Course Syllabus Introduction to Technical Writing ETWR 1302 Semester with Course Reference Number (CRN) Fall 2011 CRN 57919 Gail L. Baker, M. A. (Semester Substitute) Instructor contact information (phone 713-363-1688 number and email address) Office Location and Hours Before class by appointment, after class in classroom (Please, do not wait to schedule meeting until you experience problems) Course Location/Times West Loop—Room 134 M 6 p-9 p Course Semester Credit Hours (SCH) (lecture, lab) If applicable Credit hours-- 3.00 Lecture hours-- 3.00 Total Course Contact Hours 48 NA Continuing Education Units (CEU): if applicable Course Length (number of weeks) 16 weeks (August 29-December 12, 2011) Type of Instruction Lecture Course Description: Introduction to the principles, techniques, and skills needed for scientific, technical, and business writing Course Prerequisite(s) None 2 Academic Discipline/CTE Program Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate ability to select and apply industry standard software 2. Design and demonstrate use of software and techniques in practical applications 3. Develop a portfolio of work that demonstrates proficiency in skills for employment Course Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): 4 to 7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Discuss the elements of technical writing Determine the purpose of a technical document Research information Prepare an outline Construct technical documents using graphical elements Learning Objectives (Numbering system should be linked to SLO e.g., 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.) 1.1 SCANS and/or Core Curriculum Competencies: If applicable TEXAS STATE “SCANS” COMPETENCIES During the progress of this course, the student will demonstrate capabilities in the following categories of “United States Department of Labor Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills”: Managing Resources: Manage materials; manage time Working With Information: Acquire/evaluate data; organize/maintain information; interpret/communicate data; process information with computers Applying System Knowledge: Understand systems Using Technology: Apply technology to specific tasks Demonstrating Basic Skills: Reading; writing; speaking; listening Demonstrating Thinking Skills: Creative thinking; decision making; problem solving; thinking logically Exhibiting Personal Qualities: Individual responsibility; integrity; selfmanagement Instructional Methods With your assistance, we can develop and maintain an effective and productive learning environment through lectures, class activities and discussions, and assignments—and meet the course objectives. 1.2 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 3.3 5.1 5.2 Use research skills, including internet skills, for developing technical communication projects Respond constructively to others at various stages of the writing process Prepare a feasibility study with both text and graphics, following MLA or APA style Understand copyright laws and regulations Understand the skills required for a job in technical communication Design an effective job interview and résumé package Exhibit efficient time management to meet deadline demands Size, crop, and position graphics with text in a document Develop effective oral presentations with PowerPoint and a well written feasibility study in Microsoft Word with graphics The demands of college work may be new to you. This introductory course will help you to improve and expand your career opportunities and to enhance your ability to meet your myriad work responsibilities, as well as to enrich your daily personal activities. Each of you may have very different long–term goals, but together you all 3 should be able to successfully progress toward them. This accomplishment will become your first major step toward even higher levels of learning. Achieving your fullest potential, you already know, is a lifelong effort. For now, read the textbook, complete your assignments, participate in class activities—again, strive for excellence, and enjoy the Fall 2011 semester! GLB Student Assignments Assignments been planned to guide your learning and concept development as an introductory level technical writer. To better understand a topic or concept, you will be given assignments about key information that you will need to remember for technical writing success in your career. Student Assessment(s) Your work will be evaluated according to the following criteria: Adherence to assignment guidelines: Do not rearrange the assignment guidelines. Complete the right assignment. If the assignment is not clear to you, it is your responsibility to ask for clarification before doing it. Appropriateness: Follow course policies, attitude—check on how you handle projects and challenges along with working with others in class. Do not have someone do the assignment for you. Submit and assignments projects on time. Techniques and concepts: Application of concepts and techniques. Design layout: Consider creativity, balance of elements, design techniques, use of white space, fonts, sizes and styles, and effects and color. Quality of execution: Content information. Strive for excellence. All work should be an attempt at portfolio quality. Using the