Administrative Services Staff Meeting October 5, 2010 PRESENT: Babs Atane Rocky Bonura Julie Bourlier Tom Brown Tom Connolly Janice Ely Bob Gann Jo Ann Higdon Bruce Hoerning Reuben James Andy Nasatir Rachelle Sasser Fred Sturner Michael Trevis John Wagstaff Satish Warrier Minutes: Minutes from August 3, 9th and September 9 were approved. Jo Ann: Accreditation team will be visiting sometime in October. Please have you program review done before they arrive. Get employee evaluation done. Pay attention to cell phone usage by your staff members. All equipment that have been bought through bond funds that are $200 or more need to be tagged. Future equipment bought through bond funds need to be tagged if they are over $500. There will be exception to this. No state budget yet. Committee Reports/Division Issues: Janice: Working on the 311 report, which is due on October 10th. Preparing for auditors, they will arrive in two weeks. Starting Jury duty November 1st. Kudos to Facilities and ITS for job well done on getting Fiscal and Business Services moved and working by Monday, September 27th. Babs: Done with Executive Summary on the Bond Equipment. Working on a detailed report for internal managers. Completed field work and testing on the Bond equipment. Central plant needs to be classified as infrastructure and not equipment. Blanket Purchase Order items bought through Bond funds are not entered in the fixed asset system. John: Employees cannot be removed from the ECC distribution list unless their manager approves it. Faculty on the 1st and 2nd floor of the Humanities building who think their new laptops have been damaged they need to get a hold of ITS. Tom C: Staff is starting to like their new office. Everyone involved in the move did a great job. By the end of this week a decision will be made on the items that were left behind in their old office. Either it will be trashed or shredded. COTOP was successful, there were a large flood of email and call in the beginning, but now it has quieted down. Mike: Cadets are stationed in the Humanities building, since the faculty offices are open. North door of Humanities building is locked. Yesterday, an employee had their car repossessed. This individual had left the master key to building in the car. Arrangements are being made to recover the keys. October 16, CEC will have a Nisei College Diploma Ceremony and it has caught the attention of the Japanese paper oversees. This week the Highway Patrol will be focusing on texting while driving. It has been five weeks since the picketers have been on campus. Andy: Discussion on the Bookstore locker situation and have come up with a solution. Online sales are up 30-40%. Overall sales are still down. Book rental program will start next year. Bob: More moves are coming (Instructional Research, Public Relations). Some of the Humanities faculty will be moving into the old Purchasing office and other to the Manhattan Modular until the end of the semester. Repair of the Humanities will take about eight week. Rocky: Thanks to all that were involved in the move. Met with building captain regarding the shake out. Shredder for their office has not been finalized yet. Meeting adjourned at 10:55 a.m.