Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Student Senate Twenty-Sixth Session Bill 26-1

Associated Students of Northern Arizona University
Student Senate
Twenty-Sixth Session
Bill 26-1
Introduced by: Senator Kelsey Smart
College of Education
An act to open the Capitol Improvements Line from the ASNAU budget of the
2013-2014 fiscal year for the purpose of purchasing new office furniture.
Whereas: The monies will be used to buy new furniture in the ASNAU office.
Whereas: Furniture that will be bought includes: new desk chairs for the ASNAU
office and executive offices, couches, and one more additional desk for the staff area.
Whereas: The 2013-2014 budget has $10,000 in the Capital Improvements Line.
Whereas: The new office furniture will create a more professional ASNAU office
environment. The furniture will reside in the office for many years to come.
Be it enacted by the Associated Students of Northern Arizona University that:
An act to open the Capital Improvements Line from the ASNAU budget of the
2013-2014 fiscal year for the purpose of purchasing new office furniture.
Action Taken: __________________________________________________
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Approval: _______________________________________________________
Date: ______________