
Course Syllabus
Public Speaking
SPCH 1315
Semester with Course Spring Semester 2015/40289
(January 20,2015 – May 17,2015 )
Reference Number
Instructor contact
information (phone
number and email
Ms. Jennifer H. Jermany – Instructor
Telephone : (713)718-6600
Email :
Office Location and
Fine Arts Center (FAC) 231
Academic Advising Hours – Tuesday-Thursday ( 4:00-5:30p.m. )
FAC -231
Tuesday 5:30-p.m
Course Semester
Credit Hours (SCH)
(lecture, lab) If
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Laboratory Hours:
External Hours:
Total Course Contact
Course Length
(number of weeks)
16 Weeks
Type of Instruction
Course Description:
Research, composition, organization, delivery, and analysis of speeches for various
purposes and occassions. Designed to develop proficiency in public speaking
situations; emphasis on content, organization, and delivery of speeches for various
occasions. Open to all students. Required for speech majors. Core Curriculum
SPCH 1311 or
ENGL 1301 ENGL 1301 or Department Approval. Required for Speech
Departmental approval
College Level Reading
College Level Writing
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Course Learning Outcomes:
“Upon successful completion of this course, students will:
1. Apply the principles of human communication including: perception, verbal
communication, nonverbal communication, listening, and audience analysis.
2. Demonstrate how to establish and maintain relationships through the use
of interpersonal communication.
3. Apply small group communication skills including: problem solving, group
roles, leadership styles, and cohesiveness.
4. Develop, research, organize, and deliver formal public speeches.
5. Recognize how to communicate within diverse environments.
Mission Statement
Introduction of Speech 1311 is to develop within each individual an
understanding of the utilitarian and aesthetic dimensions of speech
communication and to increase ability to function effectively with others in a
variety of communication situations. Students enrolled in this course will be
expected to identify, analyze develop and evaluate communication skills
needed for professional and social success in interpersonal situations, group
interactions, and personal and professional growth. This course also will aid
in the development and understanding of oratorical skills, interviewing ,
critical thinking, the development of conversation, leadership, conflict
resolution skills and most importantly self confidence . Our mission is to
develop these skills through the use of reading, writing, clearly speaking and
engaging class activities.
1. Research and select appropriate source materials to develop ideas and support
claims for oral presentations.
2. Deliver speeches and other oral presentations with structure, style, self-confidence,
Program Learning
and consistent eye contact. The latter will foster a speaker-audience connection.
3. Demonstrate an understanding of the cannon of public speaking, and be able to
present prepared and impromptu talks.
4. Integrate teh use of appropriate vocal and nonverbal techniques to enhance
5. Name and explain the different categories of speeches and delivery methods.
6. Recognize reasoning fallacies.
7. Work in groups or on teams as a member, and as leader-thinker.
Course Student
Learning Outcomes
(SLO): 4 to 7
1. Analyze speeches, statements, and behaviors; orally and in writing;
2. *Prepare and present speeches and other presentations, using the appropriate
verbal, oral, aural, and nonverbal communication skills;
3. *Compose and present a persuasive speech using logic and source materials to
frame and support arguments. Other appeals and the use of appropriate verbal, oral,
and aural communication skills should be use to effectuate audience influence.
4. Listen actively, critically and empathetically;
5. Identify various kinds of listeners.; and
6. Distinguish types of speech delivery methods, and use them effectively.
Learning Objectives
(Numbering system
should be linked to
SLO - e.g., 1.1, 1.2,
1.3, etc.)
Analyze speeches, statements, and behaviors; orally and in writing;
1. Conduct discussions to help students evaluate diverse issues and topics.
*Prepare and present speeches and other presentations, using the appropriate
verbal, oral, aural, and nonverbal communication skills;
1. Employ exercises and assignments that will train students to properly structure oral
presentations for formal and informal settings.
*Compose and present a persuasive speech using logic and source materials
to frame and support arguments. Other appeals and the use of appropriate
verbal, oral, and aural communication skills should be use to effectuate
audience influence.
