UH Hilo Faculty Congress March 2013 Meeting Agenda

UH Hilo Faculty Congress March 2013 Meeting
March 19th from 3:00pm
Approval of February minutes
Chair's Report:
Spring Faculty Forum Recap
Faculty Lounge Update
Professional Development Committee Update
Teaching Excellence Committee
Motion to name UCB after the late Patsy Mink
Committee Reports*
*Please note that Committee Reports are for informational purposes only. For further clarification, suggestions,
and/or airing of personal anecdotes, please see the relevant committee chair outside of the Congress meeting.
a. Assessment Support: Seri Luangphinith
b. Academic Policy: Mitch Anderson
c. Student Success and Admissions, EMIT Julie Adrian
d. Budget: Norm Stahl
e. Curriculum Review: Jonathan Awaya
f. General Education: Todd Belt
Senate Presentations
Research Council Report
Ad Hoc PR Committee Report
Old Business: Motion on MW schedule, admin reviews, vote on accepting new credit hour
policy, vote on Ph.D. time limit policy, re-visitation of course buyout policy.
New Business: First Reading of Bylaws Amendments; proposed motion for campus-wide
smoking ban