September 3rd





Date: September 8, 2015 Number on council: 14

Date of Senate Meeting: September 3, 2015 Number present: 14

Prepared by Kyra Johnson

Amanda Dietlin, Vice President of Academic Affairs, called the Senate meeting of the

2015-2016 Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at

4:17 pm in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union.

Roll Call

All senators present.

Late: Drake Ridge (arrived 4:40pm)

Approval of Minutes

First Senate Meeting. No previous minutes.

Call to the Audience: Alexandria Buchta –ASNAU President

President Buchta: So club sports are going to come in to speak with you. What I want to say is…do not feel pressured by club sports. Don’t be rude. They want money to hold for club sports. Executive board didn’t want to make the decision; they wanted you (senate) to make the decision. Questions?

Senator Sowerwine: Do they want that money out of budget, like the club allocations? If you want to do that, go ahead, if not its up to you.

Chair Dietlin: Yes. Basically they want to take a portion of the allocations and save it just for them.

Senator Moore-Sharp: Have we ever done that before, set aside money for a group?

Chair Dietlin: No, we have never saved money.

President Buchta: There was a problem with money; a funding freeze last year so this is why they are coming in. They want a chunk of money saved for club sports that won’t go to anyone else. Mike is coming in and going to talk to you guys. Like

I said before, be respectful.

Senator Carr: Is there anyway we can see the club sports budget, the amount of funding they got approved for last year.

President Buchta: Okay. I can get that to you guys.

Chair Dietlin: If you want to discuss, further after he presents, we can have a closed session and then vote in special or blind vote. Those are the two ways to be respectful and discuss later.

Senator Moore-Sharp: What do we do if we some of us disagree about holding a closed session.

Chair Dietlin: We would vote for closed session.

Senator Sowerwine: Why haven’t we ever done this before (in terms of setting aside money for club sports)?

Chair Dietlin: There are around 300 clubs registered on campus; club sports only makes up 35 of those clubs. We haven’t set aside money because of that low number of representation.

Kristine Heflin: It’s usually been a first come first serve bases.

Senator Carr: I was reading their document; say we do allocate money. Do they want the ones they think are more important would they get it?

Chair Dietlin: What they really want is more control.

President Buchta: Again be respectful. We will ask you to leave if you are not. You don’t have to agree.

Senator Beghtol: Since I am a part of a club sport, do I not vote?

President Buchta: Don’t vote on your sport; you can’t vote for lacrosse.

Chair Dietlin: You can vote just not on clubs you are involved with.

Unfinished Business

New Action Business

Item A- Resolution 28-1

Motion: Senator Carr moves to vote to approve Resloution28-1.

Second: Senator Mathew


President Buchta: So this is the exact same thing from mock senate. We want to make the spring concert open for more genres (other than folk and classical). If not approved, we will still be voting on genres. Any questions?


Vote: Unanimous, Resolution 28-1 has been passed.

Item B- ASNAU FY’ 2015-2016 Budget

Motion: Senator Roos moves to vote to approve ASNAU FY’ 2015- 2016


Second: Senator Rosic


Senator Ridge: So I have a budget proposal. First off, sorry about being late. I thought senate started at 5pm.

In this budget I want to increase/change a few things (below are all the lines he discussed):

The Students and Organizational Allocations budget, Line 132, increase to

$250,000 since the last budget had a surplus.

Line 88, Uniforms, increase to $4000 because we were talking about getting those half zip jackets.

Line 98, ASNAU In-State travel increase to $5000.

Line 103, Public Relations, increase to $10,000 because that is the main way we contact students, all communications goes through our PR team.

President Buchta: Also, Drake (Senator Ridge) and I discussed increasing the money for Line 113 to $10,000. We talked about having one big student safety event instead of having it spread through the week before spring break. It would hopefully include several rides.

Senator Ridge: I believe we should create a new line in the budget for diversity awareness; the new line would be for $5000. Since we have a campus as progressive as NAU, we need to have more things focused on our diversity.

Line 123, increase to $3000

We came close to the Line 125 amount, Inaugural Banquet, last year so we should increase it to be safe.

Line 127, Senate Disc. Funds, increase to $3000 for were we seem fit if we need to allocate any more money to something else.

Senator Carr: On the original budget, the ending balance is less.

President Buchta: I went through student numbers; we have more numbers

(of students). Since some students get their fee waived, it gives us cushion.