1. Explain the use of different types of claims and ways to reason.
Listen actively, critically and empathetically;
Identify various kinds of listeners.; and
Distinguish types of speech delivery methods, and use them effectively.
SCANS and/or Core
Competencies: If
Core Curriculum Competencies:
Instructional Methods
The methods of learning will include but not limited to oral presentation, class
discussions, research, group activity, role-play and group as well as individual
Student Assignments
Analyze speeches, statements, and behaviors; orally and in writing;
Various assigned readings from textbooks, peer-rev
Speech analyses,special occasion speeches
*Prepare and present speeches and other presentations, using the appropriate
verbal, oral, aural, and nonverbal communication skills;
No assignments selected for this outcome
*Compose and present a persuasive speech using logic and source materials
No Learning Outcomes Selected
to frame and support arguments. Other appeals and the use of appropriate
verbal, oral, and aural communication skills should be use to effectuate
audience influence.
No assignments selected for this outcome
Listen actively, critically and empathetically;
No assignments selected for this outcome
Identify various kinds of listeners.; and
No assignments selected for this outcome
Distinguish types of speech delivery methods, and use them effectively.
No assignments selected for this outcome
*Compose and present a persuasive speech using logic and source materials
to frame and support arguments. Other appeals and the use of appropriate
verbal, oral, and aural communication skills should be use to effectuate
audience influence.
Various assigned readings from textbooks
Writing papers including essays, analyses, reviews, research, comparing and
In-class debates
In-class discussions
Oral and written peer-reviewed article reviews and discussions
Oral and written book reviews and discussions
Quizzes/Tests which may include: definitions, matching, multiple choice, true/false,
short answer, brief essay
Service learning projects
Group and/or individual projects
Lesson One: Class introductions; Go over syllabus; Course Preview.
Lesson Two: Introduction Speeches; Chapters 1,2 and 3
Lesson Three: Chapter 4 and 10.
Lesson Four: Chapter 8
Lesson Five: Chapter 14
Lesson Six: Quiz
Lesson Seven :Informative Speeches
Lesson Eight: Informative Speeches
Lesson Nine: Chapter 15 and 16
Lesson Ten: Persuasive Speeches
Lesson Eleven: Persuasive Speeches
LessonTwelve: Chapter 13
LessonThirteen: Demonstration Speeches
Lesson Fourteen: Demonstration Speeches
Lesson Fifteen: Speeches for Special Occasions
Lesson Sixteen: Final Exams
ADA Statement: If you require reasonable accommodations because of a physical,
mental, or learning disability, please notify the instructor of this course as soon as
possible and preferably before the end of the first two weeks of class. Students with
disabilities who believe that they need accommodations in this course are
encouraged to contact the Disability Services office as soon as possible to better
ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.
Attendance Policy: Deadline for Drop with a “W” __________________.
Students who enrolled in Texas public institutions of higher education as first-time
college students during the Fall 2007 term or later are subject to section 51.907 of the
Texas Education Code, which states that an institution of higher education may not
permit a student to drop (withdraw with a grade of “W”) from more than six courses.
This six-course limit includes courses that a transfer student has previously dropped
at other Texas public institutions of higher education if they fall under the law.
Students should be sure they fully understand this drop limit before they drop a
course. Please visit the admissions office or counseling/advising center for additional
information and assistance.
It is the policy of the college that students may be dropped from class after
accumulating the equivalent of two weeks of absences. Therefore, regular class
attendance and participation are essential to your success in this course. An
absence may be excused only at the instructor’s discretion. An explained absence is
acceptable only when you notify the instructor verbally or by email within one class
day after the absence but preferably before the absence occurs. It is your
responsibility to sign the roll sheet each class period. No unexcused absence will
entitle the student to make up an exam or hand in a late paper. In these cases, an
excused absence will require written documentation and be subject to the instructor’s
If at any point you are considering dropping the course, please discuss this with the
instructor before you actually drop. More often than not, things can be worked out
within reason. However, if you do decide to drop for any reason, it is your
responsibility to secure the proper paperwork and officially drop. Failure to drop the
course following the appropriate procedure will result in an “F” for the course. If
during the semester you have any problem or issue related to the course that needs
attention, you are invited to discuss this directly with the instructor as soon as
possible. The key is to keep the lines of communication open. Many problems are
often just misunderstandings and can be worked out once they are discussed.
