November 6, 2001

Administrative Services Staff Meeting
November 6, 2001
__x_Rocky Bonura
__x_Janet Clarke
__x_Mike D’Amico
__x_Maurice Elmore
__x_Janice Ely
__x_Pam Fees
__x_Bob Gann
__x_Vic Hanson
____Alex Kelley
__x_Donna Manno
____Andy Nasatir
____Lynnda Nelson
____Allene Quarles
__x_Marcy Wade
__x_Satish Warrier
Minutes: The minutes of October 30 were approved.
Science Complex Renovation: The committee composition of the design review meetings has
been mostly users of the building and has focused mostly on the labs. It is now time to add
support and implementation people to the meetings and work on the rest of the building. Issues:
 Part of the physics building that was not included in the original scope (actually part of the
chemistry building) will now be included.
 Funding for the renovation was received due to life & health issues, and this means the least
cost method must be used.
 The State will only pay for the raceways for emergency power. A funding source for wiring
and equipment will be needed.
 Funding for abatement of hazardous materials currently in the building has been cut back.
One option would be to pull funds from other hazmat projects for this; however, other
funding would then have to be identified for these projects. Another option would be to
pursue an augmentation approach.
 Funding is needed for the repair of structural problems discovered in the three-story building.
Since the State would consider this a valid augmentation, there is a good chance of getting it
 Funding is needed for up-to-date security systems.
 Transition space is needed to accommodate the program while construction is going on.
Possibilities: Bring in eight modular buildings for labs, storerooms and restrooms; build a
classroom in the shop building; build a butler building (steel frame-concrete slab); use the
cafeteria for classrooms and offices; and use the basement of the Natural Science building.
Sites for the modular buildings, which will be on campus for approximately two years, are
currently being evaluated. These include Lot B, Lot D, Lot H, Lot K, Lot L, the North field
and the South field. The Auxiliary Warehouse will need to house the existing furniture from
the Natural Science building. It was noted that two-story modular units are available and
could save space. Also, if the college keeps any of the modular units after the construction is
over, it would increase our space/utilization inventory, which is already too high.
The current plan is to have temporary facilities in place by June 1 of next year, followed by two
months of hazmat abatement. Construction would then start in August or September.
Funding will be discussed at the next BDC meeting.
Inglewood Center: The former Inglewood Transition Center is now called the Inglewood Center.
Six classrooms will be staffed with current ECC faculty and 20 lab assistants (paid for by a
community technology grant). ITS and Inglewood are to jointly decide who will be providing
support. Furniture and equipment need to be ordered asap if they are to open at the end of
February. A copy of the project budget was shared with the group. Funds are already on hand;
use location 5155 (the P4E account) for anything related to this project.
Committee Reports/Division Issues:
 Donna Manno: Since they didn’t get any candidates who met the requirements, she is
redoing job description for the trainer.
 Janice Ely: The food services proposal was received very emotionally at College Council
because it includes a plan to eliminate the popular food trucks on campus. The new security
program in the Accounting Office conflicts with people wanting to use their Timekeeper
system. It was noted that there are 36 Timekeeper locations in place on campus. It was also
noted that the capacity for limited swiping could be set up on a regular computer.
 Pam Fees: November 1 was the deadline for submitting the 320 report. ECC is flat (no
growth), which means no new money. The Chancellor’s Office and state agencies have
already put a hiring freeze in place, and they are looking at a 15% decrease next year.
 Bob Gann: The western portion of the hydronics project will need to be redone due to
compaction failure.
 Janet Clarke: She has revised the pre-bid qualifications on the science complex and will be
sending them out on disk to contractors, engineers, etc. After they respond (by January or
February), the college should be able to go out to bid – perhaps in April.
 Satish Warrier: Committee minutes (including Board agenda) will be posted on the external
Web (Internet) by the end of this week. They will continue to be posted on the Infonet also.
 Marcy Wade: They are very busy with many part-time faculty openings. They are also
working on open enrollment and Section 125 benefits. Remind employees that Section 125
information will not be sent to individual homes this year. There will be a meeting with
ECCE this week.
 Mike D’Amico: Crime is up in all areas. They have been doing security reviews and
recommendations for campus offices. It was suggested that a security issues committee
needs to be established.
SCA Reorganization:
Pat Caldwell shared a draft of the proposed reorganization of the Student and Community
Advancement area. The new structure was designed around the functions of enrollment
management. There are some new positions (Dean of Enrollment Services, School Relations,
Director of Inglewood Center, Coordinator of Special Projects, Secretary), some duties have been
moved around, and some positions have been eliminated. Highlights:
The Dean of Student Services position will be eliminated.
Matriculation will be moved under the new Dean of Enrollment Services
Student Services will be moved under the Dean of Counseling.
The Civic Center function will transfer to Facilities.
The SCA Senior Clerical Assistant will transfer to the Counseling Office.
The VP/SCA office will get a new full-time secretary and a coordinator of special
Meeting adjourned at 10:10 a.m.