Class Feedback

Report #4
FIPP Activity Report
Funded by the Basic Skills Initiative
Name Kate McLaughlin
Date December 18, 2009
FIPP Partner Jim Noyes
Section #6238
Activity /Strategy Anonymous poll after midterm
Category I - Classroom Activities
Briefly describe the activity/strategy.
1. Introduction Because every class is different, I wanted to find a way to
specifically gear my instruction toward what it is each class needs, rather than
sticking to one schedule that may or may not serve each group well. So after
the mid-term exam was graded and handed back and reviewed in my English
A class (Writing the College Essay), I took an anonymous poll. I asked
students to respond to a question honestly as a way to help tailor my
instruction during the second half of the semester.
2. Set up & Supplies A piece of paper and a writing instrument. I emphasize that
students are not to put their name on the paper. I want them to feel free to be
3. Directions After my half-time pep talk, I ask students to help me guide the rest
of the semester based on their specific needs and concerns. Then I pass out
blank paper and write the following question on the board, which they are to
answer in writing on the paper: What area of our studies so far is unclear to you?
What area do I need to focus on to help you be successful in this class? I give
them plenty of time to respond and encourage them to think about their answer
before wrting.
4. Conclusion This was an extremely helpful exercise. It gave me a lot of direction
and showed me what I needed to do to help students succeed. it was great to
have 90 percent of the students clamoring for more grammar. Ha! When does
that ever happen? Students asking for grammar. Amazing.
What worked well? This was easy, quick and effective. I got great direction from the
students and even a few instructional suggestions which were quite good.
What would you change? I am thinking about maybe making this a take-home
assignment and asking a few more questions. But I'm not sure yet if I'll do that. I'll
definitely ask more questions about their experience and priorities and needs but not
sure yet it making it a take home will hurt more than help. I 'd ike to think that making it a
take home assignment will give them more time to think about their answers, but I also
run the risk of them not doing it and dashing it off at the last minute.
Would you use the activity/strategy again? Why or why not? Yes, I definitely will. It's a
great tool.
Please describe any student learning outcomes/changes that you observed after the
implementation of the activity/strategy. Their grammar really improved.