SMART! Toolkit Classified Staff and Service Professional Positions

Classified Staff and Service Professional Positions
This kit is designed to assist departments with completing and documenting a fair and legal hiring
process from start to finish. Supervisors should work closely with their Human Resources Specialist,
Sr who can answer questions related to NAU policy and procedure as well as assist with ensuring the
legality of interview questions, matrix creation and salary equity.
Unless otherwise noted, all forms referenced can be found on the Human Resources website at
You can either print this document or save it to your desktop to use from the beginning through to the
end of the hiring process!
A signed copy of this document (OR a completed Hire SMART! checklist) MUST be submitted to
Human Resources with all hiring documentation for records retention. Keep this in mind as you
complete these steps during the process!
Job Title:
Name of Successful Candidate:
Vacancy #:
Approval to Recruit
Create a position announcement for the vacant position using a Classified Staff and Service
Professional Vacancy Announcement Request form. Your HR Specialist, Sr can assist you
with the proper classification and salary for the position. All vacancy announcements and job
advertisements include language regarding NAU’s commitment to diversity.
Is the position Safety/Security Sensitive? To determine this, use the Safety/Security Sensitive
Identification Tool ( All job postings must include a statement alerting
prospective candidates of a mandatory background investigation requirement and, if Safety/Security
Sensitive, to the required fingerprint investigation.
Do you know the Affirmative Action Goals for this job group?
Affirmative Action Goals for the job group:
% Women
% Minorities
i. Access the current Affirmative Action Plan ( ) and determine if there is an employment deficiency in this
position. If a percentage is listed, this is the percentage of representation that you
should see in your applicant pool. If no percentage is listed, there is not a
deficiency in this job group. (For more information on Affirmative Action, visit the
Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity at or call 928.523.3312)
Hire SMART! Toolkit – NAU Human Resources – rev 03/25/2014
ii. Use this information to advertise effectively and pay special attention to recruiting
women and minorities. The Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity
and Human Resources can assist you in with planning your advertising.
Classified Staff:
i. Job descriptions were created as part of the tri-university classification system
and departments CANNOT change the minimum qualifications established.
Departments may, however, clarify or provide examples of these qualifications in
appropriate circumstances. (If qualification states “Bachelor’s degree in field
appropriate to area of assignment”, department can define what fields are
appropriate such as Communications, Journalism or Public Affairs).
ii. Job descriptions must be similar in nature to the ABOR-approved descriptions
and your HR Specialist, Sr will review your submission for accuracy. Utilize the
“Preferred Qualifications” section for those items that are outside of the generic
description, but still important criteria for the position.
iii. Generic job descriptions can be accessed at
Service Professional:
i. Job descriptions are created by departments in consultation with Human
Resources. Some positions may be unique to a department while others are
developed as generic descriptions for use by multiple departments.
ii. Generic job descriptions (where available) can be accessed at
Complete a Requisition Form – Classified Staff or Form A – Service Professional Staff and
attach the Vacancy Announcement Request and submit to the appropriate signers for the
Send the electronic job description to for posting when approved.
Once Human Resources receives the approved requisition, your HR Specialist, Sr will review it
for content and salary equity. Once review is complete, it will be posted on the online
application system, Staff Openings. The contact person listed on the requisition will receive an
email that it has been posted and is ready for you to review. You will also receive the vacancy
number at this time.
If advertising is desired, send in an Online Request ( form. The HR advertising
interns ( will assist you with creating and submitting your advertisements.
a. When deciding where to advertise, consider:
i. How to increase the diversity of your applicant pool. Check the Affirmative Action
Plan developed by the Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity
( or 523.3312) to see where underutilization exists and advertise accordingly to promote diversity.
ii. Language in the advertisement. It should indicate that women, minorities,
individuals with disabilities and covered veterans are encouraged to apply. (The
advertisement must include language indicating that NAU is an affirmative
Hire SMART! Toolkit – NAU Human Resources – rev 03/25/2014
action/equal opportunity employer. Acceptable abbreviations include, “NAU is an
AA/EEO/MWDV employer” or simply, “AA/EEO/MWDV”.
Establishing a Committee and Screening Matrix
Select members of the screening/selection committee. You should have a minimum of
three (3) people. Include one female and/or a member of a minority group to give your
committee a more diverse perspective. Select individuals that possess knowledge to evaluate
the candidate and understand the importance and value of a culturally diverse campus.
Individuals from other departments, committees, etc. who may work or interact with the
candidate may also be included in the process.
Screening/Selection Committee
Department or Affiliation:
Select one (1) person to serve as chair/contact person for your committee. This person will
be the “point” person who coordinates the hiring process for the committee and ensures all
materials are collected and organized for submission to Human Resources.