We don’t want to spend money just to spend money.

Senator Moore-Sharp: The new line for diversity, for the things for those events, where is that money coming from? What would they do with it?

President Buchta: Since Allison (Kelley) plans a whole diversity week, this line lets us do something every month for diversity.

Senator Rosic: I think we should increase that line by $3000 more to reach a total of $8000 for diversity. We have found that more students want more diversity events. I was able to talk to some clubs and they are requesting there to be more things involving diversity. This could get them to be involved in events with speakers/ presenters and other things. With the NAU population being so diverse the student efforts would mirror that.

President Buchta: Guys, know we are not moving any more money till total number of student is final at the end of September.

Senator Davis: $4300 is that what we currently have right now?

President Buchta: No.

Senator Sowerwine: Are we are just talking about the proposed budget? We can’t move anything around since its not real yet.

President Buchta: We are not touching the bottom number since we don’t know final number of students. We need space in case anything happens different then what we planned on.

Senator Moore-Sharp: If we have an idea about events to hold, can we request it?

President Buchta: Yes, talk to Allison about your ideas, which is her thing.

Senator Carr: Besides the ending balance, anything that falls above that line, do we have that money?

President Buchta: This is an estimate, if we find we have less we take money from other line like travel. We won’t take it out of big events; this is likely the amount we have.

Chair Dietlin: We also can’t do anything with it till you agree with it. Senator

Sowerwine: Senator Rosic, where would you like to take extra $3000 from?

Senator Rosic: I guess we can’t right now but later just move money to where we see fit.

Senator Davis: Where is that added money coming from?

Chair Dietlin: Roll over.

President Buchta: We can’t do anything without an approved budget.

Senator Roos: I like this budget, Drake (Senator Ridge) did great on it, and this is more money then the past.

Senator Carr: I think we should approve this new budget.

President Buchta: All of these lines have already been added in.

Chair Dietlin: If we over estimate, we will have to allocate from other lines, not the other way around. We need to approve this to start our business.

Vote: Unanimous, ASNAU FY’ 2015-2016 Budget approved

Item D- Club and Individual Caps

Motion: Senator Moore-Sharp moves to vote to approve funding cap at $3000 for clubs and $1500 for individuals, unless individuals are acting as group.

Second: Senator Davis


President Buchta: Start taking about what you want the budget to be.

Chair Dietlin: We have to set cap for clubs.

Senator Sowerwine: I think because of increase of students this year, we should make it $3000.

Senator Moore-Sharp: Is there a surplus more then last year?

Chair Dietlin: There is because they made a mistake with accounting last year.

Senator Moore-Sharp: We have more students and more money.

Senator Rosic: Is this the club cap or individual?

Chair Dietlin: We can discuss both of those options. Though newly formed clubs have to wait a full semester before requesting funding. In years past we have let them have the full amount. Last year there was a discussion about the individual caps.

Senator Rosic: I agree with Senator Sowerwine to reduce the cap, because of all the student then we can reach out to more clubs.

Senator Sowerwine: Do you guys like the tier system? I think individuals should not get the same as club, to make it fair.

Senator Moore-Sharp: Are you saying like what club sports is saying?

Senator Sowerwine: They (individuals) should get less then clubs.

Senator Roos: I don’t believe in the tier system but different cap for club then individuals.

Senator Moore-Sharp: Would $1000 would be too low? We have more students in terms of funding and I think $1000 would be better.

Senator Davis: I think it should be 1000 for individuals.

Senator Rosic: I think $1500 is a good amount and if an individual is asking too much we can lower. Lets not lower their cap more than half the club cap.

Senator Mathew: That way we don’t block out that option.

Senator Carr: I think that as well, I think we should be paying attention to individuals coming in as clubs for funding.

Senator L’Ecuyer: I think $1500 is a good start for individuals.

Senator Moore-Sharp: I am not sure about the tier system. I think people coming to us case-by-case is better, if not how do we decide between them?

Chair Dietlin: Last year it was hard to use the tier system.

Senator L’Ecuyer: We could go with how many people you are going with and smaller groups could request the max for individuals.

Senator Roos: I agree with Senator Moore-Sharp. Each group of students should be decided on case by case.

Senator Davis: I agree; no tier system. We should decide, if more people are requesting individual amount.

