Administrative Services Staff Meeting April 6, 2005 PRESENT: _x_Rocky Bonura ___Mike D’Amico _x_Janice Ely _x_Pam Fees _x_Bob Gann _x_Alex Kelley ___Donna Manno _x_David Miller _x_Andy Nasatir ___Lynnda Nelson _x_Allene Quarles _x_Marcy Wade _x_Satish Warrier Minutes: The minutes of March 29 were approved with the following changes: Under CDC - eliminate the first and fourth bulletins. Vacancy Lists and Priorities: Lists of current vacancies have been received. Priorities now need to be established. The group will meet on Friday morning at 9 a.m. in Admin. 127 to discuss prioritizing the vacancies. At that time, they will also review the Portal system, as discussed at the last meeting. Fixed Assets: The auditors will be here on the 18th. Bob reported that his understanding is that the data entry is basically complete except for items that have come in since then. It was stressed that managers need to be reminded to complete the forms to move equipment or surplus it. Dave and Bob will to prepare a memo re: handling surplus, making reference to procedures. Rocky will check the procedures. Warehouse staff will next inventory the Technical Arts building as a pilot project. CDC Procedures: Rocky reported that every division has an Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) manual as part of Procedure #1003. CDC procedures are up to date (both State of California and in house). If there is a need to evacuate, the CDC children will go to the Student Activities Center. This item needs to be added. TO DO List Update: Re: Portal issues, Satish has a meeting scheduled with Bill Mulrooney and will schedule the meeting with Mike and Pam when Mike returns. Satish will research the problem with the system reverting to the old Infonet page. Satish reported that further review of the broadcast feature is needed because it appears to work for some computers and not for others. Satish is working on the set up for employees to view general public announcements. Marcy is ready to do her presentation on evaluations at the Management Forum tomorrow. Satish will do the July Management Forum on Portal. Rocky wants to have about 20 minutes of this forum to make a presentation on the medical provider network. Rocky will send out a memo re: the ending date (June 30) for the old ID cards as soon as possible. Evaluations: All overdue evaluations are due tomorrow. Facilities won’t be able to make the deadline due to the length of time it takes to get feedback for supervisor evaluations. Satish has one employee who was out more than six weeks and just came back. It was noted that this person should just be evaluated for the time he was here. Janice will do her last three tomorrow. One person in her area has been out for several weeks and is still under a doctor’s care, so she plans to do that one the first week in May. This will be discussed after the meeting. March evaluations due in the next few weeks. It was noted that the president is now requiring the vice presidents to review all evaluations. Also noted: It is important to attend the Management Forum tomorrow on evaluation tips and techniques. Q-builder: Q-builder information has been received, and the 2005-06 budget requests now needs to be extracted. Alex will start working on this Friday afternoon. Pam noted that there is a problem with entering information. Alex will check the planning document Arvid prepared. David will check to see if the cost for the HR remodel is still the same. Andy noted that their bookkeeper will be retiring in October or November, and this needs to be included. Committee Reports/Division Issues Marcy Wade She is overloaded and has a number of outstanding projects she can’t get to. There will be a mediation process on the 18th re: the Federation grievance. Andy Nasatir Bookstore employees looked at the new software, and Alex stressed the need to work with Satish on this because it will require integrating the software with the main system. The selection committee for the Sales Assistant position met yesterday. They are moving into a super busy period, with three semesters open for faculty and end-of-the-year inventory. He will bring detailed information on Bookstore traffic to the next meeting. He needs a replacement for his 10-year-old computer. Allene Quarles The Student Employee of the Year event is this Thursday from 12:30 to 2 p.m. There was discussion as to whether the vice presidents should review evaluations before or after they are administered. It was decided that it should be done before to insure the quality of the evaluation. For example, if there is an unsatisfactory rating, there needs to be a plan for improvement. This preliminary review process will start next month and apply to all evaluations. When an long overdue evaluation has been done out of its regular time order, waiting for 14 –15 months for the next one in order to get it back on track is acceptable. However, this should be evaluated on a case by case basis, and a cover sheet should be included on the evaluation to indicate this plan. Janice Ely Her staff finished the fixed assets data entry, so they are up to date as of March 16 and the Facilities staff should be able to keep it up to date now. She will be preparing a capitalized fixed assets spreadsheet per GASB requirements for the auditors. She is working with Mike Wilson on the IPEDS report and training the new employee. TOPS restructuring may affect the general ledger. The Native American Pow Wow this Saturday and Sunday is free. Satish Warrier The new programmer starts Monday, and they are in the middle of three new hiring processes. He met with Rocky yesterday on air issues in the MCS loading dock area. Rocky will meet with the employees today and will research the problem. They may be able to continue with dust masks; however, he noted that all respirators need to be fit tested before use. He got a call from Barb Perez re: two rooms in Chemistry building with no connections. Pam Fees She will be at the CASBO conference from Sunday to Thursday. Due to Gay’s retirement, they have no one to do the 320 report, which is due April 30th. Pam has been working with Satish to get the needed reports, and she will call Gay to come back on limited basis (2 weeks) to do the report. The screening committee for Director of ITS position had its first meeting. The position closes on April 26. Rocky Bonura Valerie will be on vacation next week. He had very productive meeting yesterday re: procedures. Ruth Sanchez: A problem in the requisition process has been discovered. After a requisition has been approved, it doesn’t seem to go to purchasing, where it would receive a P.O. number. However, neither party is aware that the process has stopped. Others reported having the same problem. Rocky will investigate. Offices may need to be notified that their orders have stalled. This problem may affect orders placed before the purchasing cut off date. Bob Gann Proposals for work on the Student Services Center are going out. They are in the midst of two hiring processes (Administrative Assistant and Assistant Director). They will hold a debriefing meeting with CW Driver and Maas Company tomorrow. An attorney is drafting a letter to the designer on the Science Complex issues. The issues regarding the transfer of funds for the Bookstore remodel were discussed. Since Facilities is already incurring expenses for the design, some money needs to be advanced. The amount is negotiable. TO DO LIST: 1. Dave and Bob will create a memo re: the surplus process, making reference to the procedures. 2. Rocky will check the surplus procedures. 3. David will check on the cost of the HR remodel. 4. Satish will research a problem with the system reverting to the old Infonet page. 5. Rocky will send out a memo re: the ending date (June 30) for the old ID cards as soon as possible. 6. Alex will check Arvid’s Q-builder planning document. 7. Andy will bring detailed information on Bookstore traffic to the next meeting. 8. Rocky will research the purchase order problem. 9. Pam will send Bruce Spain the information on how to get money released for the lighting in the Marsee Auditorium. Jim Schwartz and the president will be copied. Meeting adjourned at 9:25 a.m. staf46