June 2, 2004


Administrative Services Staff Meeting

June 2, 2004


__x_Rocky Bonura ____Janice Ely __x_Alex Kelley ____Lynnda Nelson

__x_Janet Clarke _ vac

_Pam Fees __x_Donna Manno __x_Allene Quarles

__x_Mike D’Amico __x_Bob Gann __x_David Miller ____Marcy Wade

__x_Maurice Elmore __x_Vic Hanson ____Andy Nasatir __x_Satish Warrier

Minutes: In the second paragraph under Travel Guidelines, the second sentence should read, “It was noted that the procedures are on the back of the Conference Request Reimbursement Form


The minutes of May 18 were then approved.

Organizational Changes: Vic announced that effective July 1, Rocky will serve as temporary

Director of Purchasing and Business Services for six months. He will move to the Purchasing

Office and will report to Pam, but he will continue his old duties also. Vic met with the

Purchasing division last week to notify them.

Budget: Copies of the May 21 Budget Update (#8) were shared with the group. Noted:

This update includes the recommendations of the Senate and the Assembly.

 The Governor is proposing a 2.41% increase in COLA, and the Senate and the Assembly are both supporting that proposal.

The Governor and the Senate agree on the current proposal of $80 million for equalization; however, the Assembly is recommending only half that amount.

 The Assembly wants to increase the enrollment fee by $4 (from $18-$22) instead of supporting the proposed $26 enrollment fee and fund the void with equalization funds.

Regarding Scheduled Maintenance/Special Repairs, the Senate and the Assembly are recommending the same level of funding as last year, while the Governor wants to double the amount.

Vic is recommending that 100% should go to Scheduled Maintenance this year because

Instructional Equipment/Library Materials got it all last year.

Vic reported that they are still waiting for the Academic Affairs update; when this is received, the listing of currently vacant positions can be finalized. This updated listing probably won’t be discussed at Cabinet for another two weeks; however, he should be able to provide copies for next week’s meeting of this group.

It was noted that several ITS positions have been released for filling, and another one will open

July 1. There was discussion about whether the Web Developer position was to be under Alex or

Ann Garten. Vic’s understanding was that it was supposed to be transferred to ITS; however, it was reported that Ann is still operating as if it belonged in her area. Vic will get clarification.

Due to ever dwindling staff, ITS will be closing at 4:30 p.m. instead of 7 p.m., which will impact the processing of Scantron forms used by evening faculty during finals. Alex will be attending a meeting today to discuss this.

Vic reported that he is developing a summary report of Q-builder information.

Measure “E”: Vic reported that inflation costs are much greater than the 3 ½% projected in previous plans. It was noted that inflation rates vary for various aspects of the building process, and construction rates, for example have already risen well beyond the 3 ½% rate. The inflation rate on materials alone rose 17% due to various local and global influences. For this reason, Bob is currently revising the Facilities Master Plan and suggesting an increase in the projected inflation rate to 7 or 8%. Even with this increase, however, a significant adjustment to the 2004

Facilities Master Plan will be required. Components and needs will have to be reviewed, and some scopes of work will have to be reduced. Multi-functional buildings will need to be considered. For example, the relocation of the central plant from its own building to the SSC basement saved the college $3 million. Possible areas to review:

 The parking structure to be built on the current side of the shop building. The college goal was to increase parking and provide balance on the north side; however, when taking into account all that would need to happen before this structure could be built in this location, the cost of each parking stall becomes astronomical. This raises the question of the cost effectiveness of our efforts to meet goals.

The proposed demolition of a section of the Administration Building.

The current proposal for the Stadium/Athletic complex far exceeds the project budget.

The goal to bring scattered divisions together again.

 Students are not supporting student center use fees, which sends a message about their priorities.

The cafeteria is wasted footage.

There are many issues to be considered (desired items vs. needs vs. costs). The 2002 criteria and goals will be revisited in the process, and options related to the revised plan will be discussed at the Cabinet meeting on the 29 th


Committee Reports/Division Issues

Maurice Elmore: They are getting ready for graduation, and he just got word of big load of hazardous materials that need to be dumped.

Satish Warrier: Due to Kathy Way’s retirement, they are changing office closing hours back to 4:30 p.m. Evening faculty members are not happy about this change because it affects the grading of their Scantron test forms. Vic needs to talk to the deans today.

Satish is leaving Friday for a month in India.

David Miller: They are working on graduation preparation and the major move of people and equipment back into the Science Complex. It was noted that there are provisions for an access system in new building; however, it wasn’t in the budget.

Alex Kelley: He asked Vic how fast he wants to move with the in-house phone system and stressed that they can’t do it without staff.

 Mike D’Amico: Every five years the State provides money to upgrade 911 systems, and

ECC has been notified that $145,000 has been funded for replacement of its system. It is expected that the transition will be seamless.

Vic Hanson: Although it probably won’t be announced until the end of September, it is looking like ECC probably won’t have a winter session (the college doesn’t need the

FTES). Therefore, Facilities should go ahead and make some plans for this time period.

Donna Manno: The first round of Omni training is finished. Faculty training will be in the fall. The CPR training was a success and they want to repeat it – maybe in the fall.

Janet Clarke: She is working on transition issues like the approval system. She hopes to have the Workers’ Comp. rates and other insurance coverage before she leaves. Vic noted that he wants the $2 million for retiree health contributions back because the college doesn’t get any interest on the money and it has to pay to have it on deposit.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 a.m. staf62