Senator Rosic: I agree with all the senators, no tier system.

Senator Moore-Sharp: We do have more students this year.

Cindy Anderson: You (senate) could set delegation and person cap if they are sending 12 to 2000 people.

Chair Dietlin: There can be grey area. Rules that don’t need to be in bylaws.

The cap always changes year to year, there are ways to work around it.

Senator L’Ecuyer: Are we still discussing the cap?

Senator Carr: Is everyone for setting cap $3000 for club and $1500 for individuals?

Senator Sowerwine: What if a club is sending a group, they get less then sending individual.

Senator Nunnally: We can determine that later.

Senator Rosic: If a club is trying to send people they can fundraise more than individuals can.

Senator Moore-Sharp: Are we allowed to change cap later?

Chair Dietlin: Once cap is set; it is set. We can’t change it half way through year.

Senator Carr: We can still decide when a bill comes to us how much we will give. This cap is just to make sure we weren’t giving more then that.

Senator Ridge: I think that both those numbers represent what they would need.

Senator L’Ecuyer: Is that a problem?

Chair Dietlin: That was the problem last year.

Senator Moore-Sharp: Is that the case for people? In their proposal can they change how much they need for the cap, just so they could bargain down to seem like asking for less?

Chair Dietlin: They could ask for cap but depends on the receipts they turn in.

If the don’t have a receipt for something, then the rest goes back in the budget.

Senator Roos: Does the same go for individuals?

Chair Dietlin: Yes, it goes back to the budget line.

Senator Sowerwine: Lets say that they request individual caps could we change them to group cap?

Chair Dietlin: We had that a lot last year, with groups acting as individuals.

Senator Carr: In that case, we could decide on the tier system. We could decide before.

Senator Sowerwine: Can we clarify that now?

Chair Dietlin: I suggest that you keep a grey area around for wiggle room, but its up to senate what they want. I know it’s difficult.

Senator Roos: Can I propose that we set cap at $3000 for clubs and $1000 for individuals?

Senator Davis: I second that.

Chair Dietlin: We will come back for voting.

President Buchta: We want to hear your ideas but not spend money we don’t have. Once we know we will let you know.

Vote: Unanimous, funding caps has been approved

Item C- Club Sports

Motion: Senator Moore-Sharp move to vote for no lump sum of money set aside for club sports

Second: Senator Nunnally


Mike Przydzial: Hello. I am the club sports coordinator. I got word from Drake

(Senator Ridge) about working with us and I am as excited to be working with Drake (Senator Ridge). I want to ask senate about approving a new line of funding for club sports. We ran into the issue of some sports not getting funding because the problem of sports being played in different seasons.

Spring club sports were prevented from funding because all the money had been used up by then. My idea, that I want to present to you, (they would still be requesting the funds from you) is that you keep a line in the budget open just for club sports. That way they know funding will be available for clubs during the spring semester. I think they are more successful as a club if they have the funding available. I see sports clubs, they are great at representing

NAU nationally and internationally. One athlete, from archery, went to South

Korea during the 4 th of July to participate in a competition. This is extremely meaningful to their playing careers. I don’t want the spring sports to miss out representing NAU because lack of funding. They all deal with high operating budgets. NAU Ice Jackets fee is $2000 out-of-pocket. If they could tap into funding that would help. Also if clubs don’t think they were going to complete during the season; this funding could encourage them to branch out and build up to complete level. We created a tier system to hold our club officers more accountable during the year. Club sports are here for the same reason, to allow these students to continue playing the sports that they love. We hold them to higher standards, this is a personal thing they do; they put themselves in the tier system. Without this funding the tier system wouldn’t work. I want to make sure the system is successful and self-sustaining. I started my positon a little over a year ago. I want to show that club sports that they can hold themselves to higher. They need to be at a certain level of competition, have certain roster numbers, and need to be presenting NAU well at competition. They have two community services they need to participate in yearly and the higher tiers have even more than that. We have officer trainings and hold club officers to higher standards. The club advisor must be involved with them and we are bringing back leadership series including time management to help them lead their clubs. All this benefits their career and helps them to be more professional. Certain tiers (higher

ones) require other clubs on campus to come to their games and support them. They also are required to attend club expo; helping bring new students into their sports. We want to make this a highly respected group among all the other universities in Arizona.

