Research Grant Concept Paper NIH-Supported Research A Concept Paper may address any or all of these topics depending on how far the project has been developed. The more information provided, the better the advice you will receive in developing the application. Grant Purpose Briefly list institution/agency, funding period, description of grant purpose, and the cost/level of effort. Problem/Background Explain why the problem/research needs study. Significance Explain what the payoff is to science and public health. Question Derived from the background literature, explain what model will guide the hypotheses and what hypotheses will be tested. If the project is a qualitative or mixed methods project, describe the overall research question. Design Explain the study design that will enable testing the research question and/or hypotheses. Sample/Power (N, age range, gender, race, selective characteristics), intervention, controls, measures, etc. Analysis Explain the statistical approach that will ensure a fair test based on the hypotheses. Team List the key participants (co-investigators and organizations) on the project. Include organizations whose cooperation is needed to access subjects/data, and indicate if any have agreed in writing to participate. Miscellaneous Personal Qualifications Demonstrate career stage & expertise appropriate to the size, scope, & technology of the project. Population Access Demonstrate access to the organizations and target respondent population. Logistics Demonstrate willingness to grant access to needed equipment, and laboratory and field sites. Overlap Check CRISP and the refereed literature to minimize overlap with similar studies.