FINAL El Camino College Office of the President Minutes of the College Council Meeting of August 2, 2004 Present: Dr. Fallo, Dr. Caldwell, Ms. Ely, Mr. Gomez, Mr. Hanson, Ms. Pickens, Dr. Rapp, Dr. Simon, Ms. Smith, and Ms. Stewart. 1. The State budget has been approved but not all trailer bills. Some major parts of the budget include statewide growth of 3.65%, 3% for 2004 and .65% goes back to the second period of 2003-2004. We are the second largest recipient of that. Other provisions include a 3.88% growth rate for 2004-2005 for El Camino College and a 2.41% cost of living adjustment. There is a trailer bill in Legislation that indicates no differential fee and a $26 fee, some are hopeful that the Governor will lower the fee. We are charging the $26 fee as of today. Concern was noted about charging the $26 fee now. 2. We reported 1800 overcap FTES and we should have reported 1200. We are the second highest in the State for credit FTES. It is believed that our goal for next year will be 19,400. We are going to try and be no higher that 5% overcap next year. 3. We believe that we are adding 40-50 classes in the fall and 60-70 classes in the spring over last year. At this time it looks like we are going to have a winter intersession. That could change based on our understanding on the State budget. We will have a better picture by flex day. The ECCFT representative reported that it would be desirable for El Camino College to have a policy to either have a winter session or not have a winter session. A policy is not possible at this time. 4. The ECCFT representative inquired if PBC has had an opportunity to review the Comprehensive Master Plan drafts. It was also noted that this same question was brought up during the July 19, 2004 College Council meeting. Mr. Hanson reported that PBC has received each of the chapters for review. The committee as a whole has not discussed as a group but individuals have given comments and edits to Arvid Spor. It was suggested that PBC should do the final review and have the final say. College Council members will be provided with final draft. 5. Union representatives would like the latest version of the Vice Presidents’ positions recommended for hire. Agenda for August 16, 2004 1. Approval of Minutes for August 2, 2004 11. Policies – Another day to review 2. Board Agenda 12. Building a sense of Community 3. Temporary/Casual employees salary increases/steps 4. Planning 5. Advertising Expenditures 6. Student Services 7. Board of Trustee Minutes 8. Insurance Benefits Committee 9. Student Learning Outcomes 10. Retreat on Master Plan – Same group