Senator Moore-Sharp: are there any club athletes that they foster skills and then transfer into the varsity sports? What I am asking is will they get noticed?

Mike Przydzial: I believe so, but there are few that do walk on to varsity.

Senator Sowerwine: You said there are 32 clubs. How many members is that total?

Mike Przydzial: Around 950 members. I except that number to grow. We want to count not just active members but all participants that came to try out. We want to try to track all those numbers.

Senator Ridge: In this system, if a club gets a certain amount of strikes will the tier change?

Mike Przydzial: Yes, it will change after a certain amount of strikes and the benefits also including funding. I want a relationship that if they are asking for funding, you (Senators) checking with us first.

Senator Carr: So with your system, will you tell us if they can have funding?

Mike Przydzial: No, only amount of funding they deserve.

Senator Carr: So top tier would get full amount and based on you we would lower from there.

Senator Davis: How would attendance match up with these things?

Mike Przydzial: Attendance is including in ranking.

Senator Moore-Sharp: Question for Amanda (Dietlin). Would we be taking this money from other places?

Chair Dietlin: No just the funding line.

Senator Mathew: How much would you like us to save?

Mike Przydzial: Its up to you, to see have much you would like.

Senator Anderson: If we did put this in place and we ran out of money. What we you do?

Mike Przydzial: We have alternative money source; so we have money they can go to.

Senator Rosic: First of thank you for coming here and I see the importance but I don’t think that’s fair since its only 5% of student population. It is not really fair since other clubs would not be able to get that. What would happen if other clubs start asking for the same thing?

Mike Przydzial: I can see that being a problem, I don’t know what you have set up but I can say that the same system… does fraternity and sorority life have the same thing set up?

Chair Dietlin: No. Out of all the clubs that came to us, only 2 were Greek life.

Senator Carr: I know that we didn’t vote on anything last year, but we have discussed splitting the budget for all between two semesters. It would not just be focusing on club sports. We should consider that so money is available for everyone.

Senator Davis: Whom would you suggest they see first for funding?

Mike Przydzial: You, ASNAU, after their funding source is up we would have more things set aside after funding runs out.

Senator Mathew: Would you be opposed to what Senator Carr said?

Mike Przydzial: As long as you all vote and we use the tier system to make sure they are in good standing.

Senator Moore-Sharp: How much would you think they would need?

Mike Przydzial: If we were awarded this it would encourage clubs to seek out more things for them to participate in. $40,000 would be enough. We already have club golf that is waiting approval.

Senator Moore-Sharp: What is the profile for other clubs asking for money?

Chair Dietlin: No specific group looking for funding. It is all across 300 organizations that are in good standing.

Senator Rosic: I want to see all club do good and go places, but I like what

Senator Carr said about split not a new line just for club sports. It would be more adequate; with good communication we can inform you if are things becoming an issue.

Mike Przydzial: I agree last year, we are communicating with multiple and just contacting one person is better.

Senator Ridge: Was the tier system created with presidents of club sports?

Mike Przydzial: We have been in conversation, all last year, about a tier model. We are working with the e-boards about a tier system would be better way to win points with a certain amount of money per point.

Senator Ridge: Are there any other schools that do that?

Mike Przydzial: Yes, ASU and UofA.

Senator Graham: Are all club members’ students of NAU?

Mike Przydzial: Yes, most of them are expect a few from last year. If they are not, they have paid a fee. In funding terms, it will be only for students and benefiting students. They need to go through the register’s office so outsiders can’t compete.

Senator L’Ecuyer: Where are the membership fees going to if not funding them.

Mike Przydzial: Advisor and safety officers for training and CRP/first aid. We pay for faculty spaces. We are figuring out how we can start to build that budget and provide other funding source, but can’t fund them up front until it builds up. It gives us time. If that is something we need to discuss using it first that is something we can bring up. We don’t want to use ASNAU all the time, but first to just build it up.

Senator Carr: To be fair to all clubs and students, a split in money for both semesters and tier system will help them. This tier system would just would limit them depending on their ranking.

Senator Roos: Do the club sports do any fundraising events? Can you elaborate?

Mike Przydzial: Each club is responsible to do their own fundraising with regards to the rules. If ASNAU did not completely fund them then they will have to go around asking for donations. Hockey requires money to get into their games.

Senator Moore-Sharp: Do clubs come to us for funding for their events?

