Chapter 9 Guide What is the sex ratio for human? Three stages of Prenatal Development Define Pluripotent, Syngamy, Acrosomal reaction, polyspermy What is Morula where will the zygote be at this stage? The cell is in the ------- At the 4 cell stage What is ectoderm, mesoderm endoderm and what do they develop into The Somite forms what? The yolk sac is part of the ? Limb bud develops at about --- days How is the limb tissue laid down What causes cleft lip? What part of the face is formed at 33 days after fertilization? During the Organ Systems Development, what develops into skin, skeleton, muscle, nerve and circulatory, respiratory, urinary and reproductive systems? Embryo becomes a fetus at ----- days after fertilization What is Lanugo, Vernix caseosa, Parturition What is Oxytocin, Meconium (anal discharge) Stages of Labor, what is happening at each stage What are the changes in the Digestive System at birth What type of food can be digested at birth? Total Apgar score is Define genetics, DNA, Chromosomes What is Autosome Possible outcome (ratio) for children from a normal carrier parents Define Dominant and Recessive, Sex-linked traits, Genotype, Phenotype Genetic Disorders Teratogens, Mutagen, Oncogenes What is the purpose of Genetic Counseling