Committee Chair:
Department or Affiliation:
Phone and email:
Create a matrix to screen all applications. This tool is used by all members of the screening
committee to review and rank candidates in order to identify the most qualified candidates to
interview. Some things to consider when creating your matrix:
The first box on any matrix should be an assessment of whether or not the applicant
meets the minimum qualifications for the position. This should be a “yes” or “no” answer
and not have any point value assigned. When evaluating minimums, consider all
relevant experience the candidate may have. NOTE: You need to evaluate any
adverse answers on the application question sets such as eligible for rehire, conviction,
etc, and contact your HR Specialist, Sr for direction. If the applicant does not meet the
minimum qualifications, the application does not have to be scored on the rest of the
Do the matrix categories correspond to the job posting? Selection criteria are clearly
derived from or can reasonably be inferred from information regarding the position as
actually announced to the public (generally via Careers @ NAU posting).
Are categories able to be measured from application materials? Some items, such
as the amount of experience working with culturally diverse populations, can be difficult
to determine from application materials. This should be addressed in the interview
where it can be more easily determined.
Have you defined specifically your minimum and preferred qualifications? Where
minimum or preferred qualifications are general and subject to multiple interpretations,
such as “demonstrated ability to prioritize tasks”, submit materials that include evidence
of a dialogue by search committee for the kinds of experience, training or other jobrelated attributes that are relevant to each of the general qualifications.
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Are categories weighted? Is the weighting technique defendable? If you assign
points, consider this question as you consider what point values to assign to the
Does the committee understand the system? Discuss the matrix scoring with the
committee in advance to eliminate confusion and lead to more consistency in the
g. Human Resources can assist departments with the creation of matrices. (For more
information on matrices including a sample matrix, go to
Prepare Interview Questions and Interview Agenda
Interview questions must be appropriately grounded in job-related criteria based on position
announcement. Questions should address commitment to diversity, assess the candidates’
abilities to hold a safety/security sensitive position (if applicable), must not contain language
that may reasonably interpreted as discriminatory and should not ask candidate to reveal nonjob-related information such as age, marital status, family status, etc. (For more information on
questions including sample questions, go to
Questions should include asking candidate for permission to contact listed references and
others who may be familiar with the candidate’s work. Question framework should also allow
for the candidate to ask the committee questions.
Create an agenda for the interviews. The interview method and agenda are the same for all
candidates interviewed. Interviews may be on campus, conducted at an alternative location or
via telephone.
Does the committee understand the agenda? Discuss the agenda and questions with all
committee members to ensure consistency and eliminate confusion during the process.
Close Position and Retrieve Applications
All applications and attachments are submitted via NAU’s online application system, Careers @ NAU.
Contact Human Resources at to close a position or for questions regarding
accessing the applications.
Close the position. The process to close a position depends on the posting period of the
Defined close date. Human Resources will automatically inform the contact person
of the close of the position and alert you to access the applications.
Open until further notice. Notify Human Resources when you feel that the pool is
large enough to start reviewing applications. Human Resources will close the position
three (3) days after this notification and alert you to access the applications. This is to
allow applicants sufficient notice of the newly posted closing date.
Review Diversity of Pool
You will receive a summary of the diversity of the applicant pool from Human Resources when the
position closes. This information should be used to determine if the pool is representative of the
diversity of the recruitment scope for this position. Compare the goal percent in your pool to the goal
percent in the Affirmative Action Plan identified earlier. If the pool is not adequately diverse, you may
Hire SMART! Toolkit – NAU Human Resources – rev 03/25/2014
consider re-opening the position and advertising in alternative publications and/or websites to
increase the diversity of the applicant pool.
For assistance or advice regarding affirmative action and equal opportunity, contact the Office of
Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity ( ) at 928.523.3312.
Score Applications on Matrix and Determine Candidates for Interview
The committee chair is responsible for contacting any applicant who failed to complete his/her
application or failed to submit any other required material (e.g. resume, cover letter, work samples).
The committee may choose to disqualify these candidates based on an incomplete application. If an
employee is ineligible for rehire, contact HR before continuing to consider this applicant.
Committee scores applications on the matrix. All members should submit their completed
matrices to the chair.
Committee chair creates composite matrix from all committee responses to determine top
candidates. Use a program such as Excel to rank all applications by their matrix scores. The
interview pool should contain the top ranking 2 to 5 candidates.
Send letters to candidates who did not meet the minimum qualifications.
(See sample letters at
Applicants Who Did Not Meet Minimum Qualifications
Applicants Who Withdrew
Conduct Interviews and Testing
Remember: All documentation must be submitted to Human Resources for records retention. This
includes all committee member notes, correspondence with candidates, original applications, etc.
Contact candidates and arrange interviews.
Committee members document their impressions of candidates.
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Obtain candidates signature on the original application and Background Check Release
and Authorization form. The candidate must be provided a copy of the “Summary of Your
Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act” included on the Release and Authorization form.
Testing candidates:
a. Typing or Microsoft Office products testing can be arranges through ITS. (Testing
instructions and evaluation tools are available at
b. Testing can be before or after the interview.
