HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE CENTRAL MUSICAL THEATER SYLLABUS Spring Semester, 2013 DRAM 1161 (CRN 29612) Musical Theater 1 10:30AM – 1:39PM Saturday FAC 112 Kathleen Knight- Instructor (713) 718-6614 Office (713)718-6600 FAC Office (832) 752-3898 Cell kathleen.knight@hccs.edu COURSE DESCRIPTION: Focus on the study and performance of works from the musical theatre repertoire, including musical comedy, reviews, operetta and basic vocal and movement skills. Theatre attendance and/or assistance in college productions required. TEXT: Music and scenes material provided by HCC. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: Discover, define and discuss the physical, emotional, intellectual, and technical skills involved with musical theater performance Learn and display musical theatre terminology Participate in exercises for singing, acting and movement Apply all the above in staged musical comedy scenes Rehearse, memorize and perform solos, duets/trios Participate in class production numbers (song and dance) Select, memorize and rehearse one or two audition songs Attend and analyze 2 full live musicals to learn by example Develop self confidence to perform before a live audience 1 COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Attend all classes and actively participate Memorize and apply musical theatre terminology Research, rehearse, and memorize 3 events (solos, duets, scene (dialogue, dancing and singing), 1 to 2 chorus numbers Attend 2 musicals and type a one page critique Mid-term exam March 23 Final performance in Theater One Thursday (5/9) @7:00pm COURSE DUPLICATION: Students who repeat a course three or more times may soon face significant tuition/fee increases a HCC and other Texas public colleges and universities. Please ask me or a counselor about opportunities for tutoring or other assistance prior to withdrawing from the course, or if you are not receiving passing grades. COURSE SCHEDULE: WEEK 1: Introductions, musical theater vocabulary; physical and vocal warm-ups and vocal assessments. Write 5 musicals you know or would like to know. Fill out information sheet i.e. name, age range, height, voice type , character type, etc. Learn 3 or more musical theater dance steps. (1/19) WEEK 2: Assign group number, warm-ups with sound and movement, vocalize and review basic dance moves. Begin to assign solo numbers and possible duets or trios. Look at possible scene work (2 or more actor/singers) (1/26) WEEK 3: Look at selections from several contrasting musicals. Sound and movement exercises. Mirror work and circle exercises. Review and add dance steps. Assign more solos and start rehearsing the group number and solos. (2/2) WEEK 4: Warm-ups and solo work. Rehearse group number with accompanist. Start rehearsing solos with accompanist. (2/9) 2 WEEK 5: Warm-ups. Group number memorized. Start choreography on group number. Solos and duets and scene work. (2/16) WEEK 6: Sound and movement exercises. Rehearse scenes, solos, and group numbers. Choose second group number and rehearse. (2/23) WEEK 7: Vocalize, and stretch. Stage solo numbers(memorized) (3/2) I will be out of town WEEK 8: Scene work, group numbers (3/9) WEEK 9: Spring Break (3/11-17) WEEK 10: Sound and movement, scene work, review group numbers (3/23) WEEK 11: Spring Holiday (3/29-31) (3/30) WEEK 12: Warm-ups, diction exercises, group, scene, and solos (4/6) WEEK 13: EASTER Holiday (4/13) WEEK 14: Warm-ups, dance and solo rehearsals (4/20) WEEK 15: Dress rehearsal in Theatre One (4/27) WEEK 16: FINAL IN THEATRE ONE (Thurs. May 9@7:00p.) EGLS3 An EVALUATION FOR GREATER LEARNING STUDENT SURVEY SYSTEM Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated time, you will be asked to answer a short online survey of research-based questions related to instruction. The anonymous results of the survey will be made available to your professors and division chairs for continual improvement of instruction. Look for the survey as part of the Houston Community College Student System online near the end of the term. This will replace the paper SEOI, Student Evaluation of Instruction. 3 HCC POLICY STATEMENT: Americans With Disabilities (ADA) Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability Services Office at the beginning of each semester. Faculty is authorized to provide only the accommodations requested by the Disability Support Services Office. If you have any questions, please contact the Disability Counselor at the Central Disability Office or visit the ADA Website at www.hccs.edu, Click Future Students Scroll down the page and click on the words Disability Information. http://www.hccs.edu/hccs/futurestudents/disability-services. COURSE DUPLICATION: Students who repeat a course three or more times may soon face significant tuition/fee increases a HCC and other Texas public colleges and universities. Please ask me or a counselor about opportunities for tutoring or other assistance prior to withdrawing from the course, or if you are not receiving passing grades. WITHDRAWAL POLICY: If the student wishes to withdraw, the deadline for that is APRIL 1, before 4:30. That can be done online without having to see a faculty member. Faculty are no longer allowed to assist a student by withdrawing him/her at the student’s request for reasons other than excessive absences. If a student is unable to withdraw online, the reason may be due to the student exceeding the ‘”6 drop rule” or the reason may be that the class is linked to another class in a corequisite circumstance. In such a case, the student should be referred to counseling for advising. If the withdrawal is allowable but not doable by the student online (such as a learning community, the registration staff may assist the student in withdrawing the class for the student. If action is not taken, the result will be an “F” (poor Performance) or the new final grade of “FX” given to students who stopped attending class. The instructor will not be allowed the option of submitting a grade change form to change the grade of “FX” or “F” to “W” if the student has stopped attending class. 4 ACADEMIC ADVISEMENT: Advisement concerning specific Fine Arts courses and degree 101, to speak to a full time instructor in your area of interest. plans for Drama and Music) is available to you during the academic semester. Please sign up in the Fine Arts office. CLASS ROOM RULES: NO cell phones, gum chewing, children or guests. GRADES: Grades are based on attendance, preparation, attitude, Co-operation and performance skills. Being on time for class and Performances is imperative. It prepares the student for professionalism in the world of theater. It is recommended to arrive 15 minutes prior to the starting time to get settled, warmed up, etc. GRADING SCALE: 90---100 80----89 70----79 60----69 0-----59 A B C D F Participation %15 Reports %10 Mid-term %25 Final %50 5