E ED 601 SPRING 2014 STEM-MA: CURRICULUM, INSTRUCTION AND THE REFLECTIVE TEACHER WEDNESDAYS 4PM Vaughn Next Century Learning Center Session # 1 JAN 29 Topic/Content of Session Students are expected to have completed readings and be prepared for participation in each class Advising on the STEM MA Overview of Course: Discussion of Activities and Assessments, Attendance Policies and Online Requirements. People Search – an introduction to your STEM MA Learning Community. Activity One: Karen Woodruff Navigating the U.S. Satellite Learning Management System and Introduction to Integrated STEM Methods in Education The Nature of Science and Math in STEM Education; Bridging CCSS and NGSS Activity Two: ASCD Whole Child and the STEM Workforce Development Jigsaw reading and activity Complete Session Log Weekly Assignments CSUN ◘ View Course links on Instructor’s EED 601 website; contact instructor with any questions; ◘ Assigned Reading: Henderson's 4 Cs: The implications and benefits of reflection on goals and purposes of becoming a teacher; apply this to your vision of teaching. (This file is found in Course Documents as well. ◘ Assigned Reading on Teaching for Global Awareness (complete reading of the article and be prepared to teach to your classmates by creating an Organizer; (see link to sample Graphic Organizers). ◘ Link to the ASCD Whole Child Initiative. Log-on read about the campaign to ensure our children become productive, engaged citizens. Review the proposal for a broader definition of student achievement and accountability that promotes the development of children who are healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged. ◘ Locate and bring to class a school-distributed summary of next century learning standards (CCSS and NGSS) that addresses these tenets. ◘ Complete 2 Entries in Double-Entry Journal 1) After reviewing the course objectives agenda and assigned readings what are your three key goals to achieve in this course? 2) Describe the challenge(s) you have found in becoming the teacher you set out to become. Weekly Assignments U.S. SATELLITE ◘ Log in to U.S. Satellite Learning Management System ◘ Assigned Readings (USS) Due February 12 (This file is found in Course Documents as well). NSTA FRAMEWORK FOR K–12 SCIENCE EDUCATION pp. 6-8 Lederman & Lederman, 2004 Schwartz, 2007 NGSS and the Nature of Science w/ matrix Session# 2 FEB 5 Topic/Content of Session Sharing Double Entry Journals; Review of Course Requirements on accessing and using the U.S. Satellite LMS; Activity One: The 4Cs of Reflective Practice: Your Teacher Story --Interview a partner --Group Processing STEM Learning—Why and How to Transform Schools into an Inclusive STEM Learning Centers Persuasive Essay Assignment Instructor Presentation of Discussion of assignments for next session—including a three-page persuasive paper that addresses one of the issues in the ASCD Whole Child Initiative as it relates to STEM Preparing for Academic Writing; - -Examples; --Overview of APA Style for Academic Writing Activity Two: PCK and STEM What are the implications and benefits of teacher reflection on goals and vision? - Acquiring PCK in STEM? - Inspiring diverse students to achieve across all content areas? How do next century learning standards (CCSS and NGSS) align with your goals and vision? Partner sharing on response to school documents on CCSS and NGSS. Summary and discussion of activity and implications for practice. Activity Three: Teaching for Global Awareness Sharing your organizers created after this reading with small group work (cooperative learning roles will be assigned) Group Presentations on Global AwarenessSummary and discussion of activity and implications for practice. Complete Session Log Weekly Assignments CSUN Weekly Assignments U.S. SATELLITE ◘ Write a three-page persuasive ◘ Assigned Readings for paper that addresses one of the Next Session issues in the ASCD Whole Child Initiative as it relates to STEM Dirksen, D. J. (2011). Achievement for Diverse Hitting the Reset Students. Button: Using DUE DATE: FEBRUARY 19 Formative Assessment to Guide Instruction. Use this Scoring Rubric to plan, Phi Delta Kappan, create and self assess your letter. 