Tardy Policy: You are expected to attend class and be on time. Late arrivals and
early departures are counted as a part of the total. There are “explained” absences
but no excused absences. Documentation from a physician may be requested at my
discretion. Students will be required to obtain notes, handouts, etc., for the times
missed. It is important that you arrive on time for the presentation of slides, lectures
and other activities. You are responsible for all material presented during class.
Food, Beverages and Class Distractions: Because of the time of the course I
anticipate there may be students that may wish to bring snacks. I strongly discourage
foods or beverages that can be loud and distracting during consumption (i.e. chips,
crackers, hard candy, gum). If you bring any eatable items to class it is YOUR
responsibility to discard wrappers, empty cups, bottles or cans. I reserve the right to
discontinue this privilege if at any time any students neglect to discard their trash.
The use of cell phones, pagers, or similar devices is discouraged. They must be
muted by the time class begins. Students with potential emergencies should notify
me prior to the beginning of class (i.e. personal illness, a sick child, relative) you will
be asked to leave the class room. If this occurs, any work missed will be the
responsibility of the student to obtain. The need to use the restroom is recognized, so
you may leave, but please do so as unobtrusively as possible you CANNOT leave
during a quiz, exam or any other graded course participation requirement. If you
complete the exam before the allotted time has expired, please quietly collect your
belongs and exit the classroom. NO talking is permitted.
Guest: Do not bring children to class. Further, receive the instructor’s pre-approval
regarding brining any guest to the classroom.
Student Accommodations: If you require special assistance with any services that
may hinder you from attending class (i.e. child care issues) or other assistance,
please contact student services.
Lecture Aids: You are welcome to bring a laptop for note taking purposes.
However, you will not be permitted to use a laptop during exams or quizzes unless
prior arrangements to accommodate a special need are requested in advance. You
are not permitted to bring recorders for the purpose of recording lectures.
Equal Opportunity Statement: It is the policy of the Houston Community College
District to provide equal employment, admission and educational opportunities
without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or disability. HCC
strives to provide an excellent learning environment free from harassment or
intimidation directed at any person's race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or
disability. Any form of harassment will not be tolerated.
Academic Integrity: HCC is committed to a high standard of academic integrity in
the academic community. In becoming a part of the academic community, students
are responsible for honesty and independent effort. Failure to uphold these standards
includes, but is not limited to, the following: plagiarizing written work or projects,
cheating on exams or assignments, collusion on an exam or project, and
misrepresentation of credentials or prerequisites when registering for a course.
Cheating includes looking at or copying from another student's exam, orally
communicating or receiving answers during an exam, having another person take an
exam or complete a project or assignment, using unauthorized notes, texts, or other
materials for an exam, and obtaining or distributing an unauthorized copy of an exam
or any part of an exam. Plagiarism means passing off as his/her own the ideas or
writings of another (that is, without giving proper credit by documenting sources).
Plagiarism includes submitting a paper, report or project that someone else has
prepared, in whole or in part. Collusion is inappropriately collaborating on
assignments designed to be completed independently. These definitions are not
exhaustive. When there is clear evidence of cheating, plagiarism, collusion or
misrepresentation, a faculty member will take disciplinary action including but not
limited to: requiring the student to retake or resubmit an exam or assignment,
assigning a grade of zero or "F" for an exam or assignment; or assigning a grade of
"F" for the course. Additional sanctions including being withdrawn from the course,
program or expelled from school may be imposed on a student who violates the
standards of academic integrity. (HCC Policy)
Due Dates for Assignments: All work is to be submitted to your instructor upon
arrival to class (unless otherwise noted in syllabus). If unanticipated and
extraordinary circumstances prevents you from attending class and you are unable to
submit an assignment on time, you are responsible for making arrangements with the
instructor as soon as possible. All written assignments are based up reading or
activities known well in advance, so a learner is expected to plan in advance the
completion of assignments considering events like holidays, travel or vacations.