above criteria, your work will be assessed on six levels: 100–90% A Exceptionally fine work; superior in presentation, visual observation, comprehension, and participation 89–80% B Above average work; superior in one or two areas 79–70% C Average work; good, unexceptional participation 69–60% D Below average work; noticeably weak with minimal participation ≤ 59% F Clearly deficient in presentation, style and content with a lack of participation Withdrawn W Excessive absence (> 12.5% semester absence) Students who wish to appeal a grade penalty should notify the instructional supervisor within 30 working days of the incident. A standing committee appointed by the College Dean of Instruction (Academic or Workforce) will convene to sustain, reduce, or reverse the grade penalty. The committee will be composed of two students, two faculty members, and one instructional administrator. A majority vote will decide the grade appeal and is final. Instructor's Requirements 1. 2. All written assignments must be typed, in 12 point font and double spaced— with full name, CRN, date, and assignment title in header—and submitted as hard copy, stapled in upper left corner as necessary but with no plastic sleeves added, and saved on your jump drive as backup. Each student must visit an English tutor at least once during the semester to review an assignment draft—get the tutor’s signature with the date, and submit that draft with the final revision. 4 3. 4. 5. Program/Discipline Requirements: If applicable I carefully review and critique each writing assignment, so that everyone can learn from past mistakes and suggestions made—but except for résumé only one rewrite of any assignment is allowed. Missed classroom work will not be rescheduled for any student with an unexcused absence. Announce your name and participate in classroom discussions, regularly— class participation is part of your final grade. GLB Complete and comprehend the objectives and technologies involved in all graded assignments. Demonstrate the ability to apply creative thinking and problem solving to all class projects and assignments. Complete all reading assignments pertaining to the subject matter of the course. Attend class regularly, missing no more than 12.5% of instruction (12 hours). Arrive at class promptly and be prepared with necessary books, storage media, assignments, and anything else required. Exhibit safe and courteous lab habits. Develop and share knowledge and information with fellow students. Participate in keeping labs clean and organized; shutting down computers when finished; abiding by lab rules; and showing respect for Instructors, fellow students, and lab assistants. Participate in class discussions and critiques. Demonstrate the ability to communicate in a clear, coherent manner. Turn in all assignments on time and in the manner required by the Instructor. Demonstrate the ability to use computer–based technology and software applications as it applies to given class. Understand and be proficient in computer file management, including saving and retrieving files. When possible, demonstrate the ability to use and understand both Macintosh and Window operating systems. Demonstrate knowledge and the ability to use applicable peripherals and storage devices. Develop a portfolio that illustrates concepts, techniques, and programs used in solving class assignments, including a written statement describing project concepts and processes. Demonstrate ability and creativity in using computer–based technology in communicating, solving problems, and acquiring information. Accept responsibility for personal understanding of course requirements and degree plan. 5 HCC Grading Scale Instructor Grading Criteria Instructional Materials 100–90% A 4 points per semester hour 89–80% B 3 points per semester hour 79–70% C 2 points per semester hour 69–60% D 1 point per semester hour ≤ 59% F 0 points per semester hour In Progress IP 0 points per semester hour Completed COM 0 points per semester hour Incomplete I 0 points per semester hour Withdrawn W 0 points per semester hour Audit AUD 0 points per semester hour IP is given only in certain developmental courses. The student must re-enroll to receive credit. COM is given in non-credit and continuing education courses. To compute grade point average (GPA), divide the total grade points by the total number of semester hours attempted. The grades IP, COM, and I do not affect GPA. Assignments and activities—45% Research paper—35% Oral research report—15% Class participation—5% Textbooks and resources (for availability and best price, check online) Pickett, Nell Ann, Ann A. Laster, and Katherine E. Staples. Technical English—Writing Reading and Speaking. 8th ed. New York: Addison WesleyLongman, Inc., 2001 [ISBN 0-321-00352-7]. (Required) Fowler, H. Ramsey, and Jane E. Aaron. Little, Brown Handbook. 11th ed. New York: Longman Publishing, 2008 [0-205-65171-2] (or custom edition for HCCS—Southwest College). “The eleventh edition of this favorite builds on its best-selling features with five new emphases: (1) reading and writing across the curriculum, including a new chapter on academic writing, which covers the fundamentals of writing in all disciplines, and a revised chapter on academic skills, which emphasizes how to be successful in all college courses; (2) research writing, including new material on finding and evaluating library and Web sources—including blogs, wikis, and multimedia—and a new research paper on the environment; (3) up–to–date documentation guidelines, including the recent revisions to MLA, APA, and CSE documentation styles, with numerous models of new media in each style and new annotated sample sources; (4) more writing process instruction, including a new student work–in–progress on the topic of globalization and new discussions of voice in writing; and (5) grammar guidance, including new checklists and summary boxes to guide students in crafting clear and correct sentences.” (With purchase student has access to free tutorials at Companion Website—<>; you will find numerous practice exercises with immediate feedback to your responses.) (Optional but highly recommended for this and future courses) Consult “The Online Writing Lab at Purdue (OWL)” for Modern Language Association of America (MLA) format—<> (and regularly do relevant exercises—submit printed records for extra course credit). 6 Daily tools Pens, pencils, notebook, and paper Highlighter Folder or binder for your portfolio of assignments Materials when computers used—HCC Departments do NOT provide supplies! External storage device One ream 20 pound laser paper Blank DVDs and CDs HCC Policy Statement: Access Student Services Policies on their Web site: Distance Education and/or Continuing Education Policies Access DE Policies on their Web site: Access CE Policies on their Web site: EVALUATION FOR GREATER LEARNING STUDENT SURVEY SYSTEM (EGLS3) At HCC, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated time near the end of the semester, you will be asked to answer a short online survey of research–based questions related to instruction. The anonymous results of the survey will be made available to your professors and Department chairs for continual improvement of instruction. Look for the survey as part of the HCC Student System online near the end of the semester at <>. FALL 2011— TRADITIONAL 16 –WEEK SESSION May 2 Monday Registration begins July 1 Friday Application Deadline for International Students Outside the U.S. July 11 Monday Veteran's Advanced Pay Application deadline for Fall August 5 Friday Application Deadline for International Transfer Students August 20 Saturday Saturday Registration (9am -1pm) August 26 Friday Last Day for 100 % Refund August 27 Saturday Saturday Registration (9am -1pm) 7 August 27 Saturday Classes Begin- Drop/Add/Swap Fee ($15.00) Begins August 27-September 13 70% Refund August 30 Tuesday Registration Ends August 30 Tuesday Last Day for Drop/Add/Swap September 5 Monday Offices Closed -Labor Day Holiday September 9 Friday Official Date of Record September 14-19 25% Refund October 14 Friday Priority Deadline for Spring 2012 Financial Aid Award October 14 Friday Priority Deadline for Fall Completion of Degrees or Certificates November 3 Thursday Last Day for Administrative/Student Withdrawals- 4:30pm November 23 Wednesday No Night Classes before Thanksgiving November 24-27 Offices Closed- Thanksgiving Holiday December 1 Thursday Veteran's Advanced Pay Application deadline for Spring December 11 Sunday Instruction Ends December 12-18 Final Examinations December 18 Sunday Semester Ends December 19 Monday Grades Due by- 12:00 Noon December 23 Friday Grades Available to Students December 20- January 2 Offices Closed- Christmas Break COURSE SCHEDULE (which may change as semester progresses) Past Assignments Week 1 Read: Purchase textbooks and resources, and supplies Assignment: Write career goals statement 8 Week 2 Read: Chapters 1 and 2, and Appendix 2 in Technical English Assignment: “Write a memo to the manufacturer of a toy or small appliance. See p. 22, exercise 2.2” (submit if you have copy, graded or not, or submit statement that you no longer have copy of assignment you completed) Week 3 Read: Chapters 3 and 15 in Technical English Assignment: “Rewrite sentences from exercise #3.3-3.7 on pp. 44-45 for clarity and combine sentences in exercise #3.8 [10 sentences]” (submit if you have copy, graded or not, or submit statement that you no longer have copy of assignment you completed) Weeks 4 and 5 Read: Chapter 4 and Reference Sections—Guides to Information Sources in Technical English (in preparation for “Library Tour with HCCS Librarian”) Assignment: “#4.10 on p.76. To demonstrate how you can create your own instructions, design a recipe card” (while you were graded on oral presentation, because this assignment was also concerned with information design please do submit your recipe copy) Current Assignments Week 6 Class: Visuals are third major tool of technical communicator Read: Chapter 5 in Technical English Assignment: Select two short documents presenting technical information, one using visual elements well and one using visual elements less well, and explain your reasoning in paragraph for each Week 7 Class: Technology is fourth major tool of technical communicator Read: Chapter 6 in Technical English Assignment: Prepare PowerPoint presentation briefly and simply describing how technology is used in your career field 9 Week 8 Class: Importance of oral communication Read: Chapter 16 in Technical English Assignment: Select topic for research, and write initial outline of research paper Week 9 Class: Review of technical writing process Read: Chapters 7, 8, 13, and 14, and review Reference Sections pages 509-585 in Technical English Assignment: Select topic for research, and write initial outline proposal of research paper Week 10 Class: Procedure explanation is showing how Read: Chapter 9 in Technical English Assignment: Explain procedure using mode of presentation of choice Week 11 Class: Comparing and contrasting descriptions and definitions Read: Chapters 10 and 11 in Technical English Assignment: Write long paragraph of description and long paragraph of definition Week 12 Class: Discussion of written research papers and oral research reports, summaries (and abstracts), and importance and details of annotated bibliography Read: Chapter 12 and pages 358-359 in Technical English Assignment: Annotated bibliography for research paper to be reviewed and critiqued in exchange by classmate 10 Week 13 Class: Review of components of research paper and section formats, emphasizing four major tools of technical communicator—clear language, information design, visuals, and technology Read: Article in handout Assignment: Summary of article in handout Week 14 Class: Informal review and critique of research papers Read: Sections concerning research papers in Technical English as needed Assignment: Individual students discuss research paper progress, with comments and suggestions from classmates and Instructor Week 15 Class: Oral reports on research papers Read: Review two handouts concerning presenting oral reports Assignment: Present oral report on research paper and orally critique classmates’ reports, and submit research paper Week 16 Final in–class assignment: Write three one–page text–, course–, and career–specific essays (and see Program Learning Outcomes, Student Learning Outcomes, Learning Objectives, and Texas State “SCANS” Competencies) 11 Student Information Sheet Digital Communication Department Instructor ________________________________________ Class name ________________________________________ Semester ________________________________________ Day and time ________________________________________ CRN ________________________________________ Please Print Clearly Student name ________________________________________ ID number ________________________________________ Current address ________________________________________ City/state/Zip ________________________________________ Current contact numbers Home phone ________________________________________ Cell phone ________________________________________ Work phone ________________________________________ eMail (print clearly) ________________________________________ College experience Approximate number of credits ________________________________________ Colleges attended ________________________________________ Declared major ________________________________________ Reason for enrollment in this class (please circle one): Elective Requirement Personal Enrichment Please list any other DigiCom Department courses you have already taken: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ 12 Acknowledgement of Course Syllabus Digital Communication Department To receive credit for attendance, fill in this page and return it to the Instructor before leaving Orientation. Instructor __________________________________________ Class name __________________________________________ Semester __________________________________________ Day and time __________________________________________ CRN __________________________________________ I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the policies of Houston Community College and the contents of the Course Syllabus. I have had the attendance policies explained to me and I understand that I am responsible for keeping track of my absences and that I may be withdrawn from this class if I exceed the limits, regardless of reason. Please Print Clearly Student name __________________________________________ Student signature __________________________________________ Date signed __________________________________________ Release Agreement of Work Produced An agreement between Houston Community College and this student to use work produced by this student during the course of class activities. The student agrees to allow Houston Community College to use works created in this class in the following ways: 1. Digital Communication Department Gallery Shows 2. On-line Web sites sponsored by the Digital Communication Department 3. Printed materials produced by the Digital Communication Department The Department agrees: 1. The student’s work will not be sold or offered for sale without prior permission of the student. 2. Ownership of the work remains with the student. 3. The work will not be altered in any way except to optimize for display or for publication. 4. The student will receive credit for his or her work when it is used as described. I further agree to the above terms of use for any work created as a part of this class. Please Print Clearly Student name __________________________________________ Student signature __________________________________________ Date signed __________________________________________