EDUC 1300 Final Exam Review Chapter1: Change Traits employers value Skills needed for the new global economy Short term & Long term goals College responsibilities vs. high school responsibilities Chapter 11: Prosper Types of financial aid Credit scores (good vs. bad) Good credit card habits Bankruptcy Chapter 2: Engage Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Internal & external motivation Chapter 3: Persist Calculating your G.P.A. Handling grading conflicts Chapter 4: Connect Research websites Email netiquette Using the library Chapter 8: Read SQ3R Note-taking methods Chapter 6 : Prioritize Types of stress Ways to relieve stress Procrastination Chapter 10: Learn Neuroplasticity Learning styles Chapter7: Record The importance of listening The importance of watching your instructor The importance of taking notes Chapter 10: Study Tips for test taking Chapter 5: Think Amygdala The media and critical thinking Barriers to critical thinking Problem solving Chapter 13: Communicate Computer mediated communication rules (CMC) Ethnocentrism Proximity & Communication HCC Information iAAR reports Types of degrees Declaring your major G.P.A.