Effective time management will enable students to prioritize family, work and school
Instructor Grading Criteria
Grading percentile : The official grading rubric is as follows :
90-100 percent (A) Exceptionally fine work; superior in presentation, visual
observation, comprehension and participation
80-89 percent (B) Above average work; superior in one or two areas
70-79 percent (C) Average work; good, unexceptional participation
60-69 Percent (D) Below average work; noticeably weak with minimal participation
60-below Percent (F) Clearly deficient in presentation , style and content with a lack
of participation
The grade of “I” (Incomplete) is conditional. It will only be assigned if at least 80%
of the course work is complete. Students receiving an “I” must make arrangements
with the instructor in writing to complete the course work within six months? After the
deadline, the “I”, becomes an “F”. All ‘I” designations must be changed to grades prior
to graduation.
The grade “W” (Withdrawal) appears on grade reports when students withdraw
from a class by the drop deadline. Instructors have the option of dropping students up
to the deadline. After deadline, instructors do not have the option- not even when
entering grades.
The Grade of “FX” will be given if a student fails the course due to attendance.
Midterm: The midterm will cover material from your reading assignments, class
activities, lecture notes, and handouts. This will include The mid-term may include
image identification, compare-and-contrast, short answer and/or essay questions may
be included. Final: The final will consist of questions covering the religions
discussed during the respective chapters, slide identification, multiple choice
questions, fill in the blank, and term identification. It will also consist of a final oral
presentation 3-5 minutes.
Feedback Schedule: Students are expected to read and participate in discussions
every week. Assignments will be graded and feedback given back to students within
one week.
Participation: In addition to the quality of the ideas a learner presents during class
discussions, the instructor will use the following considerations to determine the
grade in participation:
1. The student is conscientiousness about actively participating in group discussions.
2. The level of consideration and understanding demonstrated in responding to the
ideas and questions of others in the group.
3. The demonstrated ability in which he/she presents their own ideas.
4. The timeliness of submitting assignments.
5. The level of professionalism and civility with which ideas were presented.
6. The degree to which a student demonstrates their willingness to understand and
consider alternative points of views during class discussions.
7. The use of references from the readings with appropriate citations in postings for
writing assignments.
8. A demonstration that the student raises the level of discussion by adding important
information, asking penetrating questions and supplying information from reading or
other sources.
Study Notes: Students are expected to take notes during class lectures of any
information they perceive to be of importance. The instructor will provide related
study material for any information that is pertinent to mid-term and final exam. The
learner’s responsible for obtaining information from another student if absent. You
are welcome to use laptops for note taking purposes only. All reading assignments
are from your textbooks, unless otherwise noted. Therefore, you are expected to
have completed the reading assignments prior to class. Bring your textbooks,
handouts and supplemental reading to every class. If you have any questions
regarding the student led discussions, please let me know. If you are absent on the
day you are selected to lead the discussion, you will be expected to lead the
discussion upon your return.
Class participation (Includes attendance, participation in discussions, reading
assignments). 15%
Warm –up/ Journals
Oral Presentation
Midterm Exam (150 multiple choice & true/false questions) Each worth 2 points each.
Final (150 multiple choice, true/false, art identification). Each worth 2 points each.
Oral Presentation: You may select something of or relating to the period of study for
the semester. Prepare a visual (I.e. PowerPoint, slides, etc), for presentation to the
class. The presentation should be between 7-15 minutes (which includes responding
to audience and instructor questions).
Speech # 1 Speech of Introduction
Speech # 2 Speech of Explanation
Speech # 3 Speech of Demonstration
Speech # 4 Speech of Description
Speech # 5 Speech of Definition
Speech # 6 Speech of Exposition
Speech #7 Speech of Persuasion
Weekly Course Schedule
Due Dates for Assignments: All work is to be submitted to your instructor the
beginning of class, unless otherwise noted.
