Administrative Services Staff Meeting February 11, 2010 PRESENT:

Administrative Services Staff Meeting
February 11, 2010
___Myeshia Armstrong
_x_Babs Atane
_x_Rocky Bonura
_x_Julie Bourlier
___Tom Brown
___Janice Ely
_x_Bob Gann
___Ron Gerhard
_x_Jo Ann Higdon
___Bruce Hoerning
___Reuben James
___Andy Nasatir
___Rachelle Sasser
___Fred Sturner
_x_Michael Trevis
_x_John Wagstaff
_x_ Satish Warrier
Minutes: The minutes of February 2 were approved with the following changes.
 Change to Satish Warrier (bullet #2): “The athletics eligibility report that we have been
producing for the past 15 years was just a list of student with units they are enrolled in the
term. Keith Curry (Compton Center) questioned this practice and advised us that the units
should be “actively enrolled” meaning for the units to count the section must in session at
the time of the game. Ex: A 4-unit class for 2nd 8 weeks should not be counted until the
class starts. I’ve verified this change with Bones and Carolyn at ECC and modified the
report accordingly.”
 Jo Ann noted that ECC got its second COTOP payment, and it is a rather impressive
 John noted that the Library doesn’t need an intercom system. Their needs can be handled
by tweaks to the phone system.
Program Review:
 Copies of an e-mail from Arvid Spor dated February 11 re: Strategic Initiative Successes
were shared with the group. If managers haven’t already done it, they need to work on it.
 Program Review will now be done every four years instead of every six years.
 Shobhana will send the grid to the managers. John will work with Shobhana to do the
report in Word, rather than Excel.
 ECC has been taken off warning ; however, we will get a return visit from the
accreditation group in October.
 Copies of an e-mail from Arvid Spor dated February 2 re: Administrative Services 201011 Program Reviews were shared with the group. Jo Ann wants these next week.
 The next meeting will be devoted to overviews of program reviews in plan builder. Each
manager will be given 15 minutes for his/her presentation. The next meeting will be held
on Thursday, February 25, at 11 a.m. Jo Ann will provide lunch.
Committee Reports/Division Issues:
 Mike Trevis: They met with ADT and visited the Library and the Bookstore.
 The item re: the New Zealand trip will go to the Board in February. After that all the
students involved will need to file police reports.
 They attended the neighborhood watch in ECC Village. They will put up signs that no
ECC parking is allowed in the area.
 Class 65 at the Academy is done. It had 41 students.
 A Compton instructor fell in the Music building yesterday. They took her to the
 Bob Gann:
 The Music elevator should be open on Tuesday.
 Some of the walkways should be put back together.
 They are updating costs and plans. Per Jo Ann, the VPs want to take this to the March
Board meeting.
 He distributed copies of a procedure to replace the facility 519 procedure and is looking
for input. This will be an agenda item for the staff meeting after the program review
 Rocky Bonura:
 A statement of values important. People need to respect and support each other. Jo
Ann noted that when we see what goes on at other colleges, we are lucky to be at ECC.
 They instituted an online training program with Keenan’s safe schools program. He
wants to highlight this at a management forum the next time Administrative Services
hosts. Jo Ann noted that this should be in his program review.
 The last accreditation team said ECC doesn’t blow its own horn about things it does.
 It is assumed that Lynn Solomita will be the lead for negotiations. Send suggestions to
Lynn and copy Jo Ann and Tom Brown.
 Julie Bourlier:
 They are getting ready for spring.
 Online orders are up 50%.
 They expect a big downturn in EOPS activity because they will not issue vouchers to
new students.
 Mike noted that they will have cadets out, and they will distribute code of conduct
 She will be selecting carpet for the Bookstore. Run the final choice by Jo Ann.
 John Wagstaff:
 They deployed a financial aid lab at ECC. Arvid Spor made the decision.
 They are also working on a project called Credential for Admissions and Records.
 He will get the inventory he’s working on to Jo Ann by the end of the day.
 The Chancellor’s Office list serve is buzzing with questions re: security issues. John
has developed a response.
 Satish Warrier:
 They dropped 1,656 students for non payment. He will send Jo Ann an e-mail on this
and the FTES number. 2,800 seats got filled back up
 They sent e-mail to the campus about how the things people are doing are slowing
Colleague down. If a student’s record is open, it stops the wait list program.
 There is a problem with students being required to bring a printout saying they have
paid their fees, before they can get an ID card. Sometimes they can’t get a printout.
However, the ID people could look it up on the system.
 Babs Atane: Two projects he is working on should be done today.
1. They will be meeting this afternoon on the CDC project.
2. There is a meeting on the Charles Drew issue right after this meeting.
He is also working on student athlete issues.
Meeting adjourned at 9:50 a.m.