Amanda Dietlin: They are not making money on anything we are funding. We just want to cover gas, hotel, and competition costs.

Senator Moore-Sharp: Is there something wrong for them to come to us for help?

Chair Dietlin: As far as our bylaws go, we can allocate money for fundraising, but only money being used to raise money for charity.

Senator L’Ecuyer: On the split budget, in theory would be a good idea, but I think we should keep our digression and not tie our self down with a limit.

Senator Beghtol: Personally, our club raising money off campus but we came into ASNAU for funding. Each club has different dues that goes to those things.

Senator Davis: I have a question Senator Carr. Would we would split the money along the line?

Chair Dietlin: We are not talking about splitting the budget; keep on topic.

Senator Davis: It was pointed more toward their budgeting.

Senator Sowerwine: I think we should start talking about what we will do, but because it is such a small part of our school I think we should not put a line for it but have them come in.

Senator Moore-Sharp: You are communicating with Senator Ridge and he can talk to us on your behalf, but I agree with Senator Sowerwine.

President Buchta: You do have the option to say no to people, the important things are for people presenting research and club sports instead of people having fun.

Senator Anderson: I like the idea of $40,000 set aside. I believe we can set something up that if you don’t use all the money it would just go back to the budget.

Senator Nunnally: I don’t think that is a good idea. We have other clubs that need funding.

Senator Mathew: I agree with Nunnally; other clubs would want to do this too.

Senator Rosic: I agree with Senator Mathew. If club sports forms this and other club want to form the same thing; where would we be?

Senator L’Ecuyer: I think the tier system is good for your clubs, to have community service but I agree with everyone else. It’s to too small of a population.

Senator Copeland: I agree you have found money before, it should not be a problem.

Senator Ridge: I think we can find some level of communication that we can help you with the system but not with the money.

Chair Dietlin: We have exhausted the situation. Senate is going to track our budget and make sure it represents our student body well. Would we still be in favor of the tier system? Allowing the director to decide which clubs get funding?

Senator Sowerwine: Would the top tier get more than cap?

Mike Przydzial: We can but only four clubs are in the top tier.

Senator Moore-Sharp: You weren’t sure; what can you do to make the system stay in forced?

Mike Przydzial: I think with the communication that we can in force it; it can build.

Senator Carr: Point of clarification, would we be giving this top tiers the max?

Mike Przydzial: Yes.

Vote: Unanimous, motion passes

Item E- Club Sports tier system

Motion: Senator Rosic moves to vote to approve the club sports tier system.

Second: Senator Moore-Sharp

Vote: Majority rule (Senator Roos votes against), motion has passed; Club sports tier system has been approved.

Item F- Vice Chair of Senate, Chair of Legislative and Chair of Appropriations

Motion: Senator Mathew moves to vote Senator Carr as chair of Legislative,

Senator Rosic as Vice Chair of Senate and Senator L’Ecuyer as Chair of


Second: Senator Graham


Vote: Unanimous, three extensions (Carr, Rosic, and L’Ecuyer), motion passes

Item G- Installation of Senators and Staff

Motion: Senator Rosic move to vote to install Drake Ridge and Marc Moore-

Sharp to be official senators and all staff to be installed.

Second: Senator Sowerwine

Vote: Unanimous, motion approved. Senators Ridge and Moore-Sharp are now senators and all Staff has been installed.

Executive Reports a.

President- Alexandria Buchta

- This week, I helped Lauren (Senator L’Ecuyer) with her schedule and talked to people about club sports and I still need to do Stella (Senator

Carr) with hers. We are hiring another New Students State Affairs person, we only have 1 (Heaven Pollock), and we have received applications.

Senator Rosic: What is the hiring process?

President Buchta: They fill out the application and then interview.

Senator Carr: Were there a job posting?

President Buchta: Professors recommended them. There were not lots of applications (like 2).

Chair Dietlin: There was less for this year than last. b. Vice President of Student Affairs- Allison Kelley (Not Present)

-Club Headquarters is up and everything is running! Please make sure you are signing in and out in right area. The first tailgate is this weekend; share the Facebook event. The tailgate starts at 1pm, kickoff at 4pm.

Tailgate packets are out, they need to fill them out and return the by 5pm

Wednesday. All members (senate and staff) need to work 3 tailgates. If you are under 21, you will be working homecoming. Jack feast is for everyone without a club. Lumberyard shirts are going to be handed out.

