FINAL El Camino College Office of the President

El Camino College
Office of the President
Minutes of the College Council Meeting of November 21, 2005
Present: Dr. Fallo, Dr. Arce, Mr. Bagnall, Dr. Baker, Ms. Dever, Ms. Caldwell, Dr. Marsee, Mr.
Middleton, Ms. Pickens, Ms. Smith, and Dr. Simon.
1. SB 361 – Community College Funding Bill – the Chancellor’s office reports that this bill is
doing very well and they are working with the Department of Finance.
2. Board Agenda
a. Administrative Services
i. Budget Adjustments – Dr. Marsee completed a staffing position control analysis of
all current full-time budgeted positions and reviewed all other salary and non-salary
accounts which resulted in these changes.
ii. Transfer of Funds from Community Advancement to General Fund – When
Community Advancement was set up it was intended that the profit would come
back into the General Fund. The transfer will be increased from $100K to $200K a
year and will be on-going.
iii. Keenan & Associates – concern was expressed with using this firm due to their
association with Health Insurance Companies. JPA (Joint Powers Authority) hired a
firm to analyze that and Keenan got a clean report – Keenan has made full
disclosure. A broker fee is part of the compensation fee process. Keenan is also
providing Labor Compliance services for our Measure “E” projects.
iv. Blanket Purchase Orders – Dr. Marsee will report back as to who Paul Gallagher,
Thomas Augustine, and Mary Cunningham are and what services they are
b. Human Resources
i. Instructional Aids are classified employees who are termed to have duties that are
instructionally related.
ii. Certificated Retirements – the ECCFT Executive Director feels that the January
retirement date should be changed to a December date to ensure receipt of the last
paycheck. Dr. Marsee will check to see if the date is correct.
iii. Classified Personnel - the ECCE representative stated that she was not informed
prior to a termination. Also the employee was not provided with a union
iv. Volunteers – the Academic Senate representative asked if there might be a way to
expedite approval of volunteers in order to utilize their services sooner. Dr. Marsee
feels this could be accomplished.
c. President and Board of Trustees – Trustee goals and evaluation. The ECCFT representative
will continue to work on an evaluation instrument and may wait to approach the Board
members when the new Trustees are seated.
Agenda for the November 28, 2005 Meeting
Minutes of November 21, 2005
College Council Goals