92(7), 26-31. Write this as if you are trying to Keeley, P. (2013). Is It convince a school administrator, a Rock? Continuous legislator, policy maker or Formative Assessment. newspaper editorial column--but Science & Children, include APA style citations in 50(8), 34. the text of your letter as well as a separate reference page; ◘ Assigned Reading: Henderson Book Chapters 1, 2 & 5; Come to FEB 17 class session prepared to discuss key points; ◘ 2 Entries in Double-Entry Journal 1) How would you make the case for “professional artistry” in education? 2) What is public moral inquiry? How does it impact students? How might you create a community or practice with it? Session# Topic/Content of Session 3 FEB 12 Weekly Assignments CSUN Submit Nature of Science Article ◘ Contact Dr. Belgrad with any questions on the Analysis Assignment Online Session with U.S. Satellite Engaging Contexts for STEM; Socio-scientific Issues Persuasive Essay Assignment Due Next Session Weekly Assignments U.S. SATELLITE ◘ 2 Entries in Double-Entry Journal on STEM teaching and learning and the Next Generation Science Standards. Meaningful Assessments for Student Learning 5E Instructional model Complete Session Log Post a proposed topic for Collaborative Group Presentation Final Assignment in the online community to secure other members to join you in researching and presenting. See the Rubric for this Assignment on the Coursepage. ◘ Review Engaging Context Resource Page: Identify an Engaging Context upon which you will build an integrated STEM lesson. Readings: Ritche et al, 2011 Barakos et al., 2012 Brown et al., 2011 NSTA Readers Guide to A Framework for K12 Science Education Part 2 (pp. 11-14); Part 3 (pp 23 -24); Next Generation Science Standards Part 2; Common Core ELA Science and Technical Subjects; Session# Topic/Content of Session Weekly Assignments CSUN 4 FEB 19 Submit your Persuasive Essay Sharing Double Entry Journals on Henderson chapters. Share your Teacher Story based on Henderson Chapter 5 with a partner Reflections and Discussion on the Online STEM education session. Activity One: ASCD Whole Child STEM Persuasive Essays Small groups form around persuasive essays to share ideas, review APA Style to provide peer editing, and collectively deliver a group presentation on topics. Group presentations on Persuasive Essays—Educating the Whole Child with STEM opportunities to achieve. Activity Two: PBL STEM ACTIVITY INTROCUTION: A Mini-lesson on Attentive Listening Understanding Engaged Learning, PBL, and the theory of constructivist teaching and learning Processing the Constructivist Activity Complete Session Log ◘ Assigned reading: Locate and read a RECENT journal article reporting educational research on equity, diversity and civility in elementary education: How are these dispositions of critically-informed citizens studied? How do teachers promote them in everyday classroom practice? ◘ Complete Précis 1. Use this rubric to guide you as you complete it. See Precis Example Submit précis on February 24. (Remember to submit your self-assessed rubric with précis). ◘ Assigned Reading: Chapters 3-6 Henderson ◘ Locate and critique an elementary STEM lesson that purports to applying principles of cooperative learning - use this Cooperative Learning Template ◘ Collaborative Group Presentation Topic Ideas ◘ 2 Double-Entry Journals 1) Describe three things that you now understand about constructivist learning practices; 2) How does multi-perspective and deliberative reflective practice enable you to promote a classroom climate in which students feel safe, engaged, challenged and supported? How do you nurture these dispositions within your school learning community? Your graduate learning community? Weekly Assignments U.S. SATELLITE Session# 5 FEB 26 Topic/Content of Session Submit Précis 1 Sharing Double Entry Journals (meet with a person with whom you have not recently shared) Activity One: Sharing and Analyzing Cooperative Learning Lessons applying template; Teams select one undeveloped cooperative learning plan and create a lesson that meets all characteristics of a cooperative learning lesson. double entry journals Activity Two: Group Jigsaw of Brook and Brooks; Assignment: Work with