Graduate Student Government of Northern Arizona University Regular Meeting October 7th 2013

Graduate Student Government of Northern Arizona University
Regular Meeting
October 7th 2013
5:30pm-6:30pm, Ashurst A109
Conference line: 928-523-9999
Roll call and quorum, Rachel Stevens
-Quorum reached
5:30pm to 5:40pm
-Introduction, new At-Large Rep, George Coulon
-NAGPS 2013 National Conference, Jason Kordosky
-Vacant CHHS seat and upcoming email vote, Jason Kordosky
- Current by-laws on mid-term elections need to be re-written; currently, the by-laws do not
resolve the mid-term elections.
- Jason will email candidate statements to GSG members. GSG members will vote.
-Constituency meetings, Mia Ryneal
- Consider holding webinar sessions for future constituency meetings.
-Leadership Development Workshops, Mia Ryneal and Susan
- proper remuneration for volunteers and representatives for event participation
5:40pm to 5:45pm
Treasurer Report, Seonmin Park
- 2014 budget is currently $77,061.
- Ramona will double-check 2013 numbers; Seonmin will present updated budget in Nov.
5:45pm to 5:55pm
Committee updates
-University Graduate Committee, Crystal Ewen
- updated dismissal policies, and new updates will be done by November.
- “disqualification” term will most likely switch back to “probations”
-Look over document that Crystal sent GSG members, and provide her with any feedback.
-Policy and Legislative Action, Dawn Whinnery and Jason Kordosky
-Jason & Dawn will bring proposal for full document bylaws amendment
- Dawn suggested to shorten some bylaws
-Grievance, Loretta Begay and Mia Ryneal
-grievance has a new policy member
5:55pm to 6:00pm
Signups ASNAU Traditions Carnival, Thursday October 17th
-need 4 members for 2½ hour shifts: 3:00pm-5:30pm (2) and 5:30pm-8:00m (2)
6:00pm to 6:10pm
Resolution F13-1: Fall 2013 Graduate-Professional Student Survey, Mia Ryneal
6:15pm to 6:20pm
Graduate Student Government of Northern Arizona University
Resolution F13-2: Fall 2013 Graduate-Professional Student Survey Raffle Prizes, Mia Ryneal
-Michael Cook proposed amendment to only have “supermarket” in the description of the gift
cards; Jason Kordosky proposed amendment to get 2 more gift cards, raising the amt spent from
6:20pm to 6:25pm
Resolution F13-3: Sponsorship for GPSA’s NAGPS 2014 National Conference Bid, Jason Kordosky
-GSG and GPSC: $1,000 sponsor proposal
-Michael Cook moves to vote, Mia Ryneal seconds. **RESOLUTION PASSES UNANIMOUSLY**
6:25pm to 6:30pm
Open Forum
-Sean Larsen attended parking committee on Friday, 10/4. The committee discussed last year’s
consultant results.
-George Coulon would like to focus on vet issues on campus as an at-large rep.
- Dena Lane-Bonds reported from the tobacco task force—the task force’s push for a smoking
ban on campus is underway.
Meeting End: 6:45pm