TECA 1303 Final Exam Review Chapters 7-12 Chapter 7 Ecology of Schools 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Teachers as leaders (Authoritarian, Democratic, Laissez-faire) Student-teacher perceptions –gender, culture, socioeconomic status, etc., Learned helplessness Learning styles –field dependence/field independence, Gardener’s Multiple Intelligence PL 99-457 Risk/Resiliency Assessment tools –anecdotal, checklists/rating scales, time samples, measurements of behavior Domestic Violence Chapter 8 Ecology of Peers 1. Significance of Peers & Sense of self (Infants, Early Childhood, Middle Childhood, Adolescence) 2. Parenting types & effects on children 3. Psychological development, Social development, Cognitive development 4. Cliques/crowds 5. Morality of constraint, morality of cooperation 6. Parten, Sutton Smith, Selman & Selman 7. Sociometry/sociotherapy 8. Bullying, cyber bullying, gangs Chapter 9 Ecology of Mass Media 1. Mass media – ownership (private); entertainment; consumerism, advertising 2. Chronological differences in technology 3. Socioemotional Development, Physical Development, Psychological Development, Cognitive Development & Moral Development, with respect to screen media influences on children. 4. Children and Print Media: Books & Magazines 5. Children and Audio Media : Contagion 6. Children and Interactive and Multimedia Chapter 10: Ecology of Community 1. Community Ecology 2. Physical factors of a community, population density, Homogenous/Heterogeneous population composition, noise, types of play settings (e.g. traditional, modern or adventure) 3. Gemeinshaft/Gesellshaft 4. Support systems (public, private, combination agencies) 5. Preventative, Supportive & Rehabilitative Services 6. Homelessness Chapter 11: Emotional & Cognitive Socialization Outcomes 1. Types of values (human values, societal values), values clarification 2. Attitudes –prejudice, stereotypes, 3. Five Phases of the development of prejudice (awareness, identification, attitude, preference, prejudice) 4. How do you change attitudes about diversity? 5. Motivation (achievement, mastery) 6. Locus of Control 7. Learned Helplessness 8. Self efficacy, personal agency 9. Self esteem Chapter 12: Social & Behavioral Social Outcomes 1. Self regulation 2. Antisocial/prosocial behavior and theories 3. Morality – Piaget (heteronmous/autonomous morality), Kohlberg (Preconventional/Conventional/Postconventional), Gilligan (justice/care moral perspective) 4. Gender roles, sex typing, bioecological factors