of immigrant workers. There is a large and growing number of highly skilled immigrants from Asia who attend college or are in America's high-tech workforce. Immigrants constitute an important labor force for an aging America that will require many workers to support Social Security and Medicare payments for the elderly. Feedback: Hints: 2. a. acculturation. Feedback: Hints: 3. a. The majority of the men work and most pay payroll taxes. Feedback: Hints: 4. d. ethnic Feedback: Hints: 5. b. discrimination. Feedback: Hints: 6. c. a badge of honor. Feedback: Hints: 7. c. the importance of the family. Feedback: Hints: 8. d. ignores many subgroups that are not doing well. Feedback: Hints: 9. b. often arranged or semi-arranged. Feedback: Hints: 10. b. antimiscegenation laws. Feedback: Hints: 11. Friendship is based on enjoyment, acceptance, trust, respect, mutual support, confiding, understanding, and honesty. Love includes all of these qualities plus sexual desire, priority over other relationships, and caring to the point of great self-sacrifice. Friendship can develop into love but it is unlikely we would love someone who wasn't a friend. Feedback: Hints: 12. a. More than half of all American adults believe in love at first sight. Feedback: Hints: 13. b. Self-disclosure Feedback: Hints: 14. a. another group of chemicals called endorphins take over, calming the mind, and reducing anxiety. Feedback: Hints: 15. c. personality need fulfillment Feedback: Hints: 16. c. pragma Feedback: Hints: 17. c. men do not get credit for the kinds of loving actions that are more typical of them. Feedback: Hints: 18. b. They have decreased opportunities for face-to-face contact. Feedback: Hints: 19. b. Stalking laws rarely discourage suitors. Feedback: Hints: 20. a. kin ties; individual Feedback: Hints: 21. 1) Women and men exhibit some sex-related genetic differences. 2) Cross-cultural research shows much variation in the characteristics that are typically ascribed to men and women. 3) Nature and nurture interact to explain our behavior. Feedback: Hints: 22. d. aggressive. Feedback: Hints: 23. b. gender. Feedback: Hints: 24. a. We learn to become male or female through interactions with family members and the larger society. Feedback: Hints: 25. b. among the Mundugumor, both men and women were competitive and aggressive. Feedback: Hints: 26. b. social learning theory Feedback: Hints: 27. b. parents Feedback: Hints: 28. a. men should be instrumental and women should be expressive. Feedback: Hints: 29. b. secondary work. Feedback: Hints: 30. d. sexual harassment. Feedback: Hints: