May 15, 2013

Commission on Disability Access and Design
May 15, 2013
1:00-2:30, Havasupai C Room, University Union
1.Scavenger Hunt Update, plans for a fall scavenger hunt
2.Transportation Issues on Campus for people with mobility impairments/Request for the
university to purchase different buses
retro fit - two existing busses Strategic Plan - w/ college advocacy (student groups? service components - Christy C. ? )
Fundraising - Grant Writing - DOT (Erin)
***NAIPTA - Matt to Talk with John about co-authoring a grant (Mountain Lift?) Who should
we talk with? (connect Christy and them)
…temporary mobility impairment…
More thorough training on how to use the lifts for the bus drivers.
Attitudinal barrier from students - preference to use the para-busses
3 NAU 4 All involvement with Architectural Planning Initiatives on Campus.
Robert - be involved in design initiatives (CDAD is a good place to be invited.)
4.Social Event in fall
Scavenger Hunt - October
Get to know you dinner NAUPD event - collaboration opportunity - Janice Burton
Weekend conference - Safety kit for people living on campus
New Emergency Manager - talk with him about coming to CDAD
5.New President - Caitlin
***Matt - Contact Eva to talk with us about Strategic Plan Process (1:30 on 20th) - feedback
from CED Redistribute - Jamie's initial d
PO Box 4142
Flagstaff, AZ 86011-4142
(928) 523-0708 (fax)
Provost's Letter
Jamie Axelrod: (8:47 AM)
did you get a letter from the Provost?
Matthew E Minister: (8:48 AM)
Yes, I was going to ask you too. *smile* I just received it yesterday afternoon.
Jamie Axelrod: (8:49 AM)
Cool. This is a first in my experience. I think we need to get some folks together and take the
opportunity to write something.
Matthew E Minister: (8:49 AM)
I was wondering if any of our letters such as the ones for the strategic plan items would be good
to share.
Matthew E Minister: (8:50 AM)
Yes, something new…
Jamie Axelrod: (8:50 AM)
That could be a start but we might want to include some other things as well
Matthew E Minister: (8:50 AM)
Sounds good. Do you think it would be worth adding her (or her office) to the CDAD list?
Jamie Axelrod: (8:51 AM)
not sure but we can talk about that.
Matthew E Minister: (8:51 AM)
Sounds good.
Matthew E Minister: (8:52 AM)
…an agenda item for the 15th. *smile*
Invite to meeting
attitudinal differences (ie bus)
philosophical difference with other commissions (i.e. CED)
Tom - recommends that the Executive Committee drafts a letter
cluster hiring - area of diversity - able to speak - shared faculty
***invite CDAD to write up thoughts for Provost.
(Matthew - best way to include in conversation)
Nathan gone Send agenda items to Matt (and Jammie).
Matt - Contact Union to find out about room availability.
June - 20th Thurs - conflict with orientation??
Other New Business Last summer - information regarding technology on campus including accessibility -- proposal
did go forward to President's office.
PO Box 4142
Flagstaff, AZ 86011-4142
(928) 523-0708 (fax)
Through EMSA - access to macro budgeting process - Usable Materials Center Faculty/Staff/Departments - Announcements, invitations, other communications -- videos
Has been Funded - designed to be managed by staff supervisor and students Invitations to pull group together to talk about this (this week)
Position - Software, Assess software, accessible, alternatives,
University Scope Franke - Marketing Plan Accessibility Issue Technology - utilize Google Hangouts - Collaborate
Barriers - communicating over the internet - not loud enough not clear enough - Must be able to
be captionioned - must coordinate with DR to facilitate captioner
PO Box 4142
Flagstaff, AZ 86011-4142
(928) 523-0708 (fax)