October 18, 2004

El Camino College
Office of the President
Minutes of the College Council Meeting of October 18, 2004
Present: Dr. Fallo, Dr. Caldwell, Mr. Hanson, Mr. Gomez, Mr. Middleton, Ms. Pickens, Ms. Smith, Dr.
Schwartz, Dr. Simon, and Ms. Stewart.
1. Board Agenda
a. Human Resources page 6, item 13, Range 32 should be Range 28.
b. Human Resources pages 20-22, Lead Accounting Technician Classification will be
pulled. The phrase “subordinate personnel” was to be eliminated from all Classification
Specifications, but was not eliminated from this one.
c. Human Resources pages 123-125, Telecommunications Technician Classification
Specification will be pulled. This is a duplicate of pages 118-120.
d. Human Resources page 150, Event Specialist Career & Transfer Center should be listed
under the Student Services Series rather than the Performing Arts Support Series.
e. Student and Community Advancement Organizational Chart includes a pilot program,
Center for International Education. It is hoped that this program will be more efficient
and will be evaluated in the future.
f. It was noted that Student Discipline/Grievances would now be under Harold Tyler.
Harold will be using the hearing panel process for grievances.
2. Harold Tyler introduced Lawrence Moreno who has been hired to do an advertising campaign
to promote the ASB stickers. Funds from sales of ASB stickers support the Auxiliary Services
budget. Auxiliary Services helps fund printing student newspaper, Forensic team travel,
athletic activities, ASO, Puente Project, Project Success, and the Honors Transfer Program.
Harold reported that after going to mandatory student I.D. cards there was a loss in revenue.
Faculty and staff will receive information on purchasing the stickers and there will be an article
in the President’s Newsletter.
3. David Miller reported that a draft of the Campus Standards is currently going through a review
process. Once the review is completed a final manual will be taken to the Board for approval.
The intent is to publish the manual on the website and to place a copy in the library.
4. College Council was adjourned in honor of James Alward.
Agenda for October 25, 2004
Approval of Minutes for October 18, 2004
College Council Evaluation results
College Council Goals
District Resources for Partisan Purposes
Priority for Filling Vacant Positions/President’s Budget Letter