Reference, Background and Fingerprint Checks
1. Reference checks may be conducted by the hiring supervisor or by a member(s) of the
committee. Ask questions that apply specifically to the position being filled. Questions such as
technical knowledge, ability to work in a team environment and ability to work under pressure
are a few examples. Additionally, if the position has been designated safety/security sensitive,
you should ask questions that will assist you in determining if the candidate has ever been
employed in a position with similar risk. Human Resources recommends contacting previous
supervisors when possible; a minimum of three references should be obtained for at least your
final candidate. Document all contacts including those that you were unable to reach. (See
sample reference questions at
Reference check completed prior to interview. Use to screen similarly qualified
applicants to establish a more manageable interview pool.
Reference check completed after interview. Use to verify and document your top
candidate as the best choice.
Note: If candidate is current NAU employee, contact Human Resources to schedule an appointment
to review the employee’s performance appraisals. Appraisals should not be used as a replacement to
a reference check! The hiring committee can request employee relations documents in the personnel
file in addition to reviewing employee past performance appraisals.
Additionally, if candidate is currently or previously employed at NAU, contact Purchasing Services if
the position is a purchasing card holder/liaison; contact Financial Controls if position is a travel
2. Background checks (employment and criminal) are REQUIRED for all regular full-time and
part-time positions. Background investigations seek to identify prior criminal convictions and
confirm candidate qualifications and credentials (as applicable).
Fax American Background the completed Background Check Request form for NonFaculty, signed Background Check Release and Authorization form, signed application,
Applicant Supplemental Information form and resume.
Hire SMART! Toolkit – NAU Human Resources – rev 03/25/2014
Is a consumer/credit check required? Applicant must also sign a Background
Check Authorization to Obtain a Consumer Report form. For clarification
regarding when a consumer/credit check is required, please contact your HR
Specialist, Sr.
Received confirmation email of successful completion of background check.
American Background will send the final report to Human Resources. The results are
reviewed and the hiring supervisor will either receive an email indicating that the results
were satisfactory or will be contacted in the event of issues that need to be addressed.
Note: Employment can be offered contingent on the successfully completed background check.
However, employees cannot start working until the completed check is received and reviewed!
3. Fingerprint checks are REQUIRED if:
The position has been identified as Safety/Security Sensitive
The candidate has disclosed a prior conviction at any time during the hiring process.
Contact Human Resources to schedule fingerprinting.
Make a Job Offer
Contact Human Resources prior to making the offer to the successful candidate if there are any
deviations to the prescribed method (i.e. consideration of a salary other than the posted range).
Determine start date. Candidate cannot start work until the completion of the background
check, so consider this when setting the start date.
Contact the most qualified applicant and offer the position. This should always be offered
contingent upon the satisfactory completion of the background and/or fingerprint check, as
Send a job offer letter. (See template at
Complete a PAR form. Use the determined start date and complete all appropriate fields.
Send form for appropriate authorizations.
Completing the Process
Create a hiring memo. Summarize job-related reasons for selection and non-selection of
interviewed candidates. This memo should include, 1) a summary of your final candidate’s
outstanding qualities, 2) the criteria used to equitably judge all interviewed candidates, and 3)
a summary of those qualities that the other interviewed candidates lacked and aided in their
Contact all non-selected candidates. (See sample letters at
Gather and submit to Human Resources all paperwork for Hire SMART! This Hire SMART!
toolkit (or a Hire SMART! checklist) must be signed by the hiring supervisor and submitted
with all materials listed on the checklist below.
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Hiring Supervisor’s Verification Statement
I verify that consideration was given to all applicants regarding affirmative action, policies and
procedures. I further certify that all applicants interviewed meet minimum qualifications.
Printed Name
Hiring Packet Checklist
Please compile this documentation in the following order and submit to Human Resources. These
items are mandatory for records retention. You do not need to submit the Hire SMART! checklist if
you complete this toolkit.
1. Copy of PAR (Classified Staff) or Copy of Appointment
Recommendation Form (Service Professional). Original form must
be sent for appropriate signatures.
2. Hiring memo
3. Selected candidate’s original signed application
4. Completed application matrices
5. Interview questions and responses
6. Reference check documentation
7. Salary offered
8. Contacted Human Resources if salary offered is outside of posted
range. Attach email or memo of phone call identifying any approvals outside of posted range.
9. Date of confirmation of completed employment and criminal
background investigation. Attach confirmation email from Human Resources.
10. Date position offered to candidate
11. Pre-employment testing documentation
12. Department Only posting?
No If yes, please attach an
explanation of how you ensured that all employees were notified of the position announcement.
13. Any advertising done by the department for this position (outside
of Careers at NAU). Identify all sources and include copies of the
14. Copies of all correspondence with applicants
15. Any other information that may assist in validating the
department’s decision
16. All original applications and supporting materials for interviewed
candidates. All un-interviewed candidate applications can be shredded.
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