Make –Up Work- Student must provide written documentation for consideration of
make-up work.
SCHEDULE WILL BE DISTRIBUTED. The following due dates apply for all
graded and reading assignments.
You are expected to have read the weekly assignments prior to class in order to be
prepared for discussion. The lectures and class discussions will be based on the
reading material assigned.
Notice of Compliance: The instructor reserves the right to modify this syllabus at her
discretion. Students will be notified of changes as soon as reasonably possible.
Requirements: If
1. Identify and explain the components of the communication process and the role
they play in human interactions.
2. Deliver informative and persuasive oral presentations that are consistent with and
appropriate for the audience and purpose.
3. Identify, evaluate, and utilize evidence to support claims used in presentations and
4. Discuss the major types of interpersonal relationships, and how conflict and power
issues can be handled effectively with communication.
5. Effectively communicate and interact with others in interpersonal, personal and
professional situations.
6. Demonstrate through performance and analysis the importance of both verbal and
nonverbal communication.
7. Work as a productive team member as either a leader or follower.
HCC Grading Scale:
A = 100- 90
B = 89 - 80:
C = 79 - 70:
D = 69 - 60:
59 and below = F
FX (Failure due to non-attendance)
IP (In Progress)
W (Withdrawn)
I (Incomplete)
AUD (Audit)
4 points per semester hour
3 points per semester hour
2 points per semester hour
1 point per semester hour
0 points per semester hour
0 points per semester hour
0 points per semester hour
0 points per semester hour
0 points per semester hour
0 points per semester hour
IP (In Progress) is given only in certain developmental courses. The student must reenroll to receive credit. COM (Completed) is given in non-credit and continuing
education courses.
FINAL GRADE OF FX: Students who stop attending class and do not withdraw
themselves prior to the withdrawal deadline may either be dropped by their professor
for excessive absences or be assigned the final grade of "FX" at the end of the
semester. Students who stop attending classes will receive a grade of "FX", compared
to an earned grade of "F" which is due to poor performance. Logging into a DE course
without active participation is seen as non-attending. Please note that HCC will not
disperse financial aid funding for students who have never attended class.
Students who receive financial aid but fail to attend class will be reported to the
Department of Education and may have to pay back their aid. A grade of "FX" is
treated exactly the same as a grade of "F" in terms of GPA, probation, suspension, and
satisfactory academic progress.
To compute grade point average (GPA), divide the total grade points by the total
number of semester hours attempted. The grades "IP," "COM" and "I" do not affect
Health Sciences Programs Grading Scales may differ from the approved HCC Grading
Scale. For Health Sciences Programs Grading Scales, see the "Program Discipline
Requirements" section of the Program's syllabi.
Instructor Grading
O?Hair, D., Rubenstein, H., & Stewart, R. (2010). A pocket guide to public speaking
(3rd ed.). Bedford/St. Martin?s.
HCC Policy Statement:
Access Student
Services Policies on
their Web site:
EGLS3 -- Evaluation
for Greater Learning
Student Survey
At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is
necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated time near the end of
the term, you will be asked to answer a short online survey of research-based
questions related to instruction. The anonymous results of the survey will be made
available to your professors and department chairs for continual improvement of
instruction. Look for the survey as part of the Houston Community College Student
System online near the end of the term.
Distance Education and/or Continuing Education Policies
Access DE Policies
on their Web site:
Access CE Policies
on their Web site:
Stop and Read! Are You A
Three-Peater ?
“ Students who repeat a course three or more times may soon face significant tuition/fee increase
at HCC and other Texas public colleges and universities. Please ask your instructor/counselor
about opportunities for tutoring/other assistance prior to considering course withdrawal, or if you
are not receiving passing grades.”
Title 9 Language
“HCC is committed to provide learning and working environment that is free from
discrimination on basis of sex which includes all forms of sexual misconduct. Title IX of the
Education Amendments of 1972 requires that when a complaint is filed, a prompt and thorough
investigation is initiated. Complaints maybe filled with the HCC Title IX Coordinator available
at (713)718-8271 or email at”.