We have 2000, first come first serve, must have ID to get shirt.

Senator Davis: Do we need to wear our polo at the tailgate.

Chair Dietlin: Yes, if we have them in time, if not wear NAU shirt and wear your nametag.

Senator Moore-Sharp: Where are the polo’s?

Chair Dietlin: They are back ordered. They are on their way.

C. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Amanda Dietlin

- I have been answering a lot of emails, handing out funding packets, you should see them coming in next week. Please tell your clubs of the cap before senate next week. I have been setting academic meetings. There have been a lot of question of budget. I have sent alternative meeting time for appropriations because of the holiday but we need enough senators. I know a lot of you have recruitment. So we may need senator from legislative to come.

Senator Carr: When is that?

Chair Dietlin: Next Tuesday, any time after 5:30pm. Appropriation needs to happen. That’s all I have been working on, also emails, organizing


President Buchta: Show of hands for who can go?

*3 raised hands

Chair Dietlin: at 6:30pm?

Senator Carr: How long is the meeting?

Chair Dietlin: As long as it needs to be.

President Buchta: 7? We need half of senate to go. We need four senators.

Senator L’Ecuyer: Can we do it Wednesday?

President Buchta: No, Tuesday night.

Chair Dietlin: If its needs to be at 8 am, it will be.

*Senators raise hand

Chair Dietlin: Okay. How about 8 am?

*Senators Roos, L’Ecuyer, Mathew, Rosic, Ridge, Anderson, Davis, and

Sowerwine can go next Tuesday 8 am.

Chair Dietlin: It will be hard to get clubs there.

Senator Rosic: Who will email the change to clubs?

Chair Dietlin: Front desk will notify the clubs. This one week only, please. d. Vice President of Government Affairs – Vanessa Pomeroy

- Our pledge program is next week! The pledge is a four-year lock in tuition. We will be sending in signatures from students, to the president’s office to thank them for being able to keep the pledge going. We are doing tabling next week and need help, if you could fill this paper out with times you can help out. Since we (Vanessa Pomeroy and Heaven Pollock) don’t have interns we need your help. e. Chief of Staff- Lauren Stebbins


Staff Reports


Student State Affairs- Heaven Pollock

- b.

Public Relations- Reed Emerson, Connor Wandersee, Korrin Snow

- c.

Special Events- Amy Edgerton, Taylor Wesner

- d.

Information Technologist- Chantz Spears

- e.

NSG- Kali Morris, Hali Wetzel


Committee Reports


Appropriations: Senator L’Ecuyer



Legislative: Senator Carr


Senator Reports

College of Arts and Letters a.

Abbey Matthew- b.

Stefan Rosic-

College of Social and Behavioral Sciences a.

Brooke Graham- b.

Gabriella Nunnally-

College of Health and Human Services a.

Alex Roos- b.

Ashley Beghtol-

College of Education a.

Alyssa Anderson- b.

Kyle Davis-

College of Business a.

Amanda Copeland- b.

Lauren L’Ecuyer-

College of Engineering, Forestry, and Natural Sciences a.

Madi Sowerwine- b.

Stella Carr-

University College a.

Drake Ridge- b.

Marc Moore-Sharp-

Advisor Reports (Cindy Anderson and Kristine Heflin)

Cindy Anderson—

Kristine Heflin— Cindy wanted to share enrollment numbers, 1 st year enrollment is up 5%, there are 5,541 first year students. Overall campus enrollment is up 5000 students or 1%. I have also had 4 or 5 people stop by to create clubs/organizations, so get excited they will be on the agenda next week.

Discussion Items

Chair Dietlin: The golden pinecone goes to Grace; she is a super star! She has helped out so much this week. Grace come to my office to claim your pinecone.


Chair Dietlin: Reminder, don’t print to small printer. If you are printing for club or organization, you need to go club headquarters. If for your position or job please print to Konica printer, just because you work here doesn’t mean you get to abuse the rules.

Senator Rosic:

-Multicultural Welcome Reception


September 9, 2015

Du Bois Center Ballroom

-Campus Climate Assessment


September 11, 2015

Gateway Classroom

Important Dates


Motion: Senator Sowerwine moves to adjourn the meeting

Second: Senator Ridge

Vote: Unanimous, meeting adjourned at 6:08pm.
