UH HILO FACULTY CONGRESS MINUTES FOR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 1, 2006 K-127 3:00 - 5:00 pm Members Present: Philippe Binder, Marilyn Brown, Kelly Burke, Jason Cabral, Keola Donaghy, Sevki Erdogan, Robert Fox, Barbara Leonard, Shuguang Li, Gail Makuakane-Lundin, Mark Panek, Tom Pinhey, Jennifer Richardson, Helen Rogers, Kristi Malia Temple Ex Officio Members Present: Randy Hirokawa, Steve Hora, Marcia Sakai, Corinne Tamashiro Others Present: Jean Ippolito, Yumiko Ohara Meeting called to order at 3:02 by Congress Chair Barbara Leonard Introductions ANNOUNCEMENTS Review of the scheduled Congress meetings* for the 06-07 AY: Friday, September 1, 2006 3:00-5:00 pm K-127 Friday, September 29, 2006 3:00-5:00 pm K-127 Friday, October 27, 2006 3:00-5:00 pm K-127 Friday, December 1, 2006 3:00-5:00 pm K-127 Friday, January 26, 2007 3:00-5:00 pm TBA Friday, February 23, 2007 3:00-5:00 pm TBA Friday, March 30, 2007 3:00-5:00 pm TBA Friday, April 27, 2007 3:00-5:00 pm TBA Friday, May 11, 2007 3:00-5:00 pm *Unless the meetings conflict with the Board of Regents meetings. TBA OLD BUSINESS 1. Report from the Chair Full written report from the Chair distributed, no questions about Chair’s report Notes on procedure & Robert’s Rules of Order: Designed to facilitate discussion and foster mutual respec Any member of Congress can speak & make a motion 2/3 vote needed to take away rights of members, i.e., limit discussion, call the question 48 hour rule for new business unless the Congress votes otherwise Chair facilitates impartial discussion, Chair has the right to vote, and the Chair’s vote breaks a tie vote No voting by proxy, but voting may be by ballot if a majority calls for such 2. Approval of the minutes of the May 5, 2006 Approved by acclamation. 3. Election of officers Chair (Barbara Leonard) and Vice-Chair (Tom Pinhey) elected at May 5, 2006 meeting. Election for Secretary Nominated: Jennifer Richardson Vote: 15 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstained. Nomination passed. 4. Election of standing committee chairs (for a one-year term). Kelly Burke elected chair of Academic Policy Committee at May 5, 2006 meeting. Gail Makuakane-Lundin elected chair of Admissions Committee at May 5, 2006 meeting. Phillippe Binder elected chair of General Education Committee at May 5, 2006 meeting. Election for the Chair of the Budget Committee March of 2007 anticipated budget approval Nominated: Barbara Leonard Vote: 15 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstained. Nomination passed. Election for the Chair of the Assessment Support Committee Nominated: Sevki Erdogan Vote: 15 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstained. Nomination passed. NEW BUSINESS 5. Haunani Bernardino’s service to UH Hilo Faculty Congress and to the University of Hawaii at Hilo. Motion: To recognize Haunani Bernardino’s service to UH Hilo. Discussion: Exact text to be circulated & approved via email prior to September 27 Vote: 15 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstained. Motion passed. (The text of the motion circulated via email is reproduced below) Whereas, Haunani Bernardino's complete dedication to the mission of the Hawaiian language and cultural studies at the University of Hawai’i at Hilo contributed to the establishment of Ka Haka ‘Ula O Ke’elikölani College of Hawaiian Language, the first of its kind for any Native language in the United States; Whereas, through the effective leadership skills of Haunani Bernardino a new Faculty Congress for the University of Hawai’i at Hilo has been initiated; Whereas, Haunani Bernardino's special talents in coordinating and planning the University of Hawai’i at Hilo's commencement ceremonies has distinguished this integral event in its connection to Hawai'i's rich history and culture; Whereas, Haunani Bernardino's positive teaching and cheerful attitude with her students, parents and members of the University of Hawai’i at Hilo ‘Ohana and community has contributed to the reputation of this University; Be it therefore resolved that the University of Hawai’i at Hilo Faculty Congress honors Haunani Bernardino for her outstanding accomplishments and spirit while extending to her family its most heartfelt condolences on Haunani's passing. 6. Memos dated 8/17/06 and 8/24/2006 from Stephen Hora, Interim Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs, regarding endorsement of 2006-07 Graduate Council and 2006-07 Research Council Motion: To endorse the 2006-07 Graduate Council. Discussion: Role of congress in this matter has been discussed Past Congresses: work with vice chancellor & endorse or not endorse the list Vote: 15 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstained. Motion passed. Motion: To endorse the 2006-07 Research council Discussion: None Vote: 15 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstained. Motion passed. 7. Appointment of the UH Hilo Faculty Congress liaison to the Graduate Council. A member of Faculty Congress who attends Graduate Council meetings and reports back. Motion: To appoint Sevki Erdogan as liaison to Graduate council Vote: 15 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstained. Motion passed. The Chair noted that the first meeting is mostly organizational, and that Standing Committees will report at next meeting, issues to be circulated 48 hours prior to the meeting. The Chair invited Chancellor & Vice Chancellor to give a report at the next meeting if they needed to and thanked ex-officio members, visitors & faculty congress. Meeting adjourned at 3:30pm Respectfully Submitted September 2, 2006 by Jennifer Richardson, Congress Secretary