Exam 1 Review Sheet History 1302.doc

History 1302 – Exam One Review Sheet
You will be asked to answer 5 questions in paragraph format. Each question is worth 5 points for a total
of 25 points toward your final average.
Make sure to address the following: who, what, when, where, and why is it significant? Most students
will need to write 7 to 10 well-thought-out sentences to answer each question. Depending upon writing
style and amount of information conveyed per sentence, some students may need to write more
sentences to fully answer each question.
Sample Questions
Explain President Lincoln and President Johnson’s Reconstruction Plans. What did these plans
require former Confederate states to do in order to re-enter the Union? Who supported the
plans? Who did not support the plans? Were these plans implemented? How were these plans
Explain the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution. How did this amendment impact
newly freedmen? Was this amendment enforced in the North and the South? How did White
Southerners nullify this amendment?
Explain the 14th and 15th Amendments of the United States? How did these amendments impact
the newly freedmen? Were these amendments enforced in the North and the South? How did
White Southerners nullify these amendments?
The Populists were an important third party in United States History. How did their base of
support develop? According to the Omaha Platform, what did they want to accomplish? Why
did they support William Jennings Bryan, a Democrat in the 1896 Presidential Election and how
did this impact the Populist movement?
Identify 3 Progressive Programs that gained prominence between 1910 and 1920. Identify the
law or legislation that made each program viable; describe the impact of each program; and
explain why each program became economically, culturally, or socially valuable.