December 13, 2004

El Camino College
Office of the President
Minutes of the College Council Meeting of December 13, 2004
Present: Dr. Fallo, Ms. Caldwell, Dr. Caldwell, Mr. Hanson, Mr. Gomez, Mr. Middleton, Ms. Pickens,
Ms. Smith, Dr. Schwartz, Dr. Simon, and Ms. Stewart.
1. Multi-year Equalization. The comparison of Multi-Year Phase-in of 2004-05 Budget Act and
Funding Workgroup’s Equalization Methodologies was distributed for review. Also distributed
was the Community College Workforce Fiscal Analysis. It was reported that we lose more
money in the State and El Camino College can’t support the Workgroup proposition. The
multi-year task force rewards multi-campus districts. The CEO’s will be voting on Friday and
70% of votes are needed before the Chancellor approves.
2. State Budget. There is a lot of controversy about the State deficit; some feel it is $7B and we
will know better by January 5th or 9th. There is a fear that student fees will go up again. El
Camino College and many other Districts are suffering a decrease in FTES.
3. Policy 5060 – Concurrent Enrollment of K-12 Students. The revised policy was distributed for
review. Also distributed was a memo from Bill Mulrooney that lists 25 community colleges in
Southern California and their concurrent enrollment fee practices. It was noted that with the
exception of the health center fee, all students concurrently enrolled will be subject to
enrollment and any other relevant fees. These students are not eligible for financial aid but can
apply for BOG waivers. Students in special programs offered in conjunction with high schools
will have all fees waived. This policy is approved by College Council and will go to the Board
on December 20th.
4. AA/AS Degree Task Force. The proposal from the task force was approved by the Senate and
distributed at Cabinet today. Cabinet did not have time to review the packet and Dr. Schwartz
will take to the Deans for their review on Tuesday, December 14th.
5. Board Meeting. The December 20, 2004 Board meeting will start at 3:30 p.m.
6. Goals. The Council agreed upon the proposed goals.
7. Accreditation Report. There were many responses and comments received and the committee
is reviewing them all.
8. Committee access for students. It was reported that students are able to access Board of
Trustee and College Council information easily, but they have to hunt for information about
other committees. It was suggested that the chairs of committees could include students in their
distribution of agendas and minutes. A listing of committees will be sent to Philip Gomez. He
will also let us know which committees are not providing information.
9. Faculty Appeal Rights. The correspondence from Steven Bruckman, Interim General
Counselor at the Chancellor’s Office was reviewed. According to this correspondence there is
no way that the Chancellor’s Office can approve the changes proposed in regards to the appeal
rights for faculty in this procedure. It was also reported that if there is a finding against a
faculty member their rights are guaranteed under contract.
Agenda for the December 20, 2004 Meeting
Minutes of December 13, 2004
Board Agenda
Team Reports
Policy 4240 – Academic Renewal
Policy 4228 – Independent Study
District Resources for Partisan Purposes
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