your group to 1) identify key topics from the group’s section of text; assign two topics to each member to research and add a media-based contribution on the topic to a whole-class wiki-page on our understanding of constructivist practices (for the next session). Activity Three: Instructor Presentation on the neurobiological foundations of learning and implications for addressing equity issues in STEM elementary schooling. Topic Generation for Collaborative Group Presentation Final Assignment Introduction of Framework for Teaching Instructor Presentation: Showing Evidence: Using Standards to Promote Excellence in Teaching Complete Session Log Weekly Assignments CSUN ◘ Assigned Reading: Brooks and Brooks ◘ Recommended Reading: NBPTS booklet What Teachers Should Know and Be Able to Do. ◘ Assigned Reading: a RECENT journal article reporting educational research on STEM teaching and learning practices. (Précis 2) Submit précis on March 5th. (Use this rubric to guide you. Remember to submit your selfassessed rubric with précis). ◘ Prepare for Group Presentations: Work with your group to 1) identify key topics from the group’s section of text; assign two topics to each member to research and add a media-based contribution on the topic to a whole-class wiki-page on our understanding of constructivist practices (for the next session). ◘ Identify a topic for collaborative research project that integrates STEM curriculum with the Whole Child Initiative in the elementary classroom. ◘ 2 Entries Double-Entry Journal ◘ Complete self assessment of your professional practice using Framework for Teaching Reflect on Domains 1 - 3 (copy to word processing and then highlight the categories that best describe your practice) Weekly Assignments U.S. SATELLITE Session# 6 MAR 5 Topic/Content of Session Online Session with U.S. Satellite Weekly Assignments CSUN Bring the Henderson Text to class next session Weekly Assignments U.S. SATELLITE Readings: Barakos, L., Lujan, V., Strang, C., & Center on, I. (2012). Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM): Catalyzing Change Amid the Confusion. Center On Instruction Brown, R., Brown, J., Reardon, K., & Merrill, C. (2011). Understanding STEM: Current Perceptions. Technology And Engineering Teacher, 70(6), 5-9. ITEEA Standards for Technological Literacy; Review ITEEA website Conceptual Change for Scientific Literacy The E and T in STEM Your Integrated STEM lesson Plan – Review assignment details and how it integrates with the constructivist lesson development Kelley, T. (2010). Staking the Claim for the "T" in STEM. Journal Of Technology Studies, 36(1), 2-11. Complete Session Log Session# 7 MA 12 Topic/Content of Session Submit Précis 2 Sharing Double Entry Journals Activity One: Instructor presentation about NBPTS and review of Elementary and ECHD standards. Activity Two: NBPTS GUEST Presentation with Q and A Activity Three: Critical Inquiry and Transformative Teacher Leadership - What is Praxis? Instructor Presentation on Portfolio Guidelines and Procedures for Peer Portfolio Conference Weekly Assignments CSUN ◘ Complete self assessment of your professional practice using Framework for Teaching Reflect on Domains 1 and 4 (copy to word processing and then highlight the categories that best describe your practice) ◘ Sign up for the ASCD Smart brief ◘ Prepare your Portfolio of Significant Achievement in the Course. ◘ Reflections on each selected entry for Final portfolio See course documents page for this class' graphic organizer pictures of Global Awareness Activity and WHOLE CHILD activity ◘ Complete the Praxis of Inquiry Form Weekly Assignments U.S. SATELLITE Session # 8 MA 18 Topic/Content of Session Group Presentations PORTFOLIO SHOWCASE AND PEER PORTFOLIO CONFERENCE Sharing/Review of Portfolios with reflections on completed work Submit Final Self-Assessment SUBMIT Portfolio Conference Evaluation form Weekly Assignments CSUN ◘ After Presenting Groups self-assess using rubric ◘ Complete Individual course/grade self assessment when all assignments are completed and turned in. Go to the following link to review the document and example of a cover page to each of your portfolio entries. Weekly Assignments